When You Turn Neko

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(This was indeed requested XD)
"Pein-sama!" Pein lifted his head up from his desk and turned to the door with confusion after hearing Deidara yell. He then gave a deep sigh and went to the door, but once after opening it, he gave slight widened eyes when seeing Deidara and Tobi taking multiple steps back while Sasori walked past with no expression. "(Y/n) was shot by a dart. I'll make an antidote." When Pein pushed Deidara and Tobi to the side, he kept the same expression when seeing you sitting on the floor with narrowed eyes cat like eyes that went with ears and a tail to match that animal. "(Y/n)-sama cute kitty!" "Silence. (Y/n)." "Pein!" You hugged him with a smile, he then lifted you up and carried you back into his office as you wrapped your arms around his neck and legs around his sides. "Relax. It will take Sasori a few hours." You sat in your chair like always as he did the same in his. Pein would do paperwork as you would play with a paper ball but every once and a while, Pein would scratch behind your ear to keep you focused and smiling.
"Stop." You scooted back and wiped your face after Kakuzu sprayed you with a windex bottle full of water when you started to tug on his pant leg. You gave Kakuzu narrowed eyes, after coming back from a mission when an incident happened in the village to case you to grow a tail and cat ears, you been having urges like the animal. "I'm bored Kuzu. I just want to cuddle you." Kakuzu gave a deep sigh, placing his hand down by the side of his chair as the other held the bounty sheets. You smiled, you hugged his hand and made him scratch behind your ear. "This bounties don't pay me enough to look after you." You smiled, you kissed his hand then hugged it arm, purring as he raised an eyebrow towards you. Throughout the rest of the day, Kakuzu treated you the same like always, expect this tone he had benefits such as pulling your tail or ear, or spraying you with a water bottle when you would annoy him.
Deidara gave a small grunt after feeling his hair, which was still up, being stroked, along with your weight laying on top of him. "Dei-Dei." Deidara then smirked and rubbed your back when you nibbled on his ear and started to purr. "Morning to you to Bea-. Eh?" You leaned off of Deidara as he starred at you with widened blue eyes, watching your tail moved side to side, then at your cat ears that would twitch, then to your small fangs. "What?" "W-what happened to you, hm? You're like a cat, yeah." You smiled, looking down with a shoulder shrug, then started to cuddle your head in the crease of his neck. "Do you still love me?" Deidara smiled, scratching behind one of your ears as you smiled. "Of course, un." "Yay! Can you scratch my ear again?" Deidara did so, he laid in bed with you until you fell asleep, then he'd make clay birds fly around you to keep you from the living the room.
"Awe! (Y/n)-chan!" You ran into the kitchen, hiding underneath the table as as Tobi skipped onto the room.  After coming back to the base from a mission with cat ears and a tail, along with cat eyes and small teeth, Tobi chased you around trying to pick you up and cuddle you. "Tobi. Go away." When Tobi bent down and tried to take your hand, got pull away, only for Tobi to appear behind you and pull you out from underneath the table by your tail. "Tobi! Stop!" "Tobi just wants to hold kitty-chan!" After Tobi got a hold of you, he didn't let you go. He would pet you, feed you your favorite snacks, compliment you, cuddle you, basically treat you like the human cat you were.
After stepping into Sasori's room as quietly as you could, you gave sealed lips and took off the Akatsuki's cloak hood that covered the cat ears that appeared when using one of Sasori's new weapons. "Back already Love." You smiled, trying to hide your tail behind you as you walk up to Sasori, kissing his cheek after wrapping your arms around his bare shoulders. "Missed me?" Your expression changed when Sasori moved his hand to your head, scratching the back of your cat ear. "Seems I didn't give you the wrong one. I was getting inpatient when waiting for you to return." While Sasori tried to come up with an antidote, he kept you distracted by using his chakra strings to dangle puppet pieces in front of you. He would let you sit on his lap and cuddle him like normal, he didn't treat you any different expect trying to keep you not bored and from leaving the room.
"I'm sorry.." "That's what you get for not listening." Zetsu had recently  grew a new plant he was going to test on enemies. But while he was in the base trying to go over mission with the other members, your curiosity got the best of you. You were sitting on your knees in the grass, next to the pond, trying not to stare at the coy fish that were swimming around in circles. You clinched your tail, making your (h/c) ears drop as you gave a small frown before the light side of Zetsu parted your head. "My dear, you look adorable. Don't be upset." You smiled then looked into the pond, swaying your tail as you tried to touch the fish. "Do cats like water?" "I'm not sure." Throughout the time spent in Zetsu's garden, you would try to catch butterflies making Zetsu smile and smirk a bit to that. But there were times Zetsu would hold you and pet you to make calm down and stop whining. Overall, both sides of Zetsu treated you the same.
A faint smirk formed on Hidan's face after feeling something brush against his torso. Hidan thought it was your fingertips, but after opening his eyes, he ended up tugging a cat tail. "What the." Hidan did it once more only for you to sit up with a growl and scratch his cheek. "Ow! (Y/n)? What the hell?" You stared at him, your cat ears twitched as Hidan smirked then raised an eyebrow when feeling blood drip on his arm. "Damn. Haven't even got out of bed yet and I'm already bleeding." You frowned, scooting onto his lap, once you licked his cheek, Hidan's smirked turned into a grin. "Heh. Good kitty." Unfortunately Hidan ended up taking care of you the whole day rather than being in bed with you. When you followed him on missions, Hidan would dangle his scythe cord in front of you just for you to attack it. Hidan of course would compliment you and scratch behind your ear or pull your tail just to make you mad throughout the day.
"Don't ask." When Kisame stepped into his bedroom after arriving back from a mission, he gave a blank expression when seeing you sitting on the bed. But that's not what surprised him, then made him laugh shorty after seeing your cat like ears twitch and your matching tail sway behind you. "I'm not going to. The only thing I'm going to ask is. Can you swim?" Soon after Kakuzu lifted you up by your shirt collar like a cat, he dragged you to the pond. You yelped as he held you upside down by your ankles, making him chuckle as you attacked him. Kisame was only joking though. The rest of the day with you being a cat, he would tease you with water, but would pet you and cuddle you just to keep you from distracted from Tobi, whom wanted to be the one petting you and such.
When Itachi stepped into the room and closed the door, that was your cue to step out of the bathroom with your hands behind your back and a calm smile on your face. "Itachi. What do you think about me now?" Itachi's eyes slightly widened when seeing you with cat ears and a tail that swayed side to side when you stepped in front of him. "Let me guess. Orochimaru?" You gave a nod but then a shoulder shrug, hugging him tightly as your tailed brushed in front of his nose when you started to purr. Itachi would treat you like he normally would but there were sometimes he treated you like a cat. He would pet your head when you would cuddle in on his lap, he would stroke your tail out of boredom when you fell asleep. In all honesty, you kept Itachi entertained rather than he did with you.
"Let me see (Y/n)." "No! This is all Kabuto's fault!" Orochimaru gave a light eye roll when you locked yourself in his room after coming back earlier from the place Orochimaru did his experiments in. After hearing that an incident happened to you, a Orochimaru rushed back to the base. You were sitting against the door, holding your hands over your cat ears when watching Orochimaru rise from the ground, smirking at you. "What an adorable creature you are?" You blushed, looking away, then held your cat tail that started to move around. "I might have to give Kabuto credit." You gave an eye roll with a small laugh when Orochimaru started to stroke your head with his palm as if he was petting you. Orochimaru kept you close to him and would give you attention when you wanted it. He would pet you, scratch behind your ear, making you purr with compliments, and to keep you happy.

(Hoped you enjoyed this! More to come soon! Sorry for slow updates and if some are a bit iffy.)

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