When He Awakes From His Coma

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(I'm very tired so this might suck XD) Pein
It's been three days since Kisame placed Pein on his bed for he was in a coma. You didn't know when he was going to wake up so you took his position. You gave meetings, sent scrolls, and assigned missions and reports to members. You were at Pein's desk, half asleep as you rolled up a scroll with a yawn, placing it on a pile of five other scrolls. When you glanced at Pein, he was still asleep for you could hear him softly snoring. But as soon as you rested your head on the table, facing the opposite side of him as you forged Pein's signature. Pein opened up his eyes, grunting, he tried to move but grunted again when he couldn't. "Pein." You stared at him then sped walked to him, your eyes watery as he started at you. "My Goddess." You leaned down and hugged him gently as if you were hugging Nagato. Pein hugged you back as well with both arms, not letting you pull back when you tried. "I." "I know Pein. You don't have to explain to me. But seeing those three orphans reminded me of the stories you told me." Pein gave a deep sigh and released you, he pecked the top of your head with a smile, an actual one where he showed you his teeth. "Why are you so amazing?" You blushed, you then laid on the opposite side of him when taking off your cloak just so he could pull you close with one arm. "Because I'm the new leader now." "You're going to make me fall into another coma." "You need the sleep. I do too...shhh..." "I love you." "Love you too."
Pein-sama helped you when bringing Kakuzu back to the base, but tending to him he took no part in. It's been four days since Kakuzu been in a coma, you were surprised it was taking this long for him to wake up. But I'm the mean time, you managed to count up over 3000 dollars throughout those days. You were sitting in Kakuzu's arm chair, holding his mask as you slept curled up. When Kakuzu awoke, he smiled instead of smirking when seeing you there. "Ow." You rubbed your head after being hit with a coin, you then smiled at Kakuzu whom was sitting up in bed with a smirk as he tossed another penny at you. "Seems if I'm going to make it up to you. I need a lot more money." You smiled and crawled next to him when going over to Kakuzu. You were now sitting in his lap as he held you close to him with both arms. "I figured a hospital would be expensive so. Brought you here instead." "Tch. I'd prefer the hospital." You gave narrowed eyes only for Kakuzu to chuckle and kiss your cheek, holding you tightly. "I'm sorry about everything." "It's okay..I'm sorry too." Kakuzu laid you on top of him, stroking your hair as you gave a deep sigh. "Gets some rest alright. Having you in my arms will do the same for me."
Deidara gave a grunt when waking up, he glanced around only to see that he was in his room when you and Orochimaru brought him back on his summoning snake. He then glanced over to the door just to see you step inside the room. "Beautiful.." you looked up with parted lips, dropping the bowl of rice you had made and ran to him. "Deidara!" It's been a week since Deidara fell into a coma, you held back tears of joy as you hugged him tightly with your arms around his neck and his arms around your sides. "I missed you." "I don't see why, un." You pulled back, cupping his cheeks before he held your hands and interlocked his fingers with yours when you sat beside him. "Dei-." "(Y/n), I know I apologized already but...I love you so much, yeah." You smiled, he smiled as well, you both hugged each other with the same expression once more. "I love you too Deidara. And I'm sorry as well." You gave a small laugh when Deidara pulled you close to him and onto your side so he could spoon you. "You must be tired, un. I'll make it up to you somehow...I promise, un...I'll start by cleaning up the mess you made in the doorway, hm."
Hidan was surprised when you managed to carry Tobi back to the base yourself, reason for he didn't know. But it's been two days since then, but they gave you just enough time for you to fix his mask. Obito's eyes fluttered open, he sat up with a gasp, only to groan towards the pain on his arm. He looked around for you, seeing you not there made him lay back down with a deep sigh. "You're awake." Obito's looked over at you only to see you smiling at him after locking the door and approaching him. When you did, he hugged you tightly with both arms, giving shaking breaths when holding back tears. "You didn't leave me?" You smiled and stormed his brown hair, when he pulled back, you handed him his mask, which caused him to give parted lips. "I'm sorry t-." Obito's hand was placed over your mouth, when you looked at him, he sat back down and looked away when removing his hand. "Please don't apologize. All this was my fault. I've created scars on you that are not see able to the human eye" you pulled Obito's close to you, hugging him tightly as he hugged you back. "Obito...please get better. I miss Tobi too." "I'm sure he misses you just as much."
Deidara helped you get Sasori back and into the base. You were relieved to find out that he was still alive, just to get sad once finding out he was in a coma. You were laying on your side, asleep while holding onto Sasori's hand when he opened his eyes. "Love." You woke up after feeling your cheek being stoked, when you sat up, you seen Sasori staring at you. "Sasori!" You sat up, he did the same as well, slightly though. You then placed your arms around his side, hugging him tightly with a smile as he placed an arm around you. "How long h-." "It's been three days. I repaired your hand and side." Sasori moved his fingers, then looked down to see not a scratch on him. When you pulled back, he cupped both of your cheeks, pressing his forehead to yours with his eyes shut. "(Y/n)..love I." "You apologized already Sasori. And I'm sorry too." Your lips pressed against Sasori's. When you pulled back, he pulled you to his chest and started to rub your arms. "You have no reason to apologize. It makes me happy that you're still by my side." When Sasori smiled at you, you smiled even more, kissing his cheek as he looked at his fingers. "Are you proud of me?" "Interestingly amazed."
After Tobi helped you take Zetsu back to his garden, which you made it easy by having Tobi blindfolded when carrying Zestu, all you did was have to led Tobi then led him back to the base. You basically covered Zetsu up in healing plants he grew just in case of you get injured. It's been three days since then, and after tearing apart and placing more of those leaves on him, you fell asleep beside him. Zetsu peeked open his eyes just to see your sleeping face in felt if his for his forehead was pressed against yours. "She stayed with us." "And healed us." After feeling a strand of your hair get pushed to the side, you sat up with a yelp thinking it was an insect crawling on you. But you then gave parted lips towards Zetsu, whom was sitting up and staring at you. "Zetsu." You jumped onto him, your arms tightened around his neck as he tensed with a grunt. "I'm glad you're okay." The light side of Zetsu smiled slightly, along with the dark side doing the same when both hugging you back just as tight. "(Y/n)." "My dear...you should of." "Left us for dead." "And gave me tend to all these plants alone? I don't think so." You smiled and pulled back only to receive a kiss on your cheek, making the both of you smile more at each other. "We're sorry." "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean what I said Zetsu." "Well...you are right now that we think about it." "Grass gets stepped on."
Hidan squinted his eyes that were shut, he had recently regained his hearing just to hear light breathing after waking up from a coma. Which Kakuzu in formed you about in a very disappointed tone and said it would take him less than four days to wake. He opened up his eyes for he were in a tight grip and glanced around his room then looked down only to see you laying on him. Your arms wrapped around and underneath his sides with your head laying on his upper stomach. "(Y/n)." When Hidan moved slightly, you lifted up your head with widened eyes and a parted smile. "Praise Jashin you're alive." You leaned off of Hidan and took his hands, kissing both of them before he pulled away to hold your cheek. "I am immortal...but I still feel pain." You looked away with a shaking breath, Hidan then made you face him, he was giving you a slight smile before he sighed. "Look (Y/n). I'm sorry I'm such an asshole to you. But please...I'm begging you. Know that you are my world and I love you." You smiled, pushing his hand off only for him to chucked and pull you close to him, kissing the side of your head. "Guess I gotta go apologize to Kakuzu for making him stitch me up." "Actually...I stitched you up." Hidan looked away from the stitching on his side then at you. Seeing you smile at him, Hidan smiled at you so much he had look away and give an eye roll. "What would I do without you, huh?" "You'd probably be scattered somewhere." "Shut...true."
Zetsu helped you bring Kisame back to the base and in his room. Zetsu wanted to let him sink in the water at the lake but you didn't want that. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, it's been just one whole day since Kisame been in a coma. You had a wet cloth and you were dabbing his wounds and keeping him moist since the base was hot. Your eyes were getting droopy, you've been up all night and haven't regained energy from crying your eyes out either. You closed your eyes just for a split second, you were about to lay down before you felt something hold you up. Your eyes widened when seeing Kisame smirk as you as his palm held your cheek. "Getting sleepy Shark bait?" You smiled, hugging his arm only for him to sit up and pull you to his chest. "Kisame." "Have you forgiven me?" You gave a nod with a smile, causing Kisame to smile as you as well and press his forehead against yours. "I love you so much." "I love you so much too Kisame." Kisame pulled you into the bed with him and spooned you, not letting you go when you tried to break free with a giggle. "You need sleep. I don't need you trying to drown me later. Surprised you haven't done that already." "I thought about it. I'm just kissing." "Uh huh. But I deserve it."
It's been four days since Itachi been in a coma, and like you did everyday till then, you were sitting next to him on his bed. He was laying on his stomach so the wound could heal, as he slept, you stroked his ponytail with your eyes shut and your face resting against your palm. Itachi woke up minutes later, he smirked to see you peek open your eyes then close them, only for your orbs to widened. "Itachi." You smiled, he lifted himself up, but just to lay back down with a grunt. "(Y/n)." Itachi piled your forehead, making you smile slightly before he brought your hand to his lips and pecked it softly before holding it to where his heart was. "Are you alright?" You gave a nod and laid on your side, facing him but staring at him since his eyes were closed. "Are you okay?" "Are you still being with me?" You gave a nod and a 'yeah' with a small smile, causing Itachi to cast his arm over you and pull you close to him, kissing your cheek in the process. "Then I'm fine as well. As long as I have you...nothing matters." You blushed and kiss the top of his head, hugging him when he turned into his side to hold you closer to him. "Don't apologize. And don't say you weren't going to either. I love you." "I love you Itachi. I'm sorry to." "Of course you did so anyways."
Itachi helped you on getting Orochimaru back to the base and in his room. From there, it's been three days since Orochimaru's coma. You were starting to get worried but didn't show it for you knew he was going to be okay. You were asleep on the edge of the bed, you were watching him but you fell asleep three minutes after doing so. Orochimaru awoke at that time as well, he smiled at you, he tugged the blankets that were over him but you didn't budge. "She needs the sleep anyways." When Orochimaru closed his eyes, he widened then when feeling you laying on him, you arms around his neck with hit face pressed against his chest. "Orochi." When you looked up at him, Orochimaru started to stroke your hair, making you smile as he smirked and kissed your hand after removing it from behind him. "I was hoping you didn't leave me for dead." You smirked, laying your head back down on his chest as he continued to stroke your hair. "(Y/n)." "Yeah?" "Did you know that you are the most precious thing ever to exist?" You blushed, giving an eye roll with a shoulder shrug. "No." "Good, seems I have many ways to prove that you."

(Hoped you enjoyed this! More to cone soon enough XD I don't think any are going to follow after this but I wouldn't doubt if some scenarios won't tie into this later on.)

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