When You Left Him A Mark

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(Ooooo tables turned again!!! XD anyway Mark=Hickey ;) XD)
"You're up early." You smirked and walked past Pein while he sat at his desk marking locations on a map. You gave a small 'mhm hm.' once you entered the bathroom and when you came out, you went over to him, resting your chin on the top of his head with your hands on his shoulders. "When are we going there?" "Soon. Probably in another two weeks." You gave a nod and pecked the side of his head just to give a small giggle. "Hm?" "Nothing." He grabbed your hand and tugged you back right after you started to walk back towards the bed. "(Y/n)." You smiled at him as he stared at you with a serious expression, you then pointed at side of your neck under your jawline with a smirk. He then smirked when he looked back down, making you give a small smile and sit in his lap sideways. "I could give you another. I was sitting like this too." You kissed his cheek, he smirked and pushed on your back slightly. "My Goddess, not now I have work to do." He pecked your forehead just before you got up off his lap with a small smile and headed to the door. "I'll let you get back to work." He sighed with a head shake, then placed his hand in his neck and rested his elbow on the desk.
You gave a small groan once you stepped into the room, taking off your cloak, tossing it on the bed before fixing your hair as you walked to the bathroom. "Kakuzu can you stitch this up." Kakuzu glanced up from his money at you looking at your elbow in the mirror before walking over to him with a small frown. "It's gonna coast." You gave an eye roll and a small chuckle as he smirked and placed his money to the side. "And for something you left on me." You gave blushing cheeks and looked to the side, extending out your arm, he took it then gave you stitches. "You were stressed so I calmed you. It worked too." He started to count his money again, you sat on his lap and lifted up his mask, seeing a mark in the crease of his neck about the size of your fingerprint. You gave a small giggle and leaned against his shoulder, taking a bill from his pile. "(Y/n)." "Hm?" When you looked up with a smile his eyes met yours before the two of you looked over at the door. "(Y/n). Follow me please." You gave a small nod, then a sigh when Pein-sama left the room, getting up off of Kakuzu's lap. "Now I can focus." You narrowed your eyes and placed on your cloak. "You enjoyed it." He chuckled as you left the room.
"Hey Dei-Dei." Deidara smiled once he felt your hands on his shoulders as he worked on his clay. "What's have you been up to, hm?" "Well I was playing a game with Tobi but can't find him." Deidara gave a small groan, you just gave an eye roll and played your chin on his shoulder, pulling his hair to the side. "Don't be jealous." "If only you knew, yeah." You then giggled, causing him to lean up and look at you with a raised eyebrow. "Hm?" "I seemed to have left you a little something." You pointed to the side of your neck with a smirk and light pink cheeks, he then did the same, standing back up and putting his hands on your sides. "When, hm?" "I gave it to you while you were arched and working on your clay yesterday, remember." He smirked then pulled you closer before falling onto his back on the bed. "But I left you two, yeah." You gave a small giggle then a relieving sigh as he put his forehead to yours, both of you with your eyes shut. "That is true." "(Y/n)-chan!" You gave parted lips then got up off of Deidara to see Tobi at the door waving. "You're good at hiding." He chuckled then took your hand and led you out of the room. "Be back Dei-Dei! Love you!" He smirked then sat up with a small nod. "Love you, un. Beautiful."
You were in Pein-sama's office when Obito saw a fingerprint size mark on the unscared side of his neck, under his jawline. "Hey Tobi." You shut the door and looked it with a small to see Obito peek out from the bathroom doorway with a small frown, making you give worried (e/c) eyes and a small frown yourself. "Obito? Babe whats-."  "You gave me a bruise." Obito winked as he pointed to his neck, making you blush and smile and lay back against the door. "Oops, well that's what you get when Tobi said 'Obito needs love'." Obito chuckled and went over to you, pecking your forehead as you hugged him, giggling into his chest. "(Y/n) a bad g-." "Tobi, un!" You pulled back and Obito placed on his mask and cloak. "Deidara Senpai angry?!" You smiled and went out of the room with Tobi holding onto your shoulders following you. "(Y/n)-chan bad girl! Tobi good boy!" You gave an eye roll and a head shake with a relieving sigh.
"Hm?" You were still asleep when Sasori seen the mark right on his jawline, it was the size of his pinky fingerprint. He peeked out of the bathroom to see you sitting up in bed and stretching, then smiling when Sasori went over to you. "Morning Sasori." "Love. I believe you have left me a love mark." You gave a confused look once he sat at his desk, your eyes then widened after blush struck your cheeks, making you smile and get out of bed. "Oh." You giggled and sat in his lap, your back to him and you putting your hand on his. "Is that okay that I did?" You waited for him to answer, he kissed the back of your head and placed his fingers around yours. "I don't see why not." You then smiled and blushed more, kissing his cheek only for him to turn your head. "Not now love I'm busy." You gave an eye roll and got off his lap and headed to the bathroom. "You didn't mind yesterday." "Hm?" You sealed your lips and sped walked to the bathroom with a small giggle as Sasori stared at you, then back down at his work with a head shake.
As you sat in the garden, placing a new type of soil on the ferns, Zetsu was arguing with himself just as he came all the way up out of the ground. "Hey you." You didn't hear a response, you looked over and gave a concerned look seeing the light side of Zetsu look to the side. "What?" "Apparently you're not a fair human." You gave a confused look and tried to hold back a smile, the dark side of Zetsu then gave a small groan, making the light side lower his cloak off his shoulder. "He feels offended that I've gotten a mark." You gave slightly widened eyes at the mark that was the size of a thumbprint at the bottom of Zetsu's neck, then gave a small giggle and stood up, dusting off your hands and placed your arms around his neck, staring at the dark side. "Oh well, I'm sorry." The dark side gave an 'uh huh' groan, making you give a small frown. "Well, when we go back into the lake later." Just before you could finish your sentence, Zetsu's lips pressed his lips against yours. "My dear." "Don't need to take things so seriously. But if you insist." You gave an eye roll and a deep sigh, breaking from Zetsu's grip after giving him a peck on the lips then a double pat on his chest. "Well okay then." You went to go sit back down as Zetsu's dark side grunted and his light side smiled. "You're not the fair one. So greedy." "Don't start. I was kidding. She took it seriously.""That's because you're always serious."
After Hidan woke up with a loud yawn, he gave a deep sigh seeing you weren't in bed, when he got up to go check the bathroom, his dark violet eyes slightly widened seeing a mark the size of a thumbprint under the middle of his jawline. "That bitch." He went back in bed, laid on his back with arms behind his head and a big smirk on his face, he peeked opened his eyes to see you come into the room in his hoodie and shorts. "What's with that look?" He signaled you with his finger and narrowed eyes, you gave a confused look and went over to him, sitting on his lower part on the stomach. "What?" "When did the hell did you do this?" You blushed when he leaned over, you then gave a small giggle then a smirk. "I tried to wake your lazy ass up." He gave a chuckle then a deep sigh, sitting up with you still in his lap. "Uh huh. Tried to seduce me in my sleep." "What the fuck ever." He pecked your cheek then lifted you up off of him, making you give narrowed eyes seeing him heading for the door. "Hidan?" "I'll be back." "It looks like I beat you." Just before he shut the door he smirked and winked. "Don't get kinky now." You blushed then deep sighed and shook your head. "Fucken idiot."
Kisame peeked open his eyes to see you getting out of bed with a small yawn and heading to the bathroom. "Where are you going?" You turned to him with a dumbfounded look. "The bathroom. To shower." He smirked with a chuckle and got out of bed, he smirked more with light pink cheeks seeing you strip down and get into the shower. He was about to do the same before looking into the mirror seeing a mark about the size of a fingerprint on the crease of his neck, making him smirk and chuckle. "So, you did leave a mark?" You blushed as you rinsed out the bubbles from your hair, you blushed more after feeling Kisame's arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to him as he pecked the back of your head. "Didn't think I did." You giggled just to turn to him, smirking as he did the same wit a chuckle. "Now was this during or after the shower?" You hit Kisame's chest with the back of your hand lightly with an eye roll. "It was during and don't think about it." He chuckled and turned you back to him, pecking your lips. "The water is my territory, remember?"
You stepped out of bed with Orochimaru still in it. "Pein-sama wants to see me in his office." He gave you a small nod then sat up and rubbed his arms, you smiled and kissed his cheek, making him grin and shut his eyes. "Well you better get going." You smiled then pulled his hair back just to giggle, and get out of bed, with him following you. "I know you left me something." You gave parted lips with light pink cheeks, he gave you a small smirk and took your hand pulling you to his lips, pecking you softly. "During a meeting, how sneaky." You blushed more but when an eye roll, he pecked your forehead. "Well I'll be back." He gave a nod, you then left the room as he smirked and pushed his hair to the side. "That women."

(Some might be iffy hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon XD)

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