When He Stares at You

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You were in Pein's office helping him with his paper work and getting prepared to attack another village before you glanced your (e/c) eyes up at him with a smile. His purple eyes were locked on you, you didn't know why he was staring at you but you broke the silence anyway. "We should just. Burn all this paper work." You kept on staring at him as he started to nod his head in agreement. "Yes, I agree." Your face lit up as you stood from your desk cheering, telling him you were going to look for matches before he looked at you quickly grabbing your wrist before you could get to the door.
You were help Kakuzu count money, which this day you didn't mind, you wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before he leaves on his mission the next day. As you set the bills in a stack you could see that Kakuzu's counting has slowed down and his green and pale red eyes were locked on you. You then started to smile as he looked up into your (e/c) eyes as his stitched mouth gave some type of confused frown before he asked if you would like to go with him on the mission tomorrow. "Really? Yes! I was hoping you'd ask!" You cheered as you have him a big smile before he looked back down counting his bills give a small, unnoticeable head shake in the process.
You were in Deidara's room, sitting on the bed, sketching a picture in your sketch book while Deidara sat at his desk but turned to face you instead. You had recently been talking about your day since he asked as you glanced up noticing with your (e/c) eyes that his blue ones were looking at you with a small smirk across his face. You stopped talking and gave him the big smile that he loves. "I love you (Y/n)." You smiled more as you told him you loved him back, still blushing as you continued to sketch.
You and Tobi were playing a board game in his room since it was raining outside. Tobi kept making you giggle as he moved his piece across the board. He beat you in the game, which never happens, you never lost a board game to Tobi. You gave him your (e/c) sad eyes while you stared at him. "No, no (Y/n)-chan! Tobi not winner! Yayy!
(Y/n)-chan wins!" You couldn't help but to smile as you gave up your sad act face, giggling as Tobi did the same.
"Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan, she has the prettiest smile ever!" "Aww Tobi." He kept smiling till you heard Obito mumble to himself causing Tobi to flip out as you narrowed your eyes at him.
You were in Sasori's room watching him make puppets, well you were until you got lost in thought. You frowned as you glanced your (e/c) eyes up at him only to find his chocolate brown ones staring at you before he glanced down with a sigh. You watched him hesitate before he spoke complementing your skin. You couldn't help but smile as you hugged his sides, nuzzling your head into his shoulder as he grunted and continued to work on his puppets.
You were spending the day with Zetsu, before he leaves on his mission for three days. You were planting a bunch of different flower seeds as you noticed how quiet Zetsu was. You found it odd so you glanced your (e/c) eyes at him only to find each of them staring at you. Before you you could as he broke the silence. "He was thinking about eating you my dear." You gave a shocked face expression before the dark side of Zetsu spoke. "What? I wasn't." Knowing the two were going to break into an argument you told them you loved them boy with a smile as the told you the same.
You were out with Hidan on a mission until you both found an opportunity to sacrifice to Lord Jashin. Hidan finished his ritual while you kept working on yours. As you were praying he kept his dark violent eyes on you, never taking them off he began give a small smile instead of on of his smirks you noticed this as you were walking up to him covered in blood, swaying you (h/c) hair to the side trying to snap it out of it. "Hidan! You idiot what the hell are you staring at?!" You raised your voice before he kissed your cheek telling you he loved you. You couldn't help but smile as he pulled you into his chest hugging you tightly. "I love you too Hidan." You mumbled in his ear pecking his cheek four time as he smirked.

(Alright! Another scenario finished! Based off of "What he thinks when he's zoned out." Hope you enjoyed. More updates to come)

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