How You Two Sleep Together

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Soon after you convince Pein to come to bed after a couple more papers he indeed does. You blush of course because that's when Pein strips down only in his pants. You would lay on Pein's shoulder while the two of you would talk about which village to destroy next, even though you didn't look like you enjoy the topic, he knew you did secretly. After the conversation you would lay on your side as Pein would cuddle up to you from behind with one arm wrapped around you, holding the top of your hand while the other was being used as your pillow. He would always fall asleep before you do you would lay there with a smile as his head was pressed against the back of yours, hearing him snore softly before you fell asleep.
You would fall asleep way before Kakuzu ever did, he would stay up until he finished counting a day's worth of money. After he did he would strip down to only in pants, letting his long brown hair down as well. He would stare at your sleeping form with a smirk since you always told him you wouldn't fall asleep. He knew you would so it was funny to him. He would lay beside you and pull you up to at least to his shoulder as he had one arm behind his head and the other around your shoulder as he pulled you close. He would kiss the top of your head with a smirk, and brush your
(h/c) hair out of your face before he would fall asleep slowly.
Whenever you would want to go to bed Deidara would always follow you, stripping down only to his pants. You two would lay and bed facing each other talking about missions or his clay bombs until he would notice your (e/c) eyes slowly fluttering close. He would pull you into his chest with one arm and with the other, brushing back your (h/c) hair. He would always kiss your forehead about four times before kissing your lips to see if you were asleep, usually, you were. After that, he would lay his chin on the top of your head and try to fall asleep as he rubbed your sides. Usually, it took him about ten minutes to fall asleep and in that time he would look at your sleeping form with a smile before falling asleep with one.
You would spend your days with Tobi, but you would always spend your nights with Obito. So it was a win-win for you. Obito would strip down only into his pants, he would take off his mask and pull you close to him. He would hold you from behind and his face into you (h/c) hair just in case someone would come in. He would give you neck kisses here and there just to hear you giggle, which makes him smile. Both arms were wrapped around your sides, as he would fall asleep first, which was a surprise but you didn't mind, you loved to hear him lightly snore and softly mumbled in your ear as you fell asleep.
Sasori was a puppet and you knew he wouldn't sleep, but whenever you were tired and ready for bed, you would pester him until he gave in. He would lay half sitting up as you would lay on his chest, hearing his heart canteen, for he was shirtless whenever he would work at night. He would place in arm on your back and the other pulling back your (h/c) hair so he could study your face as you slept. He would crest your face, feeling your soft skin with the tips of his fingers. After you were completely asleep you'd think he'd get up to go back to work on his puppets, but instead, he would hold you close staring at his desk in deep thought until he would focus and look at you whenever you would move slightly.
  Zetsu would always sleep in his garden unless you asked him too. Even though his light side would happily agree it took a few tries for his dark side to agree as well. You would lay on top of Zetsu with your head on his bare chest and one of your arms around his neck while the other would be placed by your face. Zetsu's light side you pet your (h/c) hair while his dark side you rub your back, sometimes underneath your shirt if you let him. As soon as you fell asleep he would whisper to himself about you or his garden and before it would turn into an argument he would silence and fall asleep with his eyes open, looking down at you. In the morning or whenever you would wake up, you could see why he slept alone.
Whenever you would try to sleep, Hidan is always there it interrupt you even though he falls asleep quicker than you. Whenever you would lay on your side, which you mainly do since he takes up most of the bed, he would cuddle up behind you, basically spooning you, making you blush since he only slept in his boxers and kiss on your neck, or make excuses to sleep with his face in your chest, until you threaten him to sleep on the couch. But whenever you two would sleep, he would constantly move around, some times you have to pry him off of you or hold him to you, either way. You and Hidan always have to be touching in order for both of you to get a good night's sleep.
Kisame will join you whenever you decided to go to sleep, he usually stays up late but will lay with you without a complaint. He'll sleep shirtless just to see you blush, but whenever you try to sleep on your side he'll always pull you up onto him so your face can be in the crease of his neck and his arms can be wrapped around you. But if you fall asleep on your back he has no problem of falling asleep on top of you with his face slightly above your chest or in the crease of your neck. He always has to have his arms around you, if not there's no point of him sleeping, he feels as if he's protecting you, and he gets a goodnight sleep when he does, making the both of you wake up smiling at each other.

(Hope you enjoyed this scenario! More to come! Sorry if some were terrible but still hoped you like them! I do take requests!)

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