When A Guy Hits On You

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You and Pein were in the village picking up a few supplies for the Akatsuki's next mission. As the two of you were walking, he stopped at the location and told you to wait outside since he was the leader and only he could enter. As you waited, a boy with blonde, spiky hair and whiskers leaned up against the wall beside you. "You're really pretty. Wanna go get some ramen with me?" You smirked and shook your head and (h/c) hair. "Awe, come one, I'll pay." He leaned against you wrapping an arm around you, seconds later you heard him backing away. "Almighty." Before he could finish speaking you stopped him and the boy quickly ran off. "Are you okay?" You chuckled and nodded your head. "Yeah, he just wanted to by me dinner." He held you arm and walked away with you out of the village. "Next time. I promise to take you in with me."
You were in the Akatsuki's base living room sitting on the couch waiting for Kakazu to get back from his mission. They finally arrived and as you got up to welcome Kakuzu back, he walked past you with his briefcase. You just stood there with a frown as Hidan wrapped his arm around you. "Hey, don't be upset from the greedy bastard. If you were mine I'd give you a welcoming gift." You narrowed your
(e/c) eyes at him as you tried to push him off but he pulled you back. "I was just fucken kidding. Or am I?" "You better be." Kakuzu mumbled as his threads wrapped around Hidan throwing him out of the base just before he shut the large rock door and pulled you with him to his room. "I expected you to follow me next time."
You and Deidara were out at the village's trade center to buy some more clay. As the two of you were walking, you noticed Deidara looking at different types of clay at another table. You looked at him with your (e/c) eyes and a smile before you turned back around and bumped into a boy with long, brown hair and clear eyes. "Oops I'm sorry." He smiled. "No, it's my fault for bumping into a beauty like you." You nodded as you turned back towards Deidara only to see him gone. "Hey wait." He grabbed your hand and tugged you towards him before you heard Deidara's voice. "Katsu." Seconds later you were in Deidara's arms on his clay bird. "Deidara!" "I'm sorry, un. But no one hits on you, yeah." You rolled your eyes but smiled as you hugged him.
You and Tobi were out on a mission, well it was a mission until the two of you decided to spend time at the park for a little bit. As Tobi chase around a butterfly with a small twig you sat on the bench and drew in a sketch book. "Beautiful." You looked up only to see a pale boy with dark hair and eyes. "Huh? O-oh it's just a sketch." You glanced your (e/c) eyes back down. "I was talking about you." He said as he sat down next to you, placing a hand on yours with a calm smile. "Excuse me." Obito's deep voice made him stand back up and turn around. "She's mine." The boy nodded and took a step back. "(Y/n)-chan mine!" Tobi yelled swinging the stick at him as he lifted you off the ground over his shoulder and chased the boy.
You were in the village with Sasori getting new materials for his puppets as he was looking around you went off to do your own thing, as you stepped out of the shop you were attacked by a big white dog. "Arkamaru!" The dog stopped laying on you and sat down in front of his owner, a young boy with brown hair and two sharp teeth. "I'm sorry, he has never done that before. I guess he thinks you're pretty as well." After he helped you up you let go off his hand before he tugged it softly. "Hey, I mean it. You're beautiful" "She is but she's not for you." You lifted up your head and stared your (e/c) eyes at Sasori who had the boys hand in a tight grip. "Leave. Before I make you a puppet." Sasori's threatening words made him and his dog walk away quickly, as Sasori pulled you close to him. "Stay by my side, love." You nodded as he kissed your forehead.
You and Zetsu were out buying more plants for the garden, as Zetsu was too busy arguing with himself you decided to go on your own and look for some flowers you liked. As you were walking you felt a tap on your shoulder, as you turned around you saw a boy in a green jump suit with a black hair in a bowl cut style, holding a rose to you. "I think you're really pretty!" Your (e/c) eyes widened in shock as you took the rose. "Thank you..but I have a boyfriend.." He continued to stare at you before he picked you up unexpectedly. "I will fight for you!" "Are you sure about that?" He turned around and saw Zetsu then narrowed his bushy brows. "Yes I'm sure. I want her to be mine!" "Cute. Shall we?" You nodded just before the boy dropped you and ran off as Zetsu's fly trap tried to eat him. "My dear. Are you alright?" You nodded as he pulled you to his chest. "Next time. I'll eat the next one for sure." You smiled and slightly giggled as you hugged his chest.
You were waiting for Hidan to finish his ritual since you finished yours early, you decided to walk around instead of just standing there. A couple of minutes into your walk, you started to walked back until you bumped into a young chubby man with brown spiky hair. "Hey are you alright?" Your (e/c) eyes widened as he pulled you to him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Now please let me go." He shook his head with a smirk. "Let's go get you washed up, then we can go out to eat later." He said with a wink before he turned around with a shocked face. "Hey! You fat bastard! Stay away from her you fucker!" Hidan yelled as he ran towards him swinging his scythe around with his dark violet eyes narrowed as he laughed evilly. After a few minutes he came back to you panting. "That stupid fuck! He wishes he wasn't so fat now! Anyway." He picked you up bridal style and started to walk back to the base as you looked up and stared at him. "Since I saved you. How about a reward?" He asked kissing into your neck as you giggled and kissed his cheek not answering him.

(Hello hope you enjoyed this scenario! More to come soon!)

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