When You Calm Him

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You were in Pein's office laying on the bed reading a book while he was doing paper work. You were in the middle of your chapter until you heard him mumbling loudly before he groaned. "Almighty." You stopped him once again from saying that, you had his hand over his mouth before you softly moved it to his cheek as he sighed and shut his purple eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm just." You stopped him in the middle of his sentence with an 'I know.' As you stared to rub your thumb against his cheek he pulled you into his lap and held you. "Nagato. Pein. I love you." You felt his tense muscles relax as his arms wrapped around you. "I love you (Y/n) my Goddess." You smiled as you kissed his forehead. "Go relax my king I'll do the paper work." You said with a chuckle as he chuckled knowing you weren't going to do it with out him. "No need." You smiled as he kissed your cheek as you took the pen into ur hand and started drawing little hearts on a sticky note. He watched with a smile and a chuckle. "That's not paperwork." "To me it is."
You and Kakuzu were counting money, well this time you were, he was stitching up Hidan's fingers to his unattached hand as he mumbled. You watched Kakuzu with your (e/c) eyes until he glanced up at you with his red and black ones then looked back down. "You okay?" You asked afraid he was going to snap at you. "No, I'm stuck sewing this idiot's arm while I could be counting money." You gave a small, three second fake smile before you got up and walked over to him, taking Hidan's arm from his grip setting it to the side as you handed him the money stack you were holding. "He can wait." He took the money and starts to count, you on the other hand ran your fingers across his cheek stitches repeatedly. He sighed as he looked at you was he started to smirk then back down at his money as you smiled and kissed his cheek. "You can make Hidan pay you every time you have to sew him back." You mumbled in his ear, he chuckled and nodded. "Good idea." You smiled as you went back to the bed and Kakuzu got up taking Hidan's arm to his room down the hall. You can hear Hidan yell 'that's not right you bastard' at Kakuzu as you chuckled knowing you got Kakuzu more money, which made him happy.
You were in Deidara's room working on a clay sculpture before he busted through the room door, startling you as you looked back to see him walking towards the bed sitting on it, working on a clay spider. You hesitated to ask what's wrong so you stared at him with your (e/c) eyes until he glanced up then back down. "Sorry, un." You gave a soft smile as you got up and sat next to him as he continued to work on his clay. "What's wrong?" He shrugged before he spoke as you watched his clay form. "Dana, un. Saying my art isn't art he's just it's annoying, yeah. I just want to blow him up, un." You gave a small smile as you pulled out his hair band and started to run your finger tips through it. "Your art is amazing Deidara, I love watching you make something out of clay and turn it into a explosi." Before you could finish speaking his lips were pressed against yours as he smiled afterwards. "You make me so happy, un." You smiled and kissed him again before he stood up and walked to the door. "I'm going to tell Dana he doesn't have a girl like you, un." And with that you could hear Deidara call Sassori's name down the hall as you smiled and returned back to your clay art.
You were cleaning up after Tobi while he was pestering Deidara, soon enough Deidara busted through the room saying 'Tobi is in a rampage because Hidan stole his candy, un.' You rolled your eyes and chuckled as you walked into the Akatsuki's base living room seeing Tobi try to attack Hidan as Hidan sat back screaming. "Tobi! Leave him alone." "But (Y/n)-chan! He ate all Tobi's candy!" You walked over to him and gave him a behind hug as he continued to swing his arms at Hidan who was sitting on the couch with his hands up. After struggling to pull Tobi into his room he finally gave up and started to throw a tantrum on the ground until you pulled out an emergency bag of (y/f/c) (your favorite candy). Tobi stared at you and cheered getting up and hugging you, spinning you around in the air, pressing his mask to your cheek. "(Y/n)-chan make Tobi so happy! Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan!"
You smiled as you handed Tobi the bag, he started to devour it as you giggled, seeing into was back into his normal self.
Sasori was at his desk making puppets while you were sitting in bed playing with the wooden bunny he got you until you heard Sassori mumbling to himself, which he never does. "Sasori?" You asked him softly as your (e/c) eyes stared at him before they stared into his. "Yes." You then glanced down knowing he wasn't alright. "Are you okay..you're mumbling?" He then turned back to his puppet and nodded you put down the bunny before you heard him mumbling again and that's when you stood up and walked over to him, placing your hands on his shoulders. "Sasori." "I'm sorry. It's just that Leader-sama is planning on sending you on a long mission and it..frustrates me." Your eyes widened before you smiled and kissed his shoulder. "If anything happens..you could always make me a puppet but. I still won't be as amazingly unique as you." He tensed before he relaxed with a sigh as he took your hand and pulled himself to your lips. "I'm thankful for you." He then turned back around as you blushed and went back over to the bed, watching him with a smile, knowing you changed his mood and you were thankful for that as well.
  You were on your way back to Zetsu's garden after you were finished talking to Leader-sama. As you approached the garden you didn't see Zetsu anywhere but you could hear both his light and dark side arguing. "Zetsu?" As so as you asked Zetsu sprung out of the ground trying to split each other apart. "Zetsu!" They both stopped and looked at you. "I'm sorry my dear but he's just throwing a fit because." "Shut up. You're the one who started it." You watched the two of them before you know it was a risk but you still ran up to him, hugging him tightly. "Hey, it's alright. Please stop." The stopped and stood still as they joined together. "Sorry." You smiled before you looked up at him still smiling. "Oh and I can go on a mission with you so we can go to the village's garden!" You smiled as you saw his light side smile and hug you again. "Some times I like to think that you're the one holding us together. Not that." "We're stuck together."
Hidan wasn't like his normal self today, you didn't know why but you could tell. He was cussing more, yelling at people more often and surprisingly not arguing with someone when they comment something to him. "Hidan?" Every time you would ask he would just look the other way. "Yeah?" You smiled seeing that he didn't yell at you like he did the others. "What's wrong?" He sighed as he sat on the edge of his bed with you sitting beside him. "I don't fucken know. I guess because it's hard to sacrifice fucking idiots lately." You nodded and gave a small frown then moved behind him as he twirled his Jashin necklace with his finger tips. "It's okay baby. You just need to calm down a little." Before he could speak you began to massage his bare shoulders, kissing him on the cheek softly. He smirked his famous smirk before he turned around and pulled you close to him. "You really do know how to fucken change my mood. I love you." You hugged him back seeing he was his normal self again. "I love you too."

(Hello again sorry if these weren't that good but thanks for enjoying anyways. More to come shortly!)

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