When You Get Injured

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Pein was waiting in his office for you to get back from a mission involving a tail beast. You stumbled into his office with a small smile holding your arm in the process. "Welcome ba..(Y-Y/n),what happened?" He asked as he stood up from his desk quickly walking towards you. "I-I'm fine Pein. It's just a scratch." He removed your hand quickly but softly from your upper arm, seeing a deep cut cutting across. He stared into your (e/c) eyes and pulled you close, kissing you on the forehead. "I'll go get Kakuzu to stitch it up. Please sit down and rest. You won't be going on any missions any time soon." You rolled your eyes as you watched him leaving the room. "What a God." You whispered sitting down on his bed.
You and Kakuzu were on a mission together before it got ambushed by Leaf Ninjas. You and Kakazu fought half of them off till one of them sliced a katana blade across your cheek. Kakazu saw this and went on a rampage as his threads exploded out of his arms. The Leaf Ninjas abandoned their post and left with out a trace as you sat on the ground staring into Kakazu's green and pale red eyes with your (e/c) ones as he stitched you the cut. You gave a small frown before he lifted up your chin pulling down his mask. "You still look..beautiful. And don't worry. You'll have your revenge soon." You smiled and pecked his lips before getting up and returning to your quest.
Deidara was in the Leader's office while you were in his room at his clay sculpture making desk, adding details into his clay bird with a sharp object, and you being careless, you pricked yourself of course. "Oww. Damnit." "What happened princess, hm?" You looked over your shoulder seeing Deidara behind you lifting up your hand to show him. "I cut myself..again." He gave a small smile as he lifted up your hand to his lips, kissing you wounded finger softly. "Better?" You nodded as you leaned your forehead on his chest as he stroked your (h/c) hair smiling.
You were playing hide-and-seek with Tobi outside of the Akatsuki base, it was your turn to hide so you did. Apparently, you choose a bad place to hide, you thought you hid in just a regular bush but instead you hid in a bush full of graspers (or stickers). "Tobi!" You yelled and Tobi ran right to you with a skip in his step before he stopped. "(Y/n)-chan! What happened?! Why (Y/n)-chan covered in pokey stickers?!" You waited for him to pull you out of the shrub, which he did after his flip out. Obito pulled out each grasper, kissing your skin after he pulled it out. You just smiled and kissed his forehead as he tended to your wounds.
You were helping Sasori make puppets while he was in Leader-sama's office. You were just about to put the poison needles into the slot of the puppet before Sasori came in the room accidentally slamming the door. You jolted up stabbing yourself with the needle in the wrist as Sasori made his way over to you. "My apologies for taking so long love." He stopped talking as he saw your (e/c) eyes getting droopy before glancing at the needle. "Oh, love." He quickly got the antidote and traded out the needles, you smiled as you started to come back as he kissed your forehead returning back to his work, giving glances at you every now and then.
Zetsu was helping you plant some flowers you bought in the garden, you decided you wanted to plant the last potted plat so you did, well at least tried to, your dropped the flower pot on your foot after it slid out of your grasp. "(Y/n) my dear. Are you alright?" The light side of Zetsu asked as he bent down to your foot, the one day you walked around barefooted, and started to remove the shattered pieces off of your foot. "I'm so sorry Zetsu." "My dear, it's alright. There's no harm done." "Well not to the flower at least." The dark side of Zetsu commented as the bent back up staring into your (e/c) eyes handing you the
(f/c) flower. "Come my dear. Let's go treat your wound." Zetsu picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the base as you held the flower smiling up at him. "I love you." "We love you too."
You were cleaning Hidan's scythe while he was arguing with Kakazu, well trying to at least. Knowing you being a cluts and Hidan's scythe being heavily, you lost grip of it before he dug into your side causing you to gasp in pain as blood pour from your side. You tried to stopped the blood by putting pressure on the stab wound before Hidan came in the room. "That damn! What the fuck happened to you?" He asked raising an eyebrow as a tear rolled down your cheek. "I stabbed myself with your damn scythe!" Hidan eyes slightly widened as he walked up you you lifting up your (s/c) shirt. "What are you?" "Just trust me." You furrowed your brows just before he licked the blood around your wounds as your (e/c) eyes widened as he smirked. "Easy there don't get kinky now." "Shut the hell up." You blushed with embarrassment. "Come on, let's go ask Kakuzu to stitch you up." You smiled as he took your hand,holding it softly, and led you down the hall.

(Hello sorry if some of these are long but oh wells. More scenarios to come hoped you enjoyed it. Night.)

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