His Kinks/Fetishes

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(Why?! My Jashin why did I ask a Scenario idea from a friend. Especially mine!!! Welp XD "Let's savor the utmost suffering together!" And that picture though •~•)
Lip biting, which is somewhat strange for Pein. Whenever your too focused on a task, you'll bit your lip in order to help you think. When Pein sees this, he'll start to get aroused, making him lick his bottom lip when he feels himself getting into the mood. When you want dominance, or for him to keep kissing you, or to tease him for fun, you'll either bite your lip or bite his. Either way you do so, it will send Pein a rush of arousement.
You'd never expect Kakuzu's fetish would be ear mumbling. When you would do so, whether it's to tease him, or try to seduce him, you'll mumble softly in his ear. He'll always call you out on the act when he feels himself getting aroused, he'll stop counting and listen to each word you say. Whenever you want to get him in the mood, talk in his ear with a few kisses, it would send Kakuzu a rush of arousement and dominance.
Deidara's kink is obviously leaving love marks, it not only shows that your his but seeing you with hickeys on your neck, shoulders, or even your sides from his hand mouths sends a rush of arousement throughout him. To get him, or to get his own self, in the mood, kissing you deep enough to where the smallest mark from him triggers him to leave you even more, where ever you or him pleases to have marks at.
Tobi's responsible for the Obito's kink. Hearing you give giggling moans arouses Obito, even if you have gave one by accident. When he's being playful while the two of you are love making, he'll let Tobi take over just to hear you moan into a laugh. Obito gets pleasure out of hearing you do so for he knows he's making you happy and pleasing you at the same time. At times Obito will make you moan and giggle on purpose to get into the mood, even you will do it on purpose to get him in the mood. Either way, Obito and Tobi both adore hearing you.
Sasori's kink is quite odd, stretching but only when you do so. For example, when you would wake up, still laying in bed, you would stretch with a small grunt. Even when working on puppets with him, you'll stretch back to untense your muscles. When this happens, Sasori can't take his eyes off of you, studying each bit of seeable skin that is shown. To tease him, and to be dominant, you'll stretch slow and long, this arouses him to the point where he shows how much inpatient he is.
You'd think both sides Zetsu's kinks would have to do with something, 'Garden' related but actually he gets aroused when you pop your bra strap against your shoulder. Zetsu has no explanation on why this arouses him, but it just does, it makes you become in control as well. So whenever you want him in the mood, or just to tease him, you'll pop your strap and it works each time, even if it was by accident.
For Hidan, massages. Whether you give him back, shoulder, neck, or even stomach massages, it sends a Hidan over the edge. When he pissed like he usually is or won't shut up with you ask him to, you'll simply calm him with a shoulder massage. He'll bite his lip and start to deeply sigh when he gets into the mood. But whenever you want to tease him or arouse him, either give him massages or let Hidan give you massages, either way, it'll put him in the mood.
Nothing arouses Kisame more than insult talking, whether it's playful and dirty or out of anger from you, it sends a sensation throughout Kisame. Hearing you talk mess to him makes him see another reason on why he loves you, he loves the attitude you give him. So to get Kisame in the mood, you'll insult him, he won't respond back with words, but with chuckling and body movement until he gets the urge to take the dominance and silence you with pleasure.
Whether he does it to you or if you do it to him, getting pinned up reveals a different side of Itachi. When he pins you against the bed, or even wall, whether it's to keep you from trying to get away after a argument, or to calm your giggling, he'll interlock fingers with you, or grip your wrist. Arousement spreads throughout Itachi when you're the one pinning him out of mean playfulness. Either way, Itachi gets a rush of pleasure on who takes the dominance on pinning the other.
When it comes to Orochimaru, having it pitch black is a kink he has. When Orochimaru and you are in a dark room alone together for example, one of you waking up in the middle of the night and try to wake up the other while the room is still dark. That's when he'll get aroused, he loves seeing your body and all that but just the thought of listening and feeling you when not being able to see you sends a rushing urge through him, causing arousement.

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! Sorry if some are iffy! And just blugh but that picture should make up for it XD)

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