When You Catch Him Staring At Your Breast

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(Just read it XD)
You were at Pein's desk helping him work, for once his room was warm enough for you to wear a tank top so you did. As you leaned a bit to the desk to write at the top of the paper and to mark locations, Pein glanced up just to see your slightly exposed chest, he cleared his throat and glanced down, then back up with a smirk, you glanced up to see him then looked back down with a head shake. "Pein." Pein glanced up at you to see you slightly smirking, then looked back down at his paperwork with a 'Yes' mumble. "Get your work done." He looked up with a slight chuckle knowing you caught him, you glanced your eyes up at him then back down with the same face expression. "You do make this work entertaining my Goddess." You blushed more after his sigh, you looked back down and started to write as he did the same, glancing up one last time.
"About time you woke up." You gave narrowed eyes to Kakuzu as he sat in his chair counting money, his mask on but cloak off since he just gotten back from a mission from the collection office. You gave a small grunt and went over to the bathroom, brushing your bed head look and washing off your tired look before making your way over to Kakuzu and sitting on his lap, facing him. "Well thanks for letting me sleep in instead of dragging me along." He smirked, you knew it too cause you heard him, you then gave a small yawn and pressed your forehead to his, shutting your eyes, and when you did so, Kakuzu's eyes slightly widen when his eyes met your breast line. You leaned back up with a yawn and scratched your side when you looked towards the door after hearing someone walk by. But when you did so, Kakuzu placed a ten dollar bill in your shirt, making you gasp slightly and turn to see him staring. "What was that for?" He chuckled as you removed it, you then leaned back and gave him narrowed eyes. "No reason." "Were you staring at my breast?" "Already paid you to not to assume." "Seriously?"
You sat at the desk in Deidara's room, working on a clay spider while he was dealing with Tobi. "Katsu!" Your lips parted just before the clay exploded, making the clay go all over you, and when Deidara entered the room, you gave him narrowed eyes. "Oops. Sorry, un. I meant that for Tobi, un." He sat on the end of the bed, you stared at him and cracked a small smile with a giggle, making Deidara smirk as well. You and Deidara both chuckled as you continued he stopped seeing your chest with bits of clay on it, he smirked after his eyes slightly widened, you looked back at the desk with a duck lip frown then took a glanced up with a sigh just for Deidara's eyes to meet yours. "Deidara, really?" He smirked and looked down, you then stood up from the desk and walked into the bathroom, making him give a small frown thinking he made you upset. "Aren't you going to join me?" He chuckled with light pink cheeks, the followed you in the bathroom for a shower. "No staring." "For now, un."
You moved the number of spaces the dice told you to since you and Tobi were playing a board game in his room, but as you did so, you leaned down at bit and grunted, and when you did, Tobi faced the direction of your chest that was slightly exposed at the crease, you looked up to see him staring down, when you looked down, you gave light pink cheeks and leaned back up. "Tobi?" He looked up at you and tilted his head as you put your arms over your chest slightly and turned with a raised eyebrow. "Tobi? Where you looking at my breast?" Tobi then sprung up and started waving his hands and kicking his feet. "N-no, no! T-Tobi good boy! Tobi would never do that!" You wanted to crack a smile but then again, you wanted to hear the truth. You gave narrowed eyes and it the inside of your cheeks to stop you, when Tobi looked up at you, he gave you a sweat drop then rubbed the back of his neck. "Tobi good boy! B-but Obiti bad..he told me to.." Tobi whispered the last part, you then smiled and gave a head shake, putting your hand to Tobi's mask, in front of his eye hole, and pushed him back slightly with a giggle. "That's just what I wanted to hear." You left the room after that, and when you did, Tobi giggled before it turned into Obito's chuckling. "Maybe I am the bad one."
"I'm sure it won't be long love." You gave another eye roll towards Sasori, when you looked back at him, he gave you a stare he usually did when you do something he didn't like. You smiled and looked back down, working on the puppets arms as he worked on the head. It was quiet, you gave a small sigh and leaned more on the table, resting your elbows on it. He glanced his dark brown eyes up, about to ask what's wrong before he saw your chest resting on the table. He scanned up the skin on your neck before looking back down at the line crease, you made a confused look then glanced to the side to see him staring. "Sasori?" He blinked and looked back down at the desk and started to work, you stopped and looked at him still with the sane face expression. "Sasori, what were you staring at?" "Your heart love." He didn't look up at you, you knew he was lying but you just leaned back in the chair, working on the puppet close to you.
"Ugh!" Zetsu's head then popped up out of the ground next to you, his light side giving a concerned look at you pulled the weeds from the garden next to the rose bush. "You alright my dear?" "Doesn't sound like it." You looked over at him then shook your head, still clinching the weeds in your fist. "No. I can't get this stupid. Ugh." The dark side of Zetsu chuckled, his light side was about to speak before his eyes caught a glimpse of your chest, a bit from the side. "..um.." you gave a deep sigh and let go of the plants, placing your hand on your lap and shook your head, when you glanced over, both of Zetsu's golden eyes remained on you in the same spot. "Zetsu?" "Yes dear." Zetsu then looked up at you, his light side giving you a calm smile, you gave both of them narrowed eyes. "Where you staring at my chest?" "Actually I." "Yeah." You rolled your eyes and kissed his forehead before getting up and walking to the garden shed. "Caught a better glimpse that time." "I agree." "What is she doing?" Their eyes widened seeing a shovel hit the ground, as if you tossed it out of the shed. "Oh my." When you stepped out of the shed, Zetsu was gone, you just gave an eye roll as you placed the shovel back against the door after it fell.
"Don't worry. I'll go easy on you." Pein-sama and the others watched you and Hidan battle against each other, Kakuzu was collecting bets as the two of you started. He swung his scythe as you dogged it in back flips, the fight lasted for about thirty minutes, you and Hidan were both cut up and out of breaths. As you caught your breath, breathing heavily, Hidan was a couple feet away from you smirking and staring into your chest, for you wore a tank top, and your Jashin necklace in sync with your breathing. You gave a confused face expression then a small eye roll, you noticed him staring and pulled a kunai that you hidden and threw it, making a couple of the other members chuckle once it striked into Hidan's arm. "Oww! Damn that hurt!" "Stop staring at my chest Hidan." A couple of the members looked away as Hidan gave you narrowed eyes with a smirk as you walked up to him, giving him a small smirk back and light pink cheeks, pulling out the kunai blade and wiping his blood across his cheek. "Hidan. Stay focused. (Y/n), do the same." You gave a nod to Pein-sama, and jumped back, both you and Hidan still smirking at each other. "Can't stay fucken focused with her showing off like that."
"Hey. Come on. We have a meeting." You groaned and got out of bed, you were in a bra and shorts, Kisame smirked as you placed on your Akatsuki cloak and followed him out of the room. All the seats were takin up, you just sat on the arm rest of the small arm chair where Tobi sat and Kisame sat next to Itachi. As stared at Pein-sama so you would seem like you were listening, while Kisame yawned just to peek inside your cloak that was slightly split open. He smirked his shark teeth, you saw from the corner of your eye and when you looked at him you gave him a 'Stop' look, just for Pein-sama to clear his throat. "Kisame. Is that a problem? You don't seemed to focused." "Hm? Oh no. Just thinking is all." Kisame grinned, you gave light pink cheeks and eye roll, along with a head shake, he looked down with a chuckle as you crossed your arms. "You can day dream later." Pein-sama then continued the meeting, you listened but every now and then you would glance at Kisame to see him smirking devilishly.
You gave a small groan once you stepped back into Orochimaru's room after getting back from the Leader's office, you then took off your cloak and sat on the edge of the bed, Orochimaru looked up at you from the chair in his room, his fingers intertwined. "How was it?" "Not well. Pein-sama explained the mission to me, telling me that I might have to go on a week one with." You slowed down in the middle of your sentence as your voice faded when you looked back to see Orochimaru's eyes not connected with yours like they usually are, you saw how low he was looking and sighed. "Orochimaru." "Hm?" You gave narrowed eyes towards Orochimaru, trying to hold back blushing cheeks when he looked up at you with an eyebrow raise. "Did you hear me even?" You crossed your arms, he chuckled and looked back down with his hair covering his face. "Just got lost in thought for a bit." You gave an 'Uh huh' and crossed your arms with a smirk before leaving the room. "Such a snake I am."

(Sorry for slow updates!!! Been working on X readers. But here ya go this is random XD this idea came from me changing and my Jashin necklace..yes I have one XD..getting caught in my bra strap but ya XD TMI I KNOW!!! More to come soon hoped you enjoyed this one)

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