What He Thinks When He's Zoned Out

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'How am I going to get this paperwork done with her staring at me like that. Should I say something? No, it'd only cause me a distraction from my work. Is she trying to get my attention? Maybe I should say something or she'll get mad?' "Yes. I agree." 'There maybe that'll make her happy.' "Really! Alright I'll go find some matches." "Wait, what. (Y/n)! Come here!"
'Hm, I wonder how much money I'll get tomorrow? Maybe I should bring (Y/n) along with me? Why is she giving me that grin? Maybe I shouldn't bring her along. She's already a distraction enough. Heh. Maybe that's a good thing.' "(Y/n), would you care to join me on my bounty tomorrow?" "Really? Yes! I was hoping you'd ask!" 'What a strange women. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. Too late now.'
'She truly is a work of art un. I could look at her all day. Oh crap, un. She stopped talking. Why is she giving me that cute, cheesy smile, hm? Heh. I'll just say what I always say when I'm in a situation like this.' "I love you (Y/n)." 'There. That should have made her day, yeah.' "Aww, I love you to Dei." 'Heh works every time.'
'She's so beautiful. Her smile makes me forget about all flaws. Why is she giving me sad eyes? Maybe Tobi well do something to make her smile. There it is. I'm truly lucky to have someone like her. "Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan, she has the prettiest smile ever!" "Aww, Tobi." 'Damn it Tobi. I was going to say that. Childish jerk. Tobi not a good boy.' "Obito why would you say that? Tobi is a good boy." 'Wait did I say that out loud? Yep, she's giving me that look. Oh well. It's true though. At least she notices me as well.'
'She would make a beautiful puppet. Too bad I can't convince her. But her (s/c) skin, it's her best feature. Why is she giving that sad look? If I ask what's wrong it'll deprived me of my work.*Sigh* She's all I'm thinking about anyways. Might as well.' "Your skin is very beautiful." 'There that seemed to make her happy. Strange, now she won't let go of me. But I just can't get over this feeling she gives me.'
'I'm glad we didn't eat her.' 'See I told you. I knew you'd come around.' 'Shut up, she'll catch us being zoned out.' 'Too late. Why is she?' 'Smiling at us?' 'She has such a beautiful smile. I'm glad we met her.' 'I am to but if she kills a plant I'll eat her.' 'I won't let you.' "He's thinking about eating you my dear." "What? I wasn't." "I love you both." "And we." "Love you dear." 'Lier.' 'Shut up you're the liar.'
'Damn she looks so sexy. Mhm. Just thinking of her gets me worked up. Shit, why is looking at me like that? Why is she yelling at me? Heh I know how to shut her up.' "I love you." 'There a kiss on the cheek and those words will have her all up on me.' "I love you too Hidan." 'Jashin, thank you so much for this women. She really does complete me. Fuck what the hell is Kakazu doing here? That greedy bastard.'

(Hello once again! I managed to get another scenario finished! Hoped you enjoyed. More updates on the way.)

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