When He Wears Your Clothes

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(I can't..Hidan..babe. I don't even wear the color pink XD but..you all looking fucking fabulous. Just, Fucktabulous XD oh and this was requested.)
"What?! Pein! No fair that's mine!" You gave narrowed eye and crossed arms when seeing Peim wearing your 'The Real Boss' t-shirt that came in a matching set in which you bought the two of you. Pein smirked as he placed his cloak on, not closing it as you kept your expression. "My Goddess, you can't undo what has been done." You gave s faint groan, you were going with him into the village and didn't feel like wearing your cloak. "But I'm the real boss though. Women are always in control!" Pein smirked, kissing your hand, then your cheek before placing his mouth next to your ear. "Then why aren't you the Leader?" "You have crossed the line Pein." "That's no way to talk to your boss. But..Love you, my Goddess." "Love you too..Pein in the ass."
"Seems I'm going to have to get another cloak?" When Kakuzu stepped into the base's living room, where you were sitting on the couch waiting to tell him 'bye' for he had to leave on a three day mission alone. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from cracking a small laugh for Kakuzu was wearing your Akatsuki cloak. You knew because the sleeves reached his elbows and covered above his shins. "Or. Seems to me that's my cloak?" Kakuzu looked down, then up at you with a grunt and narrowed eyes, giving a light sigh through his nose as you giggled. "I was being sarcastic." "Uh-huh." You still laughed for he left with your cloak, and just to make sure that was your cloak, you placed on Kakuzu's, which was three times a size too big. "Sarcastic my ass."
After feeling you shiver, Deidara peeked open his eyes and sat up in bed with a slight smirk. It was late, and since it was, inside of the Akatsuki's base got cold. Deidara tucked you in with all the blankets on the bed, leaving him none, but instead of taking a shower, he smirked and dug through your dresser. After hearing the dresser slam, you peeked open your eyes only to see Deidara in a pair of your style, fuzzy pj bottoms. "Um..aren't those mine Dei-Dei?" Deidara yawned and gave a nod, scratching the back of his neck before plopping down on the bed. "They're warm, un." You gave a small laugh and a head shake, scooting close to him only for him to spoon you and hold you close. "These are mine now, yeah." "What? No." "You're my girlfriend, therefore, un. My clothes, un."
"T-Tobi?!" While you were in the shower, Tobi was still napping in bed for the two of you both fell asleep after getting woken up to attend a meeting. But after hearing the shower go off, Obito awoke, he planned on joining you but after seeing that you didn't invite him. Tobi had an idea, which included him sneaking into the bathroom, then doing the same when leaving. At first, you thought you forgot a piece of your undergarment on the dresser, it after opening up the door with a towel around you. You seen Tobi wearing your bra over his cloak. "Don't I look nice (Y/n)-chan?! Uh-oh." Tobi ran out of the room when seeing your narrowed eyes and blushing cheeks, you stormed after him. "Sexy bra." "Shut it Hidan!" Tobi chuckled and ran around the base as you followed him, and when he ran past Deidara, he dropped the bra on the floor. "Don't pick it up!" You snatched the bra back from the ground then gave a smile as you held your towel. "Thank you. Tobi! I'm going to kill you for wearing my clothes!" "Clothe you mean?" "Ugh.."
"Do you need help taking that off Sasori?" You gave a small laugh with a smile when watching Sasori tug the ends of one of your Sleep wear t-shirts, which was tight around his puppet chest. "No." You gave a head shake, sitting down on the edge of the bed while watching him secretly struggle. When you stepped into the room after talking with Pein-sama, you seen Sasori wearing your shirt, which surprised you for he never wore a shirt, only his cloak around others and bare around you. "May I ask why you are wearing that?" "I was curious, love. While you were taking with the Leader, I'd figure it would be..interesting to feel what it would be like to wear a shirt." You gave a nod when walking up behind him, you then smiled and pulled the shirt off and above his head. Sasori tensed at first, then returned back to making puppets as if nothing happened. "How was it?" "I didn't enjoy it. I can see why you sleep without a shirt next to me." "Y-yeah..that's the reason."
You and Zetsu spent the night in the garden for he was in the mood, with that being said. You were putting on your clothes to get ready to leave for a mission, the only thing you were missing were your pants. Which you figured they were tossed somewhere, until you looked back at Zetsu. "Hehe..Zetsu. Those aren't your ninja pants." You gave a small laugh, which you tried to hold back, when seeing Zetsu trying to squeeze into a pair of your ninja pants. "Tch. Told you." "Shut up. Actually I told you!" "Actually I got them on my waist. You're the problem." You have an eye roll towards the two, placing a hand on both sides of Zetsu's cheek with a smile. "Can I have my pants now?" "Of course my dear." "Tch..you look better with them off." "They wouldn't be off in the first place and the two of you wouldn't be arguing over who made who get into my damn pants if it wasn't for you!" After pointing to the both of them with narrowed eyes, they grunted then both gave a small chuckle. "On second thought." "Well keep these since you have an attitude."
"Damn you." You were half asleep when Hidan arrived back from his mission with Kakuzu, and by just going off oh Hidan's face expression. You could tell he was aggravated and just wanted to sleep. You pulled the sheets up to your face with a groan as Hidan smirked, kissing the top of your head when stripping. "I'll join you in a minute. Just gonna put on these shorts." Hidan didn't wear shorts, only boxers, but when you removed the sheets you gave an eyebrow raise. "Hidan..you idiot. Those are my shorts." You giggled when watching Hidan try to slip on your soft, black night shorts you usually wear to bed, but today you were wearing warm pj bottoms. Hidan gave an eye roll and grunted when he yanked them up to his waist. "Tch, and? Do you want me to walk around nude? Heh, don't answer that." You blushed but gave an eye roll, you were about to roll onto of him but didn't when he kept tugging the shorts. "Fucking crotch weggie." "Hidan, you're going to stretch them out!" "Eh so? I'm surprised they're not already for how many times I ripped them off of you." "Baka.."
"Heh. I think I've been training too much?" You gave an eyebrow raise with a calm smile after hearing Kisame mumble when he placed his chin on your shoulder and held you close from behind. Kisame was about to leave for a mission, you were as well but only to deliver a scroll unlike him. "What do you mean?" "My shirt doesn't fit." You turned around once he released you, you then gave sealed lips when trying to hold back your laughter after seeing your set of the matching t-shirt Kisame got you, reach down to under his first ab. "Kisame." "Hm?" You gave a deep sigh through your nose and smiled when he placed his cloak on. "Lay off the sushi." "What?"
"Itachi..do you see my black spandex in there?" While you were digging through your dresser, which you placed the clothes back neatly afterwards on doing so, Itachi was in the bathroom for he was taking a shower. You had just arrived back from your mission and planned on joining him once you found a change of night clothes since it was late. "These." You smiled, but when you turned around to face Itachi, your lips parted and your eyes widened. Itachi was leaning against the doorway, you didn't know where to be shocked for it was wearing your spandex, or to be flustered for the spandex were tight. "Y-yeah..those." Itachi smirked, going over to you only to lift up your chin and peck your lips before making his way to the bed. "Are they comfortable Itachi?" You giggled when stripping into your undergarments and walking over to the bathroom. "Yes. Can't deny that they aren't. Goodnight." "Night?" "Yes. Goodnight."
"Orochimaru! Kabuto is waiting on us. Let's go so I don't have to hear his damn nagging." You were in the bedroom at the time while Orochimaru was in the bathroom changing so the two of you could go over to his hideout. "Very well." You then opened up the room door, giving a light sigh with a smile before you turned around only for it to fade. "Orochimaru..those are my..Socks." Orochimaru looked down at his feet then up at you with a smirk as you stared blankly at his feet. "Is there something wrong with barrowing?" "They don't even match? Orochi! Great..I lost two pairs of socks." Orochimaru gave a head shake and placed on his shoes with a chuckle as you looked around for the non matching socks' pairs. "These are quite comfy. And tight. You have small feet." "You owe me socks."

(Hope you enjoyed this! More to come soon! So sorry for slow updates! And if some are iffy!)

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