What About Him Frightens You

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Pein is rough in bed, he's harsh on his words towards others, but being rough and aggressive towards you in a way that's not sending shivers down your spine, is what frightens you. There are days where Pein is just not having it, and most of the time you don't know that until you get on his nerves. However, he will give apologies and try to come himself down, but either way, you still get distant from him.
There's no doubt that Kakuzu gets competitive, and that's what frightens you about him. He will go to great lengths just to compete over a bounty or a bet you or someone else made. With that being said, even though you still make bets and deals with Kakuzu, you try your best to make everything fair in the end.
When Deidara is tired, he will literally blow things and people up that just bother him the slightest. Thankfully, you get away with it. Deidara needs his sleep. In fact, he will sleep way more than you if he really wanted to. So if Deidara gets woken up early for no reason, he will be rather grouchy and just overall sarcastic and a jerk all day.
When Obito shuts himself out, you get overly worried and constantly concerned about his health, mental state, and each action he makes. You know of Obito's past and what he plans on accomplishing with the Akatsuki, so you know how much he feels and goes through. There are days where he just won't act like himself, and that's what bothers you deeply.
Sasori's jealous side always gets you shaken up, and he becomes obsessive and rather violent when he gets tensed in that way. If anyone touches you, looks at you, or even talks about you in a way that he does, Sasori gets triggered. He will attack anyone or use them as a puppet when he does get jealous. On your part, you just stay beside him and not get involved with anyone else.
Zetsu hardly gets mad. He is always there to keep you calm, make you smile, make you feel good about yourself and is always there to brighten up your mood. So, with that being stated, Zetsu getting mad and violent obviously scared you. He usually targets others and never takes his anger out on you, but just watching him get that way is still a sight you don't like seeing.
Hidan getting rather possessive, not related to jealousy, is quite frightening. There are some days where he will get very clingy, constantly claiming you, and just not letting you go off and do your thing. To be honest, this is what starts most arguments, yet it's not often done this side of him scare you.
You can fight with him, argue with him, taunt and tease him, and just be a complete jerk to him, but if there's one thing that you won't do is steal his food. Kisame may not seem like the type to get aggressive and violet over food, but he is. He will go on a complete rampage if anyone steals something from him without asking.
As much as you don't want to admit it, Itachi, in general, can frighten you. If something is said that he doesn't like, if anyone lays a land on you or says something about you while he's around, then it's best just to stay clear of him.
You say this all the time, but Orochimaru's abilities are more than disturbing. They can be quite frightening and just make you want to stay clear of him for a while. Apparently, his jutsus are natural for him, but they are still uncomfortable to witness.

Since I was tagged again, I decided to just do this scenario for fun and have this tie into it at the bottom. I get tagged a lot in books, I don't mind at all, but only a few interest me and make me wanna do the challenge. So! Here we go! I just copy and paste the questions as instructed, and some are a bit...odd XD

Challenge: "If you're not too scared, then!"

1. If you're not too scared, then..Who or what was your first smut/lemon/dirty book that you read about?
Oh gosh...ummm...so my first lemon book that I ever read was with Deidara. We were in a closet and playing 7 minutes in heaven when he took my reading virginity. First week on Wattpad..Deidara smashed me. XD

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