When He Calms You

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Like always you were helping Pein with his paperwork, he sat at his desk passing you the paperwork for you to staple, but just with your luck the stapler got jammed and Pein kept piling up the papers. "Damnit!" Pein looked up at you with his purple eyes slightly widened in confusion after seeing you struggling to staple the papers. "(Y/n), give it here." "No! I got it." Was your response before you got frustrated and threw the stapler against the door. "(Y/n)", it's okay." Pein mumbled in your ear as he pulled you close to him, stroking your (h/c) hair calmly. You gave a relaxed sigh and hugged him back. "I love you." "And I love you."
You were counting money with Kakazu on his bed as he sat in an arm chair beside you doing the same thing. "223, 224, 226." "(Y/n), you skipped a number." You grunted as you glanced your (e/c) eyes up at him while he continued to count his money. "225, 226, 212. Dammit!" "Having trouble?" "No just. What number was I on?" Kakuzu shrugged and that was the last straw for you untill you sighed,dropping the money on the floor and started to walk towards the door. Kakazu's threads latched onto your wrist before you could even reach the door knob,which made you freeze in position, before his large hand was placed on your wrist instead. "Just take a break for a little while." You nodded as his hand travel up to your back, massaging it softly as you leaned forward against him.
Deidara was out on a mission, so you sat in is room trying to make one of his famous clay birds. Unfortunately for your lack of art skill, you just couldn't get the bird's shape right. "Ugh! Why is this so freaking hard." You ended up smashing the clay bird and planted you head against the desk in frustration. "Don't worry, un. You'll get better, yeah." Deidara softly spoke, rubbing your back up to your shoulders and repeated until you looked up at him giving him a small smile. "I love you Dei." "I love you too beautiful, un."
You and Tobi were outside the base skipping rocks in the near by lake, well Tobi was, you on the other hand couldn't even get the rock to skip at least once. "(Y/n)-chan! Like this! See?!" Tobi cheered as he tried to show you for the tenth time in a row. "Tobi! I can't do it!" After that eleventh try you finally just through the little pebble on the ground and started to walk away before a tug on your wrist stopped you. "(Y/n), it's okay, we can do something else." Obito now spoke as you stated your (e/c) eyes into the eyes of his mask. He pulled you into a tight hug stroking your cheeks with his thumb as you rested your head on his chest. "I want to try again!" You yelled happily. "Yay! (Y/n)-chan wants to try again!"
You and Sasori were making puppets together in his room the whole day, unfortunately, not being a good puppet master as Sasori, you struggled making the arm of your puppet. Sassori noticed this and offered you help but you just turned him down until you got to the point you gave up on the puppet completely. "(Y/n). Don't worry. It requires patience to do this sort of art." His words relaxed you as he tussled your (h/c) hair, leaving you smiling as he went back to work, sitting beside him watching him work on the arm. "Says the one that isn't patient." "Hm?"
You were in Zetsu's garden, helping water the plants while he was in Pein's office. You kept getting frustrated because the water in the watering can kept spilling on you before you could even reach the plant that needed to be watered. "(Y/n), you're all." "Wet." His dark side finished the light side's sentence as the watched water dripping down you. "Yeah. I know that." You snapped back as you crossed you arms away from them as the approached you picking up the can that had a large crack in it. "(Y/n), this can is busted." "Idiot." You were about to storm off  before Zetsu held your cheeks in his palms, his light side smiling. "We love you (Y/n)." You couldn't help but to smile and hug Zetsu. "Hey, don't get me wet either."  "I don't mind."
Hidan of course finished a Jashin ritual and came into the house covered in blood, leaving bloody footsteps all through the house. Lucky you, you were the one who had to clean it up while he showered. "Damit Hidan." You mumble to yourself as you (h/c) hung over your face as you tried to scrub the blood from your bedroom carpet the best you could. "Hey bitch. You missed a spot." He chuckled combing back his silver hair. You narrowed your (e/c) and through the rag at him and stormed out of the room as Hidan followed behind, knowing he pissed you off. "Hey, (y/n), I was just kidding. Babe." He grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him. "I was kidding." He pecked your forehead as he gave his we'll know Hidan smirk causing you to eventually smile. "Well if you were, you go clean it." He chuckled and kissed your cheek before walking away. "Good one babe." He could help be smile at your Jashin jerk.
You stretched as you got out of bed, grabbed some clothes and walked to but when you opened the door water soaked your feet. "Kisame?" You opened the door more to see the whole bathroom floor wet but Kisame wasn't in there. "Really?" You sighed and grabbed a few towels but dropping your clothes on the ground in the process. "Dammit." Once you picked up your wet clothes and the towels that were already soaked you heard Kisame come into the room chuckling. "Kisame?" "Huh?" You turned around to see him dripping water down his chest onto the ground. "Another shirt please?" He gave nod and went to the dresser then handed you a shirt, you placed it on the counter as you through the wet clothes, when you turned back around your shirt was on the floor. "Dammit!" "What?" "You got water everywhere!" His eyes widened then he smirked and pulled you into his chest, lifting up your chin as you stared your eyes narrowed at him. "I'll clean it up." He picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the bed."Just lay there." He kissed your forehead again, you watched him with a smirk then smile watching him clean up the water. "Can you do laundry too?" "Doesn't that involve water?" "Yes. But you can clean it up." "I'll throw you in the lake if you don't watch it."

(Hello again. Finished another scenario! Hope you enjoyed it. I will still keep updating.)

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