When He Pranks You

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You've been lacking paperwork lately, Pein noticed but understood since you've been on mission for five days straight but you spent two days of resting and you decided to help him. "Thank you my Goddess." You smiled and looked up at him then back down and held out your hand. "You're welcome and Pein. Can you pass me the stapler?" He gave you a nod and picked it up but when he did he saw a small box of staples he forgot to put in the stapler. He gave a small smirk and looked at you still writing and handed to you. He gave you small glances seeing you trying to staple papers together. "Dammit again?" "Having trouble?" You gave narrow eyes and continued to try to staple, seconds later you opened up the stapler frustrated to see it empty. "Pein?" You looked up at him to see him smirking and holding up a box of staples in one and while he looked down and wrote with the other. "Yes?" He looked up at you to see you right in front of him, you pecked his lips and took the box. "I love you." "Love you too Pein."
You have an eye roll as you got off the bed and went to Pein-sama's office after he called you in, as you were getting up a dollar fell onto the floor, Kakuzu glanced up to see it in the hall. "Ooh! A dollar!" His eyes slightly widened after he heard Tobi, just before Tobi could grab it he used his threads to pull it him. "Heh." As you came out of the office you saw a dollar on the ground and Tobi in his room peeking out the door giggling at you. You narrowed your eyes playfully then rolled them, once you picked up the door is jerked out of your hand. You then saw Tobi laughing as he ran down the hall, you went for the dollar again but this time, it went into Kakuzu's room. "The hell?" Once you got in there Kakuzu wasn't in there, you saw the bathroom door was shut, you tried to pick up the dollar again but it jerked back. "The fuck!" "Sounding like Hidan?" You turned your head to see Kakuzu behind you. "Wait? What?! Kuzu! This money is getting to my head!" He chuckled as you laid your head on his chest with a sigh. "More for me then. You dropped this." You lifted up your head to see the dollar on his thread, you narrowed your eyes and just before you could grab it, he pulled it into his palm. "Finders keepers." "That's not fair!" "This money getting to your head?" "Ugh!"
You gave a groan as Deidara tried to wake you up, it was already eight and you had to leave the base by twelve for your mission with Kakuzu, he set the time on when having to leave but you knew this mission had to be done so you agreed and if you didn't you would have gotten up even earlier. "Beautiful, un." Deidara gave a smile then kissed your cheek, you smiled but still slept. He gave a sigh then gave a small smirk as he looked at the cloak. "Princess, get up, un. It's three o'clock and Kakuzu left with out you, yeah." Your eyes shot open seeing Deidara was right, you got out of bed and threw a shirt on then put on your Akatsuki cloak. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" "I tried un, but I fell back asleep, yeah." You gave an eye roll then pecking his smiling lips, you heard him chuckle before you left the room and ran only to bump into Kakuzu. "I thought you left?! I'm sorry I didn't wake up!" You saw his eyes slightly narrow in confusion through his mask. "(Y/n). It's 8:15. We leave at twelve, if I didn't have a choice I'd leave now." You gave a confused look before he pushed you out of his way, you then went into the kitchen seeing the clock had the same time Kakuzu said. "Deidara?" You walked into his room to see him laying in bed with his arms open and his chucking. "Come here, un." You gave narrowed eyes but did so as you took of your cloak then laid in his arms. "Are you going to get up next time, hm?" "Not sure if I can ever sleep again." He chuckled and kissed your forehead then the tip of your nose and held you close. "I'm sorry, un. I love you beautiful, yeah." "I love you too gorgeous."
You laid in bed on your stomach trying to fall back asleep from being woken up by Deidara and Tobi, you groaned after hearing them still argue. "Can y'all be quiet?!" It got quiet and you smiled with a sigh, seconds later you heard giggling and that made you sit up. "Hey (Y/n)-chan! Look at Tobi!" You turned around only to see Tobi cupping something in his hand. "Hm?" "Look out!" He threw a clay bird on the bed, you gasped and trying to get off the bed. "Deidara wait!" You were about to run out of the room until Tobi grabbed you and hugged you. "(Y/n)-chan it's okay. It's not real! Tobi made it." You gave narrowed eyes as he stroked your hair, he then shut the door and lifted up his mask. "It's just a prank." You smiled seeing Obito smile with a chuckle as he pecked your forehead. "Tobi still a good boy?" You laughed and pecked Obito's lips before hugging him again. "Yes." "Yay! Tobi good boy!" You blushed and giggled as Tobi spun you around, seconds later Deidara came into the room. "Tobi, un! Where's my bird, hm?!." "Tobi?!" "Tobi good boy remember!"
You were in Pein-sama's office at the time while Sasori sat at his desk and dug through a box of old puppet parts. He noticed the clown puppet you were scared of and set it on the bed and continued to dig through the wooden pieces. He then placed down the box and its lid and turned back to his desk. You came in with a smile a few minutes later. "Hey Sasori." "Love." You smiled and pecked his wooden shoulder, he continued to look down at his puppets. "Love. Pass me that box." You gave a nod and did so, but once you lifted up the box you saw the clown puppet. "Sasori! That's not funny!" You left the room, he looked up and stared at the doorway of his room, he then looked down at the clown puppet. "What's not funny?" He turned back around at his desk and continued to work. "How strange of her. Interesting girl she is." You came into the room with narrowed eyes, he turned to see you in the door way with crossed arms. "Can't believe you pranked me?" "What's a prank?"
You were on your way back to the garden with a small smile after coming back from Pein-sama's office knowing that you didn't have any missions so far. As you were on your way back Zetsu was watering his plants before something made his dark side smirk. "Don't." "Heh. I'm doing it" You smiled more after seeing Zetsu and hugged him tightly. "Good news. No missions yet till next month." "That's good my dear." "Yeah." You smiled then released him, he then handed you a hose and pointed to the spot that needed watering. You smiled as you watered the plants but then your smile faded after seeing a frog jump out, you gave a small scream and tried to spray it but the water was off. "Zetsu!" You saw him no where in sight, you pointed the water hose down and that's when it turned on. You saw the frog hop and tried to spray it again but then the water turn off, you heard the dark side of Zetsu chuckle and that made you throw the hose and run off. "Not funny!" "Oh, my dear please." "It was hilarious." He popped up out of the ground and pulled you into his chest both holding you tightly. "I'm sorry my dear. It was his idea." "You were apart of it too."
You stepped into the shower after a ritual, as you got settled in you expected Hidan to show up at any minute but the you started to hear him yelling at Sasori. While you were in the shower Hidan came into the room to notice you were, he smirked then left to only to come back shorty after. As you rinsed out the bubbles, Hidan came into the bathroom quietly, he peeked through the curtains then smirked. You gave a confused look and turned around after feeling eyes staring at you, you turned off the shower grabbed the back end of the curtain, you were about to pull it back until you felt a chill and went back to the water. Hidan gave a relieving sigh then peeked back through the curtain with a smirk. You heard the word 'Damn' be whispered, you gave a smile but when you turned around you saw a ventriloquist dummy sitting on the walk rack. You screamed then heard Hidan bust out laughing. "You fucken asshole!" You watched him leave the bathroom through the curtains. You wrapped your self in a towel and went out of the bathroom to hear him laughing down the hall. "Hidan! Come here you little fuck!" You then saw Sasori peeking out of his room door. "Hey can you get your puppet out of the shower?" He gave you a nod and did so, after he did you got back into the shower only to hear Hidan come into the bathroom laughing. "Get out!" "I fucken love you baby!" "I love you too asshole..."
You woke up only to see Kisame still in bed, you smiled and pecked his bare shoulder before getting up and going into the bathroom to get a hot shower before he uses it all. You started up the water then got undressed and hopped it. Kisame woke up minutes later after feeling that you weren't in bed, he smirked and went into the bathroom feeling the steam of the hot water. As your back was facing the water and you rinsed out bubbles you felt the water get cold quickly. "Shit." You turned off both knobs but only noticed that the cold one was on. You turned both back on and continued your shower, Kisame smirked and turned off the hot water and moved to the other side of the shower. Your (e/c) eyes narrowed as you turned on the hot water, you then peeked out the shower to see no one there, but then when you turned back around, Kisame pulled you into his chest. "Ahh! Seriously? It was you that was doing that?!" He smirked and kissed your forehead as he stood underneath the water. "Indeed it was." You narrowed your eyes then rolled them with a smile. "I love you shark bait." "Love you too." "You're out of hot water for real." "Really?!"
You still laid in bed half asleep, you didn't feel like getting up since you returned from a mission and had to go on one tomorrow. You rolled on your back to see Orochimaru not there, then rolled back on your sigh with a groan. "Orochi!" You heard the door open but didn't turn to face it. "Yes my precious snake?" "Come lay with me!" "I can't." You groaned and put blankets over you, you looked up after the door shut to see him not in the room then laid back down. Orochimaru smirked with a chuckle as pushed his dark hair to the side. You managed to fall back asleep in  the matter of minutes, you moved slightly to feel something wrap around your sides. You smiled but kept your eyes shut. "Nice of you to join me." You opened your eyes to see a white snake staring at you with its tongue flickering at you. You screamed and pushed the snake away, crawling off the bed and running into the base's living room. "Orochimaru!!" You heard him chuckle but didn't bother going back into the room, you sat on the couch with crossed arms. "You're a snake you know that!" "I know." Orochimaru chuckled to him as he pet the snake's head. "But I love you." "I know!"

(Hah so sorry if these suck but hoped you enjoyed these. They just popped into mind while shopping anyways hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon)

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