When He Sits On You

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(Tehehe. Oh I can handle your craziness Hidan. Heh heh heh. *snaps back into reality* Anyways this is a random scenario XD)
You were still asleep when Pein got back from his his mission, it was late and he didn't want to wake you, nor was he ready to sleep. Instead of him doing paperwork, he decided to as least join you in bed, he saw your form wrapped in the sheets since the room was always cold. When he went to go to his side of the bed, he sat on the edge of it, his eyes gave a confused look, he then pulled the blankets to see you not on your side. "Pein." He looked over to see you laying on your back smirking at him with a tired expression, he realized he was sitting on your thighs after you tried to remove yourself from him. He stood up after you gave a small laugh and scooted over, he sat back on the edge just for you to lay our head on his knee when he propped it up. "My apologies." "That's okay." "Maybe if you were on your side I wouldn't have sat on you." "Sh. Sleep. We'll talk about that tomorrow."
After you and Kakuzu came back from a mission, Pein-sama handed you about four to six images of people he wanted you to take care of, Kakuzu grunted and followed behind you, as you scanned through the information on each of them, you smirked and sat in Kakuzu's chair he would count money in, making him give narrowed eyes abd step up in front of you. "Out of my chair." You gave a small smirk when you looked up at him, then glancing back down shuffling papers. "No. I got the bounty task so I get the opportunity of sitting here." Kakuzu gave a grunt then took off his cloak, you up at him with a small smile but then gave parted lips after he sat on you, leaning back with the papers in his hands, looking through them as you tried to push him off. "Kakuzu get off of me." "I asked you to move." You gave a small eye roll and groan, you then gave up, and when you did, Kakuzu sat up, pulling you out of the chair then into his lap, making you give a blushing cheeks with a small groan. "You didn't have to sit on me." "You didn't have to refuse either."
After getting woken up by Deidara, you continued to lay in bed, on your stomach, Deidara was in front of you lightly pulling your bangs with a chuckle. "Beautiful come on, un. You gotta get up, yeah." You smiled after he kissed your cheek, making you frown and him stand back up, about to walk to his desk before a knock was at the door. "(Y/n)-chan!" Deidara gave narrowed eyes then sat on you, making you gasp as you tried to push him off, but when you did, he leaned more of his weight on you. Tobi then opened the door to see on the bed his eyes shut. "Deidara, is sh-." "No Tobi. She isn't here, un." You gave parted lips with a small smile, trying to wiggle out from underneath Deidara, as his arms were still crossed giving a blank expression with slightly narrowed eyes towards Tobi as he rubbed the back of his head. "Well if Deidara Senpai sees girl-chan, Pein-sama needs her!" After that Tobi shut the door and left the room, making Deidara give widened eyes. "Deidara off!" Deidara stood up with a chuckle and looked at you, seeing you sit up on the bed with narrowed eyes and a small smile you tried to hold back. "Sorry. Thought he wanted to spend time with you, un." You gave a sigh as he helped you off the bed, making you give him a peck on the cheek before you opened the door, seeing Pein there. "Don't hide when your called for." "But it w-. Yes Leader."
You gave a small smile as you waited in the base's den for a meeting, Deidara sat next to you and Kisame sat on the other side of you, so when Tobi skipped into the room he threw a small fit until he was told to sit, which he did but ok the ground in front of you. "Tobi stop." You lightly nudged the back of him with your foot after he kept placing his hand on your leg. "Now, this ends." Tobi jumped up with a small yawn as he stretched. "Welp! Time to go no-." "Sit down." Tobi did so, but on your lap neatly, you gave parted lips with light pink cheeks, then focused on Pein-sama. "This meeting is dismissed." Everyone stood up and walked off, you tried to push Tobi off but he waited till everyone passed by. "Tobi your heavy off." Tobi stood up then fell back on your lap, purposely, leaning against you as you smiled more. "Why (Y/n)-chan?" You pushed him off with a small laugh, when he landed on the ground, you kissed his mask before leaving the room, making him stand up and follow you. "(Y/n)-chan! Do you want to sit on Tobi's lap next time!"
"Ow." Sasori gave a small glance up at you, seeing you pick at your thumb before glancing back down at the puppet he was putting together. You gave a small sigh and left the desk, going over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it trying to get a small splinter out before Sasori noticed. "Love. You pricked yourself. Didn't you?" You gave a small nod, when you glanced up, Sasori was in front of you, he then made a turning gesture, as if he was going to go back to his desk but instead, he sat on your lap and took your hand, making you give widened eyes and parted lips. "Sasori you don't have t-." "Just hold still." You gave a small sigh and did so, you bit your lip slightly once he pulled it out, he then stood up and went back to his desk, you then looked at your finger then went up to him, kissing his cheek when you wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you." In response, Sasori kissed your hand after holding it, making you blush more.
You were in Zetsu's garden, sitting the grass, playing with pieces of it as he moved plants into different positions. You glanced up after seeing a butterfly float past you, you gave a small smile and stretched out your legs to see if it would land on your foot but it didn't, instead it landed on a daisy. "What is it my dear?" You saw Zetsu standing next to you, you leaned back on your elbows with a small head tilt as you stared in that direction. "That butterfly has wings that look like an angry face." "What?" "Where? I don't see it." You gave a small smile then looked back
"You can from this angle." You a confused look when Zetsu stepped in front of you, you then gave parted lips when he sat down on your lap. "Still don't see it." As you gave a small eye roll then a giggle, trying to pull your legs from underneath him, the light side of Zetsu smiled with a head tilt. "I see it." The butterfly then flew off, you didn't watch it for you were trying to shove Zetsu off. "Sorry my dear." Zetsu stood up, looking down at you, light side still smiling, you gave a small laugh and one yourself before laying on the grass. "See told you." "I didn't see it." "I saw."
"Get your ass up." Hidan was up before you, since he had to go to Pein-sama's office. You were asleep, it was still early so you gave a groan and hit his hand off that was on your shoulder, shaking you awake after ripping the blankets from you. "No. Let me sleep." "Hell no." You rolled onto your back and gave him narrowed eyes, when he turned his back to walk off, you hit him with a pillow. "You wanna start that shit?" "You started it first." Hidan walked back over to you, then sat on your stomach. "Get off asshole!" Hidan smirked then started to lightly bounce, making you give a small giggle as you tried to push him off as he put more weight on you. "You gonna stop being bitchy?" You gave a small groan with a sigh, giving up as he looked at you with an eyebrow raise. You crossed your arms with an eye roll and another giggle. "Yeah." "All right then." Hidan stood up letting you take in a deep breath after you sat up, he began to walk towards the door before you threw a pillow at him, he turned his head with narrowed violet eyes, seeing you smile calmly. "I love you." "Love you too." He left the room after tossing the pillow back to you, hitting against your face before you clinched it in your arms. "Jerk."
You woke up before Kisame, you made yourself a bowl of rice, well Itachi made it for you since he was getting annoyed by hearing your stomach growl during the meeting Kisame slept through. When you went into a room, placing a spoonful in your mouth, Kisame came out of the bathroom. "Let me guess. Itachi." You gave a nod and sat in the bed, Kisame went over to you, taking the bowl and spoon, leaning in for a kiss as you did the same before he sat on your lap and began to eat the rest. "Kisame that's mine!" "That's too bad." You gave an eye roll, you didn't bother trying to shove him off since he would have put more weight on you, when you gave a small sigh, Kisame placed the bowl on your chest when you laid back with crossed arms, he then stood up, about to walk out of the room with a grin before looking back at you. "Come on. Let's go into the village, maybe there you'll learn how to share." You smiled and stood up, following him out of the room with a small giggle. "I love you." "Uhuh."
You and Itachi were on a mission together, as the both of you ran out of the forest, catching up to the enemy's with out being seen, you watched the four of them go into a small hideout, with three of them did, one patrolled the area. "Well let's go now." You started to walk off before Itachi tripped you, you landed on your stomach, giving narrowed eyes before trying to get back up. Before you could, Itachi sat on your back, making you give widened eyes seeing the patroller go into the shack. "Itachi?! What the h-." "We are not attacking yet. Be patient." You relaxed, laying on your cheek against the grass with a small sigh, pulling your kunai close to you, Itachi then stood up and started to walk off, he stopped and looked back at you just as you sat up with narrower eyes. "Now we can." Itachi gave you a small smirk before turning back around and walking off, you standing up with an eye roll and a small sigh, catching up to him.
You sat in the living room of the base waiting for Orochimaru to join the meeting that was about to start. "Seems I'm not late." You gave a nod, Orochimaru gave a head tilt, trying to lift up your chin until you turned away. "Aren't you going to make room for me to sit." You sat in the middle of the couch next to Kisame, the other side of you was cramped. "Just sit on her." You gave parted lips after Kisame chuckled, you then crossed your arms with a head shake as Orochimaru pushed his hair to the side with a smirk of his own. You gave a small smile after a surprised expression when Orochimaru sat on your lap, he then leaned back and against you, picking up and pushing to the side a strand of your hair. "Now why would I do so?" You gave a small giggle and laid your head against him, making him smirk then lean back up just as everyone came into the room, making you give a head shake when he slid off of you. "Seemed that worked?" "Uhuh."

(So this was random XD but hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon!)

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