Special Scenario: The 4th Of July

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(Hello Reader-chans!! I've been feeling a lot better. I'm me again. I feel, well. Fucktabulous. Well..around the time I published the note, I fell into a depression. Which is not like me at all..I'm always spontaneous and just. I don't know, anyways the situation is takin care of. But importantly, I just want to say thank you all for the comments on the Author Note. I have been publishing but not Scenarios sadly. But anyways. I'm back, going through the list of requests. But since it's a holiday, let's do this!)
"Pein, aren't you going to watch the fireworks with the rest of us?" After opening up the door to Pein's office, only to see him sitting at the desk, you gave a slight frown when he shook his head. "I don't have time to celebrate." You gave a eye roll, shutting the door with a faint sigh behind rubbing his shoulder. "Pein..Deidara worked on the fireworks. And everyone is outside the base. There's watermelon." Pein looked at your pouty face only to give a small smirk with a faint sigh when standing up. "Fine." "Yay! If the watermelon is gone someone is going on a death mission." After getting Pein out of his office, the two of you sat on top of the base and watched the fireworks, you of course at a piece of watermelon. Pein was focused on you, seeing you smile and laugh and talk to the other members without a problem when you would hit one of them with the rim of the melon. But overall, Pein couldn't help but pull you close with a smirk, thanking you in silence that you brought him out here to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday together.
"Where did that women go?" Kakuzu gave a deep sigh when holding onto the scroll he needed to deliver back to the base. Today, the village was crowded for a reason Kakuzu didn't know why. "Just shaved ice is fine." Right after getting your snow cone, you turned your body only to bump into Kakuzu, whom was giving narrowed eyes down at you. "Hello Kuzu." You smiled when taking a bite on the top of the snow cone, as for Kakuzu he looked around then at you. "Can we watch the fireworks? It's the Fourth of July." "No. Deidara can make explosions as the base. Let's go." You gave a faint sigh, but you didn't budge instead you turned towards the direction everyone was looking at, even though you couldn't see past the crowd. "(Y/n)." "I'll catch up with you later, okay? I just want to see the firework show." You then gasped when you were lifted up, but smiled when Kakuzu placed you on his shoulders then crossed his arms with a head shake. "Now you can use the excuse of wanting to the see the firework show." You and Kakuzu did stay and watch the firework show, even after it was over, Kakuzu bought you sparklers for the walk home, he even carried you on his shoulders back. You showed that you had a good time when celebrating the holiday by smiling and laughing a bit. To Kakuzu that was enough for him to enjoy it as well, except he didn't show it.
"Are you going to lounge around all night, Beautiful?" You blushed with an eye roll when Deidara leaned against his bedroom doorway. You had recently got back from a mission last night and been sleeping and resting through at the day. But as for Deidara, he's been planning to celebrate the Fourth of July, only because he likes to show off. "Ugh..maybe..why?" "Don't you want to watch some fireworks, hm? It is a holiday, yeah?" You gave a groan and rolled onto your back as he chuckled. "Fine." It was dark out when you stepped outside, but you gave a confused look when seeing actual fireworks be lined up. "Since I'm always the one creating explosions, un. Your turn, yeah." You gave more of a confused look for there were at least twenty to light up. "Use your Burning Ash jutsu, just no ash, un." After that being said, Deidara laid a couple of feet away on the grass as you used your jutsu, which worked. But shortly after you laid next to him, the two of you sat up when watching the fireworks shoot straight to the base, hitting against the rock before they explode with various colors. But you an Deidara managed to escape on his clay bird before being blamed, which caused laughter into the night. Making the holiday worth getting in trouble for celebrating.
"Deidara." "Hm?" "Can I borrow one?" You smirked then cracked open the room door to Tobi's room with one of Deidara's clay spiders, placing it on the floor while trying to hold back your laughter. Tobi was still asleep, unlike you, you remembered that today was the Fourth of July and that there was a festival being held in the Hidden Leaf. "Katsu." "Ah!" You pushed open the door with a big smile only to see Tobi on the floor, making you giggle. "Get up! I have a big day planned for the two of us!" Shortly after explaining, you and Tobi went to the village, where the two of you bought snow cones of the holiday colors, ate watermelon, well Tobi stole from someone, and played few of the games. But once it hit night fall, you and Tobi sat on top of the Madara stone and watched the fireworks. You fell asleep after a few hours into the show, but Tobi carried you back. Even Obito enjoyed spending the holiday with you.
"July of the Fourth? What is that? I see no point in celebrating a holiday I never heard of." You gave a deep sigh, but kept your calm smile when holding a plastic bag of sparklers you purchased in the village. You had recently arrived back from a mission from the Land of Fire with Deidara, which the two of you were reminded of it being a holiday. "Well..we don't have to have a huge celebration. I though we can just go outside and light sparklers." Sasori gave a faint sigh through his nose, looking over at you to see your calm smile, then took your hand and pressed his lips to it when looking back at his puppetry. "If that will keep you from feeling disappointment. Alright, love." You smiled when you and Sasori left the base, it was dark out, which was perfect for the two of you. Once lighting a sparkler for the each of you, you waved it around as Sasori stared at it. You blushed and smiled when he held two of them, you giggled seeing how fascinated it he was. Sasori gave the same expression to you, smirking slightly when seeing you smile and laugh, he couldn't help but to pull you close and hold you from behind. He may have not understood the point of the holiday, but he did enjoy it without denying.
"Is this a bit too much, My Dear?" "Tch. It's just the Fourth of July. No big deal." You gave an eye roll to the dark side of Zetsu's comment but still continued to smile. After stepping into the garden to see if Zetsu wanted to go plant browsing since the village was hosting a sale due to it being a holiday, the plans changed. "Zetsu.." You blushed when seeing a picnic blanket stretched out next to the pond that had lilipads with candles on top, floating around the water. "I thought since it is a holiday, we can celebrate." "We celebrate being with her everyday. What's the po-." You hugged him tightly, kissing both of their cheeks with a smile. "That was cheesy." "Tch. Can't have him being the romantic one all the damn time." "Not my fault you're scared." The two continued to bicker, but it didn't stop the either of you from enjoying the evening together. Zetsu and you mostly talked on the picnic blanket, but it eventually ended up with the two of you skinny dipping in the pond with the candles floating around the two of you. Turning the celebration of the holiday into a romantic date night.
"What the fuck as that?" At the time of a sound of a canon being shot echoed through the forest, where you and Hidan were at. You both looked up into the sky only to see fireworks, causing you to smile with a small laugh and sit on the ground. "I guess they're celebrating in the village up ahead." "Tch. Let's go." You gave narrowed eyes, tugging the edge of Hidan's pant leg. "Sit your ass down." He did so, he even laid beside you once you laid on the soft, green grass and gazed up at the colors exploding into the sky. "Heh, we could watch these. Or." You gave a blank expression when Hidan hovered himself above you with a smirk, blood was stained on his cheek and neck from his sacrifice. "We could. Have our own. Firework. Show." When Hidan mumbled that into your neck, you did blush but pushed him off of you with an eye roll. "Can't we enjoy this Hidan?" Hidan gave an eye roll next, then plopped on his back, but pulled you close to him while still watching the fireworks. "Tch..the view I had was beautiful." You blushed, giving a glance at him only to see his eyes were shut. "Stop staring at me. I wasn't just saying that either." Throughout the night, you and Hidan remained to lay on the grass and watch the fireworks, you both made small talk as well when it was over because it was an hour into the next day. But, either way, the two of you celebrated the Fourth of July holiday together and romantically.
"To be honest, I couldn't imagine a better way watching the fireworks." You blushed when looking down at Kisame, whom was laying on his back on the water as you sat on his lower stomach with your feet swaying around in the water. "Tch. If they get the fireworks going already." You gave a small laugh, looking back towards the base to see Tobi swaying around sparklers while Deidara yelled at him to get out of the way. "That is true." Today was a holiday, Kisame didn't want no part in it but he had no other choice after seeing you getting excited. "Pretty?" After seeing a dud, Kisame gave a deep sigh and closed his eyes. "Kisame look!" When he opened them, he seen you staring at the fireworks with a smile before you lips parted and you fell backwards into the water. "You were in my view." Kisame and you did watch the fireworks together, but soon after, the clay Deidara used to make the explosions ended up being through at Kisame by you. It was a fun night for the two of you no matter how it celebrated, overall, you and Kisame could talk about this holiday memory without getting tired of hearing it.
Itachi's eyes slowly peeked open only to give a light sigh. He was recently in bed and asleep before feeling you not in his grip. Itachi usually sleeps on his stomach with an arm casted behind him and over you but tonight you weren't next to him. After coming back from a mission, you found Itachi asleep in bed, you did join him and he knew it too for the two of you did have a mini love session before it ended due to your yawning. You gave a slight yawn but it ended shortly after hearing footsteps approaching from behind you when you heard the base door shut, next a blanket was placed around you, followed by Itachi sitting next to you on the grass. "Itachi..did you know that today was the Fourth of July?" Itachi looked back up at the sky where you were looking at, he seen the colors of the fireworks exploded but didn't hear a sound for it was a long distance aways. "No. I didn't. Is that why you're out here?" You gave a nod and another yawn, you placed your head on his shoulder next as you talked about the past and the things you've used to do with your family. Throughout the night until it hit the next morning, youband Itschi watched the fireworks and made small talk until you ended up falling asleep. And after that when Itachi laid you down in bed and joined you in slumber, hearing you talk about your past was a rare thing you did, so it made Itachi actually take enjoyment into the holiday.
"(Y/n). Is there something wrong?" You gave a head shake while walking back to the base with Orochimaru in the rain. Today was the Fourth of July festival being held in the Hidden Leaf but it was cancelled due to the storm. "No, I'm fine." Orochimaru gave a light sigh and a head shake, tugging your wrist back to him then lifted up your chin. "Isn't that a lie. Tell me what's troubling you my Precious Snake." You smiled, then gave a light sigh next when he pushed your hair to the side. "It's raining. I love the rain and all but." "You wanted to see fireworks?" You gave a nod, Orochimaru didn't do anything to make you stop frowning. You smiled a bit because after arriving to the base, you were greeted by Tobi, whom was holding sparklers. "(Y/n)-chan want one?!" After talking with Pein-sama, you and Orochimaru were sitting on top of the base watching fireworks Deidara shot up into the air for the rain had stopped slightly. Seeing you smile, it made Orochimaru smirk and enjoy the rest of his day celebrating in silence as you did the same but in flattery for you knew Orochimaru made it happen.

(Hoped you enjoyed this! More to come soon! So sorry for slow updates and if these suck XD Happy Holidays!)

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