When You Pretend To Have Amnesia

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(Seen this was requested so why not?!XD and Tobi, my parents do the same to me XD)
You gave a faint sigh as you sat in Pein's chair at the desk for he was on a mission. You had nothing else to do besides draw random doodles in a scroll in ink with your finger before you jumped after hearing the room door open with force. "(Y/n). Did you give the meeting like I asked you to?" You gave a light swallow after having your lips parted and eyes widened. Pein did tell you last night about you giving the meeting about tomorrow's plans with the members. "I don't remember you telling me to do so." When Pein stepped beside you, you were giving a serious expression. "You even agreed to do so." "Pein, I don't remember you telling me this. I would of but I don't remember." Pein gave a deep sigh through his nose, then cleared his throat when placing a hand on your shoulder. "Fine. I'll go give the meeting then." After Pein gave you a peck on the head and went back out the room, you gave a laugh sigh once more before smiling. "Now what was I gonna do? Not that meeting of course. Hehe."
"Then who said 'I love you' first since you claim to not remember?" Kakuzu raised an eyebrow as you looked down with sealed lips. Kakuzu was standing in the doorway with crossed arms, his mask was off as well so you could see his serious expression. As for you, you were laying in bed, facing him as you tried to hold back a smile. "Me of course." After Kakuzu questioned you about your bounty collection you received yesterday, which you spent on another kunai, you told him you couldn't remember. Kakuzu grunted, giving a deep sigh shortly after as you gave a cheesy grin, the kunai underneath the pillow your chin rested on. "Memory lost. Money lost. Oh well..your lost." You gave an eye roll, laying your cheek on the pillow as Kakuzu left the room, going back into the living room as you smiled and pulled out the kunai. "Best money spent."
You gave a nod towards Deidara before jumping through branches. The two of you were on a mission together, but when Deidara told you he spotted what looked like trap wires, you went to go look around for the enemy. You wanted to get this mission over with since it's been going on for five days. You grunted when feeling your foot hit something, but just before ninja stars sit at you, Deidara grabbed his hand and pulled you up on his clay bird. "Didn't I tell you to stay away from there, hm?" You bit the inside of your lip knowing it was true. But seeing him narrow his eyes slightly made you look down, taking in a light breath before staring up at him. "I don't know." Deidara gave a confused look, you stared blankly at him and double blinked. "You don't..remember, un?" You gave a head shake, turning your back to him and gave a relieving sigh as he continued to have a confused expression.
As you unwrapped your knuckles and wrist from bandages, which you wrap up before going on missions, Tobi was sitting behind you on the ground, messing with your kunai. "(Y/n)-chan, remember when Tobi fell from tree?" You gave a deep sigh, it was a long day and Tobi was starting to stress you out with random questions. "No." You smirked knowing if you denied, he'd leave you alone. "Does (Y/n)-chan remember Tobi's pick up line?" "No.." Your cheeks were a light pink, you were smiling but as for Tobi, he stood up in confusion. "Do you remember anything back then?" "I can't remember Tobi. I must of hit my head and lost all my memories." You gave an eye roll as you finished unwrapping your right wrist, you were smirking too. "We must go make more memories (Y/n)-chan!" You gave parted lips when Tobi started to pull you along, you then gave a eeep sigh when hearing Obito chuckle. "Shouldn't lie." "I wasn't lying. I was denying."
"Amnesia?" You gave a nod towards Sasori while sitting on his bed in a neat form. While you gave a guilty expression when tried to hide back your smile, Sasori stared at his desk in confusion, then looked up at you with a serious expression. "Are you telling me you don't remember Love?" You figured Sasori knew you were lying to him about forgetting where you misplaced the puppet's hand. But in all honesty, you accidentally let Tobi take it. "I don't remember making a hand out of wood Sasori." Sasori looks back down, making you give a light swallow and fall backwards on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "You just had it. Hm? Memory lost? Interesting. Seems all this puppetry might be getting to your head." You were about to ask an unrelated question to get the topic off of you but instead you kept quiet, and surprisingly Sasori did too.
"Are you sure?" You gave a light swallow when staring up at Zetsu. You forgot to deliver a scroll with on your mission yesterday. Today you were going to go into Pein's office to grab it real quick before going on the mission once more. Zetsu didn't want you to be alone around him but you had no choice. "Yes I'm sure. I don't remember being on a mission yesterday." "Memory lost?" "Heh, do you remember what we did last night?" You gave a confused look, you and Zetsu didn't do anything sexual last night. You bit your bottom lip, not knowing how to answer. You didn't want to get yelled st by the dark side of Zetsu cause then you'll tell back in defense. "What was the question?" "Seems she is suffering from Amnesia?" "I'm not taking care of her. She forgets it's her own problem." You gave an eye roll, then started to laugh a bit when walking away. "Idiots." "What?!" Just before you could make a comeback, you gasped when knocking over a flower pot, causing it to shatter. "Um..someone broke that. I don't know who though. But..someone did." "Of course." "Bad lier." "You believed her the first time." "Shut up."
"You seriously don't remember what I told you that day?" Hidan was sitting on the edge of the bed as you leaned against the doorway with a shoulder shrug. You were about to leave on a two day mission until Hidan brought up an old memory. You of course did remember what he said that day where you watched him leave on a deadly mission for the first time when joining the Akatsuki but you wanted to hear it for yourself. "Nope." You gave a head shake, trying to hide your blush when flash backing and trying to hide your smile when seeing he actually believed you. "Never mind then." "Tell me! What did you say that day?!" Hidan gave a deep sigh, rubbing the back of his neck before staring up at you with a smirk and his eyes slightly narrowed. "I said 'What would I do without you? You're someone who's crazy yet beautiful on the inside and out. I might be a jerk at times but..I have a soft spot for you.' Then I winked and went on the damn mission." You blushed, smiling, you then gave a small laugh as Hidan gave an eye roll. "You licked your bottom lip too that da-." Hidan looked back at you with narrowed eyes, making you smirk and take a couple of steps back. "Well I gotta go on my mission..I think. Love you, bye!" "Damnit (Y/n)!"
"(Y/n)!" You froze in position when eating a sweet rice ball after grabbing it off the plate that was in the kitchen. It was the last one as well, making you hurry up and swallow it then picked up your water bottle and started to mess with it. "Yeah?!" Kisame stepped onto the bed room, seeing you laying on the bed with a confused look as he gave you narrowed eyes. "Why did you go into the kitchen?" "I don't remember." Kisame gave an eye roll as you smiled at him, sitting up and tossed the bottle to the side with kind eyes. "What's the matter Kisame?" "Someone, which I believe is going to be you, is gonna pay fitceating my last rice ball." You gave shrugged shoulder, licking your bottom lip as Kisame crossed his arms with a a smirk. "I taste it but I can't remember if I ate it. Did you kiss me earlier?" Kisame placed his hand to his forehead, giving a light sigh before turning his back to you. "Am I talking to a goldfish? Maybe you got too much water up your nose?" Kisame left the room, making you smile and lay back down with a giggle. "Heh. Maybe I should use that more often?"
Instead of waiting for Tobi to go on the mission, you left without him. While you did so, you ended up getting ambushed, having your arm sliced by a ninja star. You were now walking through the forest holding the blood in, only to gasp when seeing Itachi appear in front of you. "You're hurt." You gave a head shake, you didn't want Itachi to worry for when he did, he'd start watching overing you and following you everywhere. "Hm? Am I? I didn't know that. Oh well it's fine then." "Are you saying you are suffering from short term memory?" You gave a light gulp and looked down with a head nod, making Itachi give a light sigh. "Move your hand." You did so bit carefully, Itachi then wrapped the wound as you smiled calmly. "Well, do you at least know why you went on your own?" "Cause I wanted to." "That I'll believe."
"I don't remember which way. Please come with me." Orochimaru closed his eyes after staring at you in confusion for a while. You and Orochimaru where on your way to his experiment grounds, he told you to go there alone but you didn't want to. You didn't like the feeling of getting stared at by all his prisoners. And the only way to avoid doing so was to pretend you didn't remember. "I think I have amnesia Orochimaru. Usually I would but I just can't." "Fine then." You gave a cheesy grin, holding onto his arm as he smirked and patted your head when walking with you. "Could of admitted you were scared." "Scared of what? Those prisoners? Yep."

(Hoped you enjoyed this. More to come soon sorry for slow updates and if some are a bit iffy.)

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