When You Annoy Him

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(Tables have turned once again XD)
"When you arrive there. Try not to draw attention, especially with Deidara." You gave a nod as Pein explained to you what needed to be done on your mission with Deidara tomorrow morning. "K." Pein glanced up at you as you made the bed, he stared at you for a while tree seconds before looking away with a light sigh through his nose. "What? Okay I understand Pein." You smirked, giving a small laugh as he rolled up a scroll, placing it on your chair. "The scroll is on your chair make sure you don't forget it." "K." Pein looked at you again, clearing his throat for you to make eye contact with him. "Enough with that. It annoys me." You looked down, smirking he looked down at his desk with his serious expression. "Oooo. K." "(Y/n). Enough."
Kakuzu gave you a side glance as the two of you waited in the collections office to receive his bounty money. As stated at the ban he killed, you stared up at the cloak that was in the middle of nowhere on the wall, making ticking sounds with your mouth out of boredom. "(Y/n)." You look towards Kakuzu with a 'hm' but when he glanced back forward without a word, only a grunt, you started do you make the same ticking sounds. Kakuzu groaned, he then placed his palm over your mouth, feeling you crack a smile as his eyes narrowly stared into yours. "Be quiet. You're starting to annoy me." You gave a nod, kissing his palm just before he lowered it back at his side, but before he could make a comment towards the guy who paid the collection money you interrupted with a 'Fine.' "Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock." "(Y/n)."
"Would you still love me of I became a zombie?" "Yes." Deidara gave a light sigh after you asked another random question while fiddling with a piece of clay out of boredom. You were laying in bed on your stomach and facing Deidara as he sat at his desk working on clay birds to have on an upcoming mission. "Would you still love me if I dyed your hair?" Deidara glanced at you, seeing you smile then looked back at his desk with another sigh. "Yes (Y/n), I would, un." You smiled, humming as you stretched the pieces of clay. While you did so, Deidara started to tap his foot like he always did when he was getting annoyed or frustrated, which you noticed and smiled at. "Deidara. Would you still love me even though I'll." "Yes, (Y/n)! I would, un. Shush!" When Deidara looked over at you, he seen you staring blankly, only for him to give a sigh and kiss your cheek when taking it. "I will alway, yeah." "Even though I purposely annoyed you." "...Yes.."
While sitting in the living room of the base with Tobi beside you, you started to stare at the inks smear on Tobi's mask from earlier. "(Y/n)-chan? What are you doing?" You licked your thumb then started to wipe the smudge off after pulling Tobi by the back of the head towards you. "Trying to get this smudge off." Tobi smacked your hand playfully win a few of the other members started to arrive in the living room. "Stop it." You did so, but seconds later you placed your thumb on his mask only for him to slap your hand once more. "Stop (Y/n)-chan. Tobi will clean it in a minute." You did so once more, but when you licked your finger and wiped it on Tobi's mask, he then stood up and groaned. "Stop annoying Tobi!" "Fine."
You rolled off of Sasori and onto your back beside him, it was late and you were tired yet you couldn't get comfortable. You didn't want to tell Sasori that he was uncomfortable so the only way to do so was to annoy him. Sasori's eyes slightly narrowed when you kept toss and turning, making him sit up slightly against the bed frame. "Will you get comfortable already (Y/n)?" You gave a faint groan, turning in your side and casting your leg over his as you held his sides. "I'm trying." Sasori gave a light sigh through his nose, about to pull you close before you sat up, laying on your other side. Seconds later, Sasori ended up getting out of bed, going straight to his desk at you watched him. "I'll wait till you get comfortable then love. I'm started to get annoyed." You laid on your back, smiling slightly for you had the whole bed to yourself and got comfortable while Sasori worked on his puppets. "Much better." "Same love."
"That's gross. Stop." You closed your lips that were parted when looking over at Zestu. It was raining so you were in the Akatsuki's base, in your room and sitting crisscross on the bed when Zestu popped his head out of the ground, then the rest of his body. "What?" "Never mind my dear." You smiled, looking back into the magazine you picked up from the village a couple of days ago. Zetsu stood in front of you, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at the pages as well. "This looks nice." "Cheap." When Zetsu leaned back up, he watched you make spit bubbles with your mouth out of boredom. "There you go again." "Whaaaaat? I'm not doing anything." You made another spit bubble, making the dark side of Zetsu groan as the light side of him give a unpleasant expression. "I don't know if I'm getting annoyed by what you're doing with your spit, or that you don't know what you're doing." "When you put it like that it sounds rude." You gave me a small laugh with head shake, tossing the magazine to the side before placing your head on his shoulder. "If it bothers you just tell me." "Sorry." "I'm sorry too my dear."
"Can I have a bite?" "No." You gave a frown with playful, narrowed eyes towards Hidan as he leaned against one of the counters in the kitchen, eating a plate of Dangos he took off the stick. "Please Hidan?" You were leaving in the doorway before walking up to him with sad eyes and a calm smile, putting our chin on his shoulder when he turned around and placed another in his mouth. "No..Fine. Only one, got that?" You smiled, taking the fork and plate. But instead of eating one, you managed to eat the three remaining ones he had on the plate. "Thank you!" As you sped walked out of the kitchen, Hidan groaned following you. "Damnit (Y/n)!" When he didn't see you in the living room, Hidan headed for his room only for you to jump on his neck with a giggle, kissing his cheek. "I looooove you." "Fuck you're starting to annoy me today!" You smiled, kissing his cheek repeatedly even after he sat on the edge of his bed with you still latched on him. "Love you too asshole."
Today was your and Kisame's lazy day. The base was completely empty, not even Pein-sama was in his office. And instead of being stuck in Kisame's room all day, the two of you decided to sit together on the couch. Kisame was checking your kunai for any dents while you did the same with your ninja stars on the opposite side of the couch. "Get your feet off of me." You smirked when you placed your foot on Kisame's torso before he pushed it off. You slowly placed it back, making Kisame give you narrowed eyes and push your feet off of him. "I'm serious. You're annoying me when you do that." Just before you could do it again, Kisame grabbed your foot but when you removed it from his grip. Your ankle ended up colliding with his area, causing him to groan as he held there with both hands. "Should of let me put my foot there."
Itachi peeked open his eyes only to stare at you narrowly after hearing to pop your fingers. You and Itach were sitting up in a tree branch, waiting for Deidara to arrive to proceed on the mission Pein-sama assigned. "Sorry." Itachi shut his eyes like he always did when he tried to concentrate, but you couldn't help it. Once you popped two fingers you need it to pop your neck, thenneck then your back, then your toes. All this caused Itachi to give a light side while staring at you same expression as before because you calmly smile to the side. "(Y/n). Will you stop?" You frozen position when trying to pop your shoulder, giving sealed lips in the process. "Am I annoying you?" "More so." "Take me to a masseuse then."
"(Y/n), it's early and you are already starting to get on my nerves." You smirked as you laid on your side still, acting as if you were still sleeping. Orochimaru woke up due to you rubbing the front of your foot on his, mainly Orochimaru does that in his sleep. At first he did it to you but when you did it back, he groaned and nudged your shoulder slightly. After he pecked your cheek and laid back down, you waited a few seconds then did it once more, causing Orochimaru to peek open his eye and glance at you. "(Y/n)." You couldn't help but crack a small laugh, and when you did, Orochimaru pulled you close into a tighter spoon and started to kiss your ear. "You better stop. I'm giving you one last chance before you annoy even more." You gave an eye roll, nudging his chest with your elbow next. "Tch, I annoy you every day what are you gonna do? Huh? Nothing." "Ugh...it's going to be a long day.."

(Hoped you enjoyed this! More to come soon! So sorry for slow updates and if some are a bit iffy.)

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