When He Tries To Hit You/Another Member Protects You

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(So this was requested a lot. Why not do it for the Reader-chans /^_\\)
"Pein stop." You tugged Pein's arm to you, he continued to stare forward at the three small children in front of him. The two of you went into a village a day later after Deidara bombed it, but while the two of you checked the area, you both came across three kids huddled together in fear. "(Y/n), you're in the Akatsuki. Act like it." You looked down when his hand was raised to do the 'Almighty push' but before he could speak, you pulled his arm to you more. "Enough." Pein released himself from your grip just for the other to come at you, making you flinch with a gasp. You peeked open your eyes seconds later, giving parted lips seeing Zetsu in front of you, the dark side hand's clinching Pein's wrist. "You will not blame her for doing what she thinks is right." Pein gave an deep sigh, making eye contact with your watery eyes before releasing self from Zetsu's grip, walking off as the children ran the opposite direction. "Are you alright?" You gave a nod, then pushed past Zetsu before he tugged your cloak. "He needs time." "To calm down. Come back to the base." You gave a sigh with a nod, following Zetsu, taking one glance back towards Pein, seeing him heading to the other entrance.
You parted lips in a disappointed expression seeing your bounty run away, he was faster and stronger another reason for him to be high priced. "Kakuzu." After catching up to him, you saw his stitches going back into his arm, making you give a small swallows when he glanced over at you. "Did you." "No, he got away." You seen Kakuzu look forward, you looked down seeing your cloak out of the corner of your eye, then seen Kakuzu turn his back to you. "You do realize that was the highest bounty offered. And you let him get away." You gave narrowed eyes after parted lips once more. "Actually unlike yo-." "Shut it." You gave a small yelp and flinched after seeing his fist coming to you but after not feeling in impact, you peeked open to see Hindan in front of you, his scythe blades blocked his fist. "Hid-." "What the hell Kakuzu?! You could of killed her!" You peeked to see Kakuzu walking away, Hidan looked at you to see your watery eyes then 'tch'ed when handing your cloak to you. "Hey, come on. Give that fucker space." You ended up walking back to the base with Hidan, him blabbing trying to keep you from tearing even more.
"Why are you defending him, un?" You gave a small smile to Deidara as he gave you a confused look, the two of you were on a mission together in the forest, Tobi came along but he ran off. "I'm not Dei-Dei. I'm just saying quit being har-." You glanced back to see Deidara looking down with narrowed eyes, making you give a concerned look as you went up him. "Deidar-." "You don't know how he is (Y/n), hm?" You placed a hand on his arm just for him to move it off. "De-." You gave a gasp when Deidara turn to the side to swing at you. But then you were shoved to the side, you gasped seeing Deidara punch through Tobi, making him opened up his eyes just to roll across the ground with a grunt. "Tobi.." Deidara gave parted lips seeing you staring at him with tears, Tobi in front of you with clinched fist, taking a step forward to him. "(Y/n), un." "Deidara. You will not hurt (Y/n)-chan for whatever reason!" Deidara looked down, then back up seeing you getting picked up bridal style by Tobi. "Tobi! Get back here..un." You seen Deidara lay back down on the grass, hand over his face as Tobi pulled you closer after you gave a small sob. "Just give Deidara some space (Y/n)-chan."
"Tobi. Stop playing games already." After you chased Tobi into his room, you gave a deep sigh as he chuckled and placed both hands to his mask. "Tired?" You gave a nod, a small smirk as well, but before you could speak, Tobi grabbed your hand and kissed it, making you smile seeing Obito's lips. "I love you Rin." Your eyes widened, causing you to pull back your hand with watery eyes. "I'm so sorry.." When Obito shower half of his face, you looked down with narrowed eyes. "You still love her? Don't you?" "(Y/n) I." "She's dead Obito...why can't you move on." Obito clinched his first, and when you tried move back from him, he swung his fist. You gave parted lips after you were tugged back by your shoulders, you gasped slightly after seeing Sasori's arm around your collarbone. "Tobi." Tobi landed on his knees, looking up to see you with watery eyes and Sasori with eyes slightly narrowed, he then looked back down clinching his nails against the floor. "S-." "Don't make an excuse for your childish behavior. (Y/n) will be coming with me until you calm." You had no choice but do, you were pushed a long by Sasori, giving one last look to see Tobi put his hand to his mask, over his eye before you went into Sasori's room, only to sit on the bed and weep as he made puppets in silence.
"Sasori stop." You and Sasori had just gotten back from a mission, your arm was sliced by a katana and Sasori wanted to exam it. "Love let me see." You pushed him away when you stepped into his room, he gave a deep sigh with his eyes shut as you stared at him. "I'll have to make an arm for you then." You gave an eye roll with a deep sigh, making him open his eyes. "You can't control me." "Silence."  You gave parted lips once you see Sasori's wrist get stopped grabbed, making you flinch as Sasori stared with widened eyes and parted lips as well when he glanced up to Orochimaru smirking with narrowed eyes. "Feeling a different emotion to her now? Seems you need to go relax." Orochimaru threw his hand to the side, taking you arm and pulling you out of the room. When you glanced back at Sasori, he was staring at his palm with his normal expression, placing a hand over his canteen before he was out of your view. "Shall we go for a walk?" You started to tear up when you and Orochimaru left the base in silence afterwards.
You continued your walk to the base, you were going to meet Zetsu at his garden but you had to check in with Pein-sama first. You looked down and lifted up your foot, seeing that you stepped on a flower, making give a shoulder shrug and continue walking. "Why did you do that?" You glanced to see Zetsu following you, but didn't bother stopping. "Zetsu I don't have time to watch where I'm going every five seconds. Plants are made to be stepped on." You gave parted lips when your arm was grabbed, making you face Zetsu. "Take that back." "Zetsu I didn't mean it like that." You gave a small gasp, you shut your eyes only to open them after feeling your shoulder getting pulled back into Pein's chest as he held Zetsu's fist when he tried to hit you. "You will not place your hands on her." The light side of Zetsu had parted lips, looking down as the dark side followed, sinking back into the ground, you were about to speak but Pein released you. "Let's go. Come to my office." You did so with small sobs and tears as Pein gave deep sighs.
You gave an eye roll as you and Hidan headed back towards the base, he was chuckling as you gave a frustrated sigh. "Will you quit being such a bitch?" You stopped and turned to, your kunai clinched as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It was just a small kiss on the cheek. Gotta keep my sacrifices f-." "Shut up. I hate you sometimes!" Hidan gave parted lips then sealed them with narrowed eyes, pointing his scythe as you as you took a step back. "You don't think I feel the same?!" You pushed his scythe to the side with your finger tip, making him groan when you threw the dagger, stabbing him in the arm. "You fucken b-." You gave parted lips when he swung at you. When you moved you after your arm was sliced you seen his fist coming to you just before you were scooped up. "Deidara.." Deidara landed on the ground with you as Hidan looked up, he fell onto his knees but stood up with narrowed eyes but before he could speak, Deidara pulled your head to him, letting you sob into his chest. "I think you need time to cool off, hm." Deidara walked back to the base, Hidan was about to follow before he was surrounded by a clay ring, making him fall back on his knees with groan.
You gave a light sigh when Kisame started to walk faster than you when heading back to the base, you the knew reason why too. When in the village, a guy touched you, meaning he slapped your butt. Kisame saw this and wanted to kill the guy. But the Leader ordered to keep a low profile since you and him were just observing the village. "Will you slow down Kisa?" Kisame stabbed his sword into the ground, giving you narrowed eyes as you took a step back. "Why don't you go back to that human? I'm sure he's waiting." You gave narrowed eyes after an eye roll, then crossed your arms as he turned his back to you. "I bet he'll treat me right too." You flinched when Kisame turned to you but just before his hand could impact you, crows flew around him. You were suddenly in Itachi's arms, being carried bridal style, on top of a branch. "Kisame." Kisame looked up to see you lean into Itachi's chest with watery eyes, causing Kisame to look down before storming off. "Are you alright?" "Y-yeah.." Itachi carried you the whole way back to the base with your lightly sobbing into his chest.
You and Itachi were on a mission together, well heading back to the base after ambushing a few leaf ninjas. "You should of been quicker." You gave an eye roll towards Itachi as he walked a bit faster than you. You were staring at your kunai that was broken, causing you to toss it to the side. "Yeah I know." "I'm sure you do know." You stopped walking, causing Itachi to do the same and turn to you in confusion. "Will you shut the hell up Itachi? I don't need to pointing out all my damn mistakes." When you tried to walk past Itachi, he grabbed your cloak, tugging you back only for you to turn and slap him. Your eyes stared into his, your were widened at the hand print. Itachi then pushed you back, raising up his fist, but before he could reach you. You gasped when Kisame jumped in front of you, using his sword to block Itachi's hit. "Now Itachi." Kisame pushed up his sword, making Itachi take a couple of steps back with slight widened eyes before falling onto the ground. "Don't take your blame out on her." You looked away when Itachi's eyes met the watery ones, causing Kisame to pull you close by your side to him. "Kisame." "Take some time to cool down. Unlike you, I'll make sure (Y/n) gets back to the base unharmed." As you walked with Kisame, you sniffed and cried onto his arm he let you hold onto you, causing him to slightly smirk before giving a deep sigh. "No need to get worked up over him. Now he has lost everything."
"Orochimaru. Put me down." Orochimaru did so, he was carrying you bridal style back to the base after you went with him to where he host experiments at. "As you wish." You gave an eye roll and walked off in your own, he followed you. "You know, sometimes I question why am with you?" You gave parted lips and looked at him just before you could place your hand on the base's door to open. "What is that supposed to mean?" He peeked open his eyes with a smirk to see you giving him narrowed eyes. "You're absolutely useless to me. When I asked you to take care of the gentleman inspecting the hideout, you just stood there." You looked away, knowing it was true, but looked back at him with a frustrated expression. "Go do experiments on yourself. Maybe then you'll see that you're the monster instead of letting other people see it for themselves." You gave widened eyes seeing his hand raised, but just before the swing could impact you, Orochimaru was lifted up off the ground by a Kakuzu's hand, his threads going back into his body when he pulled you to him. You pushed yourself from Kakuzu's chest, just to watch Orochimaru land on the ground holding a neck with one hand as he tried to reach out for you with the other. "You need space. I suggest you take a walk to go clear your mind." You look away with watery eyes and followed Kakuzu, who gave a couple of glances at you.

(Sorry for slow updates and if these are iffy but! Hoped you enjoyed this, more to come soon and yes there's more to this XD)

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