If He Had An ASMR Addiction

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(This was reques!!! I tried XD)
Odd, but the sound of bones being cracked is Pein ASMR addiction. He'll purposely pop his knuckles, back, or neck repeatedly. He'll even listen to you do the same, which is still odd. You always call him out on his odd addiction, but he'll deny the fact it's an ASMR.
You'd think dropping coins of flipping through cash would be Kakuzu's ASMR addiction, but it's not. Odd, but the sound of glass being stepped on would be it. In fact, there has been countless times when Kakuzu has purposely step on shards with his boots or even. When you question him about it just to be sure that is an ASMR thing, he'll usually ignore you.
Deidara's ASMR is rather relaxing than usual like most. He loves the sound of water splashing, like waves or rain sounds. When he's busy, stressed, or trying to pass time, Deidara will either got to the pond outside and toss rocks to calm himself or shower. Of course he'll make you join him and relax to the sound, or sneak in the shower or bath with you.
In a way, it's kinda cute for Obito to daze off when watching bubbles from a drink or from a bath bomb being fizzled. Watching things fizzle is sort of an ASMR addiction to him. At times, he can be rather annoying to you for he'll wait and watch the bubbles of a drink before taking a sip, or hold a bath bomb in the water of your bath when he's outside of the tub.
Like most people, Sasori favors objects, like puppet parts, or even foods being cut evenly and perfectly. Unfortunately, he constantly denies the fact that it's his ASMR. When something isn't cut correctly, Sasori gets moody and goes on a non-stop rampage of rambling. At times, you'll do that stunt on purpose to get him to admit his ASMR addiction, but it only makes him groan and argue more.
To be honest, it's no surprise that Zetsu has an ASMR addiction to hearing you smack your lips, especially in his ear. You don't know why, but making kissing sounds in his ear also turns him on. Zetsu does deny and gets very embarrassed when you tease or call him out on this odd addiction on his.
Hidan won't admit it, but he has an addiction to watching soap being cut. Occasionally when he's bored, he'll cut or peeled a bar of soap with a blade for hours on end. When you call Hidan out on his ASMR addiction, he denies it and says he's just testing the blade or to mind your own business.
No one would expect Kisame's strange ASMR addiction to be watching and listening to play sand being cut. He can spend hours watching a blade slice through compacted sand or it being smushed by a round object. He'll deny each time you'll call him out on it though.
Thunderstorms calm Itachi unlike anything else. He is willing to admit that listing to the sound of rain, thunder, or watching lighting strikes make him go into a deep daze and causes him to get lost in thought. He'll spend hours sitting in a sheltered spot and watching a storm, or even stand in the middle of one at time.
Even if you don't think it's gross, Orochimaru can make it really disturbing for you. Anything slime related is Orochimaru's ASMR addiction. He'll spend hours and hours mixing slime from experiments or watching it drip from somewhere. Overall, it's very odd for you to witness his dazed expression of watching slime.

(My ASMR would have to be cutting sand, thunderstorms, and soap carving.  THINGS GETTING CRUSHED BY A TIRE ARE MY FAVORITE ASMRS!!!)

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