When You Get Jealous

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You and Pein were out in a village, doing a little sight seeing before returning back to the base after your mission. As the two of you were walking, you holding his hand, a girl with blue hair and a paper flower in it walked by with a smile as he gave a nod. Your (e/c) eyes noticed this and you immediately let go of his hand. "(Y/n) are you alright?" You have a nod as you continued to walk, a little bit farther in front of him before your wrist was grabbed and pulled back. "Pein let go." "(Y/n). I know you saw." You didn't tug your wrist after that just stood there and sighed as you looked at him. "(Y/n), she knew this person before I took his body." Your eyes widened slightly as he pulled you to him, placing hands on your waist. "I love you my Goddess, me Nagato, and Pein." You smiled as you hugged him back after he kissed your forehead. "I love you too, no matter who you are."
Kakazu spent time with his money more than normal, you noticed this quickly and instantly became frustrated with it. "Kakuzu, can we do something besides count money." "No." Was his quick response. You sighed and stood up to walk to the door before Kakuzu chuckled, making you turn around with your eyes (e/c) narrowed. "Don't be jealous of money (Y/n)." You narrowed your eyes more as you sighed. "I'm not jealous." He made a 'uh-huh' groan as you held the door nob before Kakuzu stood behind you holding you back. "I love money, but money doesn't love me like you do. Don't be jealous over something less valuable." You smiled as you turned and hugged him and kissed his chest. "So can we do something else." "No." Kakuzu returned back to his money counting as he held your wrist with his threads.
You and Deidara were out in a village on a mission to pick up scrolls, as the two of you were walking ever girl that passed by would comment on his hair he would smile and say thank you till this one girl with blonde hair over her eye stopped him and talked to him. You got jealous of course since they've been talking for two minutes already, you eventually walked away to pick up the scrolls, once you did the village was in smoke. "(Y/n) un!" You turned around staring wide eyed at Deidara with your (e/c) color eyes. "Don't do that un! I thought someone captured you, yeah!" Deidara pulled you into his chest and hugged you tightly. "Don't do that because you're jealous, un. I only love you, yeah." You couldn't deny you were jealous so you returned the hug. "I'm sorry, I love you too."
Today, which was surprising to you, you sat in Tobi's room by yourself while Tobi was with his 'senpai' you didn't mind it that he'd give you a break every now and then but you can't help but feel that Deidara gets more attention then you. "Deidara-senpai! Tobi loves you!" Deidara ran past the room as Tobi did the same, lucky you, you watched them run back and forth till Deidara threatened to use his bombs, that's when Tobi came in the room. You rolled your eyes as you sat back on the bed reading. "Have fun with your 'senpai.'" Obito's voice then stuck through making you regret the feeling of being jealous. "(Y/n). We love you, not the blonde idiot." You smiled as Tobi said the same but instead if idiot he of course said senpai. "Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan more than senpai! Tobi go tell senpai!" You smiled as he left the room. "I love you too."
You and Sasori went to the village to go get more puppet parts for Sasori's puppet crafting. As the boy of you were in the store, Sasori was like a kid in a candy store, he would stare at the puppets with out a expression but you could tell in his eyes he was amused. "Love, aren't theses beautiful." He would ask every time you would walk away, making you walk back and replay with the same answer. "Yeah." "They truly are beautiful." After the fifth time you rolled your eyes and started to walk away while Sasori fiddled with the puppets until his chakra strings pulled you back. "No need to be jealous, love. You know my passion for puppets since I am one, but you also know my passion for you" You couldn't help but to feel guilty, so you turned around and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry. I love you." He placed an arm around you. "I love you love."
You and Zetsu decided to go to the public garden to see all the types of plants they hand. As the two of you were scoping around, you saw a woman gardener approach Zetsu. "Can I help you?" "Yes you can." You didn't know what the two of them were saying and the next thing you know he cheeks turned red after Zetsu leaned over and whispered in her ear. Moments later Zetsu approach your crossed arms and eyes darting to the side form. "(Y/n) my dear. You alright?" You nodded before the dark side of Zetsu spoke, turning you towards him with force. "Don't get jealous and look that way." You narrowed you (e/c) eyes and looked in the direction he pointed seeing the garden girl bring two bundled of (c/f) (color of flower) roses to you. "You have a sweet and threatening boyfriend." And with them at she left making you turn and hug Zetsu. "I love you. And I'm sorry." "It's okay my dear and." "We love you too."
You and Hidan were out in the village doing and eran for Leader-sama, as the two of you were walking you'd see Hidan give glances at other women who passed by. "Could you stop." He looked over at you with his dark violet eyes narrowed and eyebrows raised. "Why? Are you fucken jealous or some shit?" You didn't answer just continued to walk, until he gave another glance at a young girl with pink hair. You walked faster and he noticed and started to chuckle as he held your wrist. "Babe don't be like that." He smirked as you looked away. "Hey come on! Give me a break I was comparing their body to yours. They have no where near your sexiness." You rolled your eyes not sure if that was the truth or not before he picked you up and hung you over your shoulder. "This is my hot chick. All you other bitches fuck off!" He started to walk slapping your butt at every women who you look in his direction, giving them a sign that he was taken. "I love you (Y/n)." "Baka, I love you too." You sighed as you stared at the ground passing by you slowly.

(Sorry if this one was terrible but it was a last minute one. Hoped you enjoyed it more to come soon!)

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