When You Call Him Senpai

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You were in Pein's office after coming back from a day mission with Tobi, as you were sitting on the bed resting he was doing paperwork. "Pein, come cuddle me." "I can't yet (Y/n)." "Please. My king." He sighed and place down his pen, looking at you with his purple eyes. "(Y/n). You know I'm busy." You rolled your eyes and laid on the bed. "Senpai!" Yours and Pein's eyes widened as you stared at each other, you smiled as he keep a confused expression. "Hah. Sorry I've been around Tobi." He gave a nod and turned back to his desk, you blushed and laid back on the bed giggling.
You and Kakuzu were both counting money, you sat on his bed while he sat in his arm chair. You got bored so you sighed and glanced your (e/c) eyes at him seeing his green and red ones stare back. "Kuzu, I'm bored." "And." "Let's do something." "Heh, you still owe me an-." "No Kakuzu." "Heh, I know." You smiled and giggled as he smirked and counted his money. "Senpai?" He looked at you as he lowered his money. "(Y/n). If you start sounding like Tobi. No more money, at all." You gave a frown as you scooted back to the end of the bed. "Oops..Kuzu senpai.." "(Y/n)."
"Dei-Dei." You sat on the bed waiting for Deidara to look at you, he was at his desk working on his clay bird. "Deidara." "Hm." You groaned as you waited for him to look up at you, your (e/c) eyes narrowed. "Deidara-Senpai!" That caught his attention he turned to look at you just with the face you excepted. "No don't you dare start talking like Tobi, un!" You giggled before the both of you looked to the door where Tobi stood. "That's Tobi's Senpai! (Y/n)-chan bad girl!" You continued to laugh watching Deidara getting dragged out by Tobi. "You should of noticed me Dei-Dei."
You and Tobi were playing a bored game in his room, like always he was flaying his arms around bragging since you lost again, that's twice you lost to him. "Yayy! Tobi wins again!" "Good job." "Yayyy Tobi wins right
(Y/n)-chan?!" "Yes." "Yayy." Seconds later he ran around the room as your (e/c) eyes narrowed. "Tobi-Senpia! Stop!" He stopped abd held his hands to his mask with a gasp. "No!!" You giggled seeing Tobi run out of the room screaming with his arms still flaying as he ran to Deidara. "Really, un?" "Yes."
You and Sassori were making puppets together at his desk, as the two of you sat in silence you both could hear Tobi yell for Deidara as he past by the door. "Deidara-senpai!" You giggled while Sassori just ignored them like always. Your (e/c) eyes glanced back at Sassori with a smile. "Sassori-senpai." His dark brown eyes looked at you, you could see he was confused in his eyes and in voice. "Love, why must you call me senpai?" You didn't know whether to giggle or not but you did anyway. "Well, I want you to notice me." He grabbed your wrist and held it staring at you. "I always do love." You smiled and blushed as you let go of his hand and continued to work on puppets. "I know, I was just kidding, I wanted to see how you would react." "Interesting."
"Zetsu." You looked at him with your (e/c) eyes as you waited him to look up at you from his plants, he did eventually with his light side smiling. "Yes my dear." You pointed to the potted plant as he looked over at it, then grabbed it and handed you it. "Thank you senpai." You whispered, holding the plant up to your eyes with a smile. "What the hell was that
(Y/n)? "Yes I agree my dear." You blushed as you looked back at him setting down the plant. "I'm just kidding calm down."
"Hidan! Give it back you ass!" Hidan was holding up a scroll you have to give to Leader-sama over your head and with his arm stretched as far as he could as he chuckled. "Nope." Your narrowed your (e/c) eyes after he popped the p, then he started to walk down the hall way as you crossed your arms with a smirk. "Hidan-Senpai!" He smirked as he turned around with his dark violet eyes narrowed playfully as he walked over you you. "Senpai huh? Well then." He kissed your lips, you pulled away slowly then grabbed the scroll and ran down the hall. "(Y/n)! Come back here you little fuck!" "Nope! Your dumbass fell for it!"
You were waiting for Orochimaru to get back from Leader-sama's office in his room, you were sitting in bed reading a book until your (e/c) eyes glanced up at Orochimaru coming through the door. "Orochimaru-senpai!" He looked at you with a smirk as he approached you, pulling the ends of your (h/c) hair to his lips. "Yes my snake?" You smiled and blushed and pecked his cheek. "Senpai noticed me!" "Am I supposed to?" "No!"

(Anyway didn't have any other ideas so I hoped you liked this one and enjoyed it more to come soon)

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