When You Turn Him On

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You and Pein were in his office doing what y'all were normally doing, paperwork, but you got bored of it and wanted to do something else other than paperwork. "Hey Pein." He gave a 'hmm' moan as you walked over to him and stood by him massaging his shoulders. "Yes, (Y/n)?" "Do we have to do all this work. Can't we take a break." You whined as he sat down his pen and lifted up his head slightly turning it to you. "No. I need to get this work done." You then frowned and kissed his cheek and laid your chin on his shoulder. "Please, my king." He sighed with out making a sound as he turned to you and grabbed your hips and rested you on his lap. "What do you want to do?" He whispered in your ear as you blushed, he then started to rub your thigh softy as you pulled him close to you by neck kissing him deeply as he kissed the same way before you got up and headed for the door. "I don't know. Anything besides paperwork." He stared at you with his purple eyes before they turned to a glare as he returned back to work. "Have fun
(Y/n)." You knew you were in trouble for leaving him like that so you left the room and hung out with Tobi for entertainment.
You got bored of counting money while Kakuzu was out trying to be head Hidan. You groaned as you stack the piles of bills before the fell over and on you. Of course you didn't feel like picking them up so you just laid in the bed covered in a blanket of money. Kakuzu then walked in, his green and red eyes widened as he looked at you as you looked at him with your (e/c) eyes and smiled. "Hey." He shut the door quickly and locked it. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" He took off his mask as you gave a smirk. "Waiting for you." After you said that his lips were pressed against yours has he had his fingers through your (h/c) hair. As he started to kiss more, which was surprising, your eyes widened as you got off the bed after breaking the make out. "Oh that reminds me I have to talk with
Leader-sama." Kakuzu's threads then wrapped around you as he narrowed his eyes. "You owe me." You lied on knowing what he meant and nodded with a grin and left the room. "Owe him what?" You asked yourself as you entered the Leaders's office.
You and Deidara were laying in bed cuddling each other since you both felt extremely lazy. As he was snoring softly you watched him with your (e/c) eyes and pulled his hair back behind his ear and kissed it softly. "Deidara." He didn't move a muscle, just continued to snore as you kissed his ear again. "Baby." He softly groaned a 'Hm.' As his blue eyes fluttered open. "Yes beautiful, un." You kissed is ear again. "Can we make explosives?"He smirked as he pulled close and rolled on top of you with his face in your neck, kissing it softly then traveling up to your ear. You smiled and blushed before his hand was placed on you chest then you pushed him off of you. "Deidara. I meant with your clay." He then blushed and glanced away then back at you as you shook your head and giggled. "You idiot." "Hey, un. Just you wait, un. I'll set a spark in you, yeah." Your eyes widened as you tried not laugh, punching him in the shoulder as he laid back on the bed. "Can't believe you got turned on by that." "Shut up, un."
You and Tobi were in his room playing twister, why because you and Tobi already played every game and this one was the last one left. It was the middle of the game and Tobi called out a color so you switched positions. Minutes later you finally collapsed but onto Tobi. "Tobi wins!" You giggled as Tobi pulled you close to him then you heard Obito's voice next. "What's my prize?" You giggled and lifted up his mask kissing his lips. "Hm how about another game. This time I pick." You kissed Obito again but more deeper, he pulled you closer to him. "I'm listening." He started to kiss your neck but then stopped soon after you sat up and rolled off of him, he then sighed of relief after he heard you laugh. "Okay I'll go get!" "Tobi wants to play too!"
  You were in Sassori's room watching him make puppets, well you were until you got distracted. "Love what are you doing?" Sassori felt your hand rub up and down his back as you smiled. "Just watching you work." He lifted up his head as he felt your kisses on his shoulder. "You're amazing." He turned to look at you its his dark brown eyes. "Love." You smiled before you felt his lips press against yours deeply, when you tried to pull away he pulled you closer and kissed you more. "(Y/n)." You then moved your self from his grip. "Oh no. I have to talk to Leader-sama!" He watched you open the door but before you could leave the room his chakra strings wrapped around your wrist. "Love, don't do that again." You smiled and nodded as he released you and turned back to his work. "She's interesting."
You were in the garden watering the plants while Zetsu was watching you from the ground. When you turned around you seem Zetsu staring at you, your (e/c) eyes widened as you slightly screamed then screamed again after the water sprayed all over you. "Zetsu?!"  "Wasn't my fault you sprayed your self." "Actually it was." Zetsu eyes then widened as he looked through your soaked shirt. "Glad it was." You rolled your eyes and opened your arms and hugged him."Its fine. You just scared me." You were surprised that he pulled you closer to him so with that, you kissed him and he kissed you back before he mumbled in your ear. "My dear, remember that pick up line we said?" You nodded as you started to laugh. "I'm thinking about that." Your eyes widened slightly as you giggled he pulled you close before you pulled away. "Oh no. I forgot to visit with Leader-sama!" As you grabbed your cloak and started to leave the garden Zetsu watched you. "You made her uncomfortable." "She won't be soon."
You and Hidan were laying in bed still asleep since you have a mission the next day and he just returned from one. As you woke up to his back facing you, you sat up and looked at his sleeping, snoring form with your (e/c) eyes. You then leaned down and kissed his cheek after saying he was cute which made him growl and move to the side. "Don't fucken call me that." You smiled as he whined before you leaned down to his ear. "I can call you what ever I fucken want to." You then bit the top of his ear which caused his dark violet eyes to shoot wide open and pull you over him and into his chest as he held you down. "Oh really." He then started to kiss your neck roughly up to your lips then back down as he rubbed your sides. Before things got more intended he whispered in your ear. "How about you call me." Before he could finish his sentence you removed your self from his grip and off the bed. "Oops forgot I have to talk with Leader-sama." You left the room with a smirk and a wink as he stared at you with narrowed eyes and yelled. "What the hell (Y/n)! You're a bitch you know that!" You popped your head in the door way with a smile. "I love you." He rolled his eyes and laid back down with a grunt as he heard your footsteps walk down the hallway. "And I'm the asshole."

(Sorry if these sucked and didn't make any sense but it was hard to come up with some for some of the characters. Sorry I didn't add orochimaru he was hard to do I couldn't think of any ideas for him anyway still hoped you enjoyed it. More to choose soon!)

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