When You Want To Try Something Kinky

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(Table turning! Can't let him have all of the fun.)
"Stop asking me. I'm not doing that,"
Pein mumbled. You rolled your eyes and slouched in your chair at the desk. Today, Pein was a bit more tense and serious about finding a curtain tailed beast. He was standing up, mapping, and constantly sending other members on missions. For some reason, you found that a turn on. At first, he was hesitating to take you when he caught you biting your lip to him, but now he wasn't even thinking about it. "I think it'd be sexy," you whispered. "You role-playing as a teacher." "Why a teacher?" he mumbled. You smirked and even sealed your lips to keep yourself from laughing a bit. "Because you're at a desk. So frustrated with all this paperwork too. Those other members are your students basically," you sighed. Pein said nothing while shaking his head, he then turned his attention towards Deidara, who knocked and stepped into the room. "We will discuss this later (Y/n)." "Something a teacher would say," you mumbled.
You sighed heavily as you watched Kakuzu go through Kisame's belongings. "Are you sure he even took it?" you mumbled. After Kakuzu noticed that his bounty papers were missing, he immediately accused Kisame. You had no reason why he chose him out of everyone else, and your opinion wasn't going to stop him from doing so. Kakuzu said nothing as he dug through drawers, knocked swords over, and just basically not care. When Kakuzu did find them, he looked at you and waved the papers. "I'm sure," he said rudely. You rolled eyes, then blocked the doorway when Kakuzu tried to pass you. "I know something we could do in here as payback," you whispered. Kakuzu stared at you in confusion, then sighed next. "Not in the mood," he mumbled. You didn't stop Kakuzu, so you just followed behind him. "Fine. Fine. Grouchy."
"Mhm," Deidara hummed. "What are you doing, hm?" While Deidara was working on some more clay birds, you were gently massaging his bare shoulders. It was late, but that didn't mean you weren't in a flirty mood anymore like you have been most of the day. "Just making you feel less tensed," you whispered. Deidara smirked, then leaned back and looked up at you with a seductive grin. "I know how else you can relax me, un." After leaning up and turning towards you, he pulled you around the chair and into his lap. "You're going to have to beg," you whispered. Deidara looked st you with a confused grin, yet he smirking still. "Beg? You want me to beg to pleasure you, un?" You nodded when you cupped his cheeks, but Deidara only rolled his eyes and pecked your chin. "Not happening, un." "You're no fun," you whispered when moving off his lap.
"Is something wrong?" Obito whispered. You shook your head as you softly scratched at his hair. "Are you sure?" Obito asked. It was early and you and Obito had just woken up not too long ago. However, that didn't stop the two of you from being flirty and kissing on one another. One thing led to another, so now you were having your neck smothered with soft kisses as Obito hovered above you. Unfortunately, you weren't enjoying it as much as you thought you would have. With that being said, you made your expression of boredom very noticeable. "Yeah, I'm fine," you smiled. Obito didn't smile back, so he rolled off of you and lied on his side next to you. "Be honest." When you looked at him, you sighed heavily. "Obito, I love your gentleness. I really do, but." You paused when rolling on your side next. "Can you be rougher? Like pin me and be aggressive with affection?" Obito stared at you, then looked to the side and cleared his throat. "I, um, don't know if I could," he whispered. You smiled and nuzzled up to him after kissing his chin. "That's okay if you can't. I still love your gentle side," you whispered.
Sasori pulled away after kissing your lips. He sighed and looked down at the lower half of you for a second, then back up into your eyes. "Love, you're supposed to let me hover over you now," he mumbled. You were just in a teasing and flirty mood today. Sasori noticed that too, and it wasn't long before a heated make-out happened. Although, you had more you wanted from Sasori. "Go ahead," you said. Sasori was sitting at the edge of the bed and waiting for you to hold his waist with your thighs. You were still clothed and he was still in his ninja pants too, so not much was going on at the moment. "Love, I can't when you." "Control me. Use your chakra strings and control me out of lust," you said. Sasori only stared at you, then relaxed and sighed heavily when leaning up. "I don't force things upon you in this kind of way," Sasori said. When he started to scoot off the bed, you sighed heavily and placed a pillow over your face. "You control me any other time."
"Found her." "Why is she looking for fruit?" Today was supposed to be just a walk in the village and look for a new hammock since the other one snapped. Well, you weren't looking for anything that could spice up the garden. "Zetsu, do you like pineapple?" you mumbled. Both sides of Zetsu gave you a confused look as you began to browse through various sizes of pineapple. "I do." "Why? We aren't making a fruit garden." You blushed deeply while looking around to see if any villager was close. When there wasn't anyone, you leaned closer to Zetsu and brushed your lips against his ear. "The reason why is because if I eat a lot of it, you'll be able to taste it. You know? When you go down." The light-side of Zetsu blushed just as red, and he stuttered to tell you an answer. "I. Um. Well." "Highly doubt that. Come on." After your hand was grabbed by the dark side of him, you sighed heavily and followed. "That's what the book said." "What book?"
"Come on! I'd thought you'd be into something like that!" you shouted. Hidan shook his head as he continued to walk down the pathway that would lead to the base. "You're such a wuss!" You and Hidan went on a nighttime ritual, and that's why the two of you weren't nowhere near the base. As he sacrificed, you could help but get distracted by the stars and the moon and just he calmness of the open area. Hidan noticed that, but he didn't expect you to try to get into a tense and heated make-out over it. "How am I a wuss?" Hidan mumbled when turning back to you. "Me and you not doing it outside in the open makes me a wuss?" You cross your arms and nodded as you continued to follow him. "Yep," you said. Hidan only shook his head and rolled his eyes when turning forward. "Unbelievable."
"Don't make a sound," Kisame smirked. As he began to trail his lips down your stomach, you blushed deeply and squirmed as his touch. "And if I do? Are you going to punish me, Kisame?" Kisame stopped his kissing and movement just to look at you with a knitted brow expression. "What?" After getting back from a mission so late, Kisame crawled into bed and started to wake you accidentally by grabbing on you. You didn't take it as accidental, and that's why you both were bare from clothing and in one another's grip. You sighed and smiled when tilting your head to the side and stretching. "Punishment." "Punishment? You want me to punish you?" When you nodded, Kisame began to chuckle, and when he did he released you completely. "Okay. Not continuing, because you made a sound." When he lied beside you, you groaned and smacked your lips in aggravation. "Not like that! Like pleasurable punishment." Kisame shook his head, then shut his eyes and yawned. "Night Shark bait. You just had to make a sound."
Itachi said nothing as you continued to stare at him with lustful eyes. You were just beyond in the mood tonight, but Itachi knew and didn't try to do anything about it. You were in bed and watching him get undressed, and you were biting your bottom lip as you watched him do so. "Is there something that you want?" Itachi sighed. You grinned and blushed, then rolled onto your back and hummed loudly. "Are you teasing me?" you asked. Itachi shook his head as he undressed at a normal pace. "No." "You should. You should strip tease me," you said. Again, Itachi gave you a certain look, then shook his head and sighed. "I'm already undressed. So no," he mumbled. You sighed and scooted over as he joined you in bed. "Well, this sucks," you whispered.
"Stop talking." After Orochimaru held cloth around your mouth, he began to faintly chuckle. "I'm kidding," he sighed. However, when he took it off and began to wrap it around a blade, you gave him a large smile and seductive eyes. "Ooh. That was kinky. We should try that," you said. Today was just a slow and burning day at the base, so you and Orochimaru weren't doing much besides cleaning out the bedroom. He looked at you with a dumbfounded expression, then smirked and shook his head. "Now why? I like hearing those loud sounds you make." You sighed while putting things in a box. "Yeah, so? It could be fun." Orochimaru shook his head again as he slowly began to leave the room.

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