Whenever You Try To Wake Him Up

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You would rather let Pein sleep in since all he does is do paperwork but you follow his request on waking him up. He always sleeps on his back so whenever you would try to wake him up, which is usually calling his name, he would grunt and continue to sleep even after he hears you. When you would try to shake him awake he usually ends up grabbing you and pulling you to his chest and continue to sleep. And after he finally gets out of bed he'll tell you to wake him up earlier than usual.
You know better than to wake up Kakuzu but after a long night of counting money he usually sleeps in, so whenever you would try to wake up you would usually call his name or slightly nudge him but he would grunt and tell you to go back to sleep or go away. But after you threaten to go to the village he immediately would get up and out or bed or wrap his treads around your wrist and pull you back into bed.
You and Deidara always sleep in together but whenever he has to go on a mission that day you are the one to wake him up. You'll call Deidara by his nick name before calling him by his real name, he would roll off his back onto his side with a groan telling you to cuddle him. You would do so but you'd remind him of his mission partner and he's usually get out of bed after kissing you a couple of times.
You'd let Tobi sleep whenever he does fall asleep he usually wakes up on his own so you don't bother waking him up but Obito always takes off his mask when he's sleeping as long as the door is lock or when you know for sure none of the other members are in the base but when they are you try to shake him awake lightly but he would usually roll off his back and onto his side and pull you close to him. He'd just tell you 'it's okay' before falling back to sleep with your hair covering his face.
Sasori never sleeps but when he's in deep thought he usually shuts his eyes rather than leaving them open, whenever you would try to snap him from it he usually just takes your hand and holds it until his eyes finally open after you called him his nickname, then he would look up at you for you to explain on why you interrupted him.
Zetsu always sleeps in your bed, but he sleeps with his eyes open, which is hard for you to tell if he's awake or not. But whenever you would try to wake him up you'd shake him wake before calling his name. His dark side would usually groan while his light side would ask you what's wrong, but he would continue to try to sleep, but when you try to wake him again his dark side would pull you to his chest and hold you tightly as his light side will explain on why he needs a couple of minutes to sleep.
Hidan always sleeps in and will never let you or anyway wake him up without a good reason. But whenever he has a mission you'd have to be the one to wake him up. Hidan always sleeps on his stomach so you'd have to nudge him but he would groan and tell you to 'go back to fucken sleep' before you would whisper his name in his ear. He'd still groan and sleep, until you made out with him awake then shoving him off the bed but he'd get back up and sleep till Kakuzu got impatient.
You'd always wake up after hours of Orochimaru being awake but whenever he would sleep in, which is rare, you'd have to wake him up. He always slept on his back, you'd usually play with his hair and call his name till you got at least a groan out him. He'd pull you close in a tight embrace and try to convince you to go back to sleep but you'd always fall for it. Leader-sama is usually the one who wakes him up.

(Hello there! Anyway just thought about this and decided to put it together. Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon X))

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