The End.

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To all my Reader-chans. I'm sorry but this is the end of my Akatsuki writing. I've come far in the book I really have! I didn't think I would have so many followers and fans and supporters. But this doesn't mean I'm giving up on writing. I've been writing actual books to hopefully publish in the future. To become an actual author not only on this app that I love and thank so much. I love you all too! Thank you all so much! And yes. I have to tell my Akatsuki boys goodbye as well.

Pein: *places a hand on my shoulder as I stare up at him with a calm expression* "You worked hard on these scenarios. Adding each image with a story behind it." *smiles slightly when looking down, then looks back up at his piercing gaze* "Along with making the readers see the true sides of us through each part of the book when it comes to loving someone. To that. I thank you." *gives a big smile, and hugs Pein's arm when he placed it at his side* "Thank you Pein-sama."

Kakuzu: *grunts, putting his money in the suitcase before standing up off the arm couch* "I agree with the Leaders words. I not only care about money..that I know now and the readers should know too. " *sticks his hand out, wanting me to shake it but instead I hug his arm* "You're welcome! I saved you money and you saved my writing."

Deidara: *smirks, rubbing the back of his head before crossing his arms with an actual smile* "Actually, un. You brought your writing to life, yeah. You never gave up, yeah." *opens his arms, making me hug him before he pulls back and pats my head* "Now go hug Tobi bye, yeah."

Tobi: "Goodbye Author-chan!" *hugs me tightly* "Thank you for giving Tobi love! And for Tobi loving the Reader-Chans! Tobi loves them love them and their smiles!" *smiles, patting Tobi's back before ruffling his hair when he looks down* "I'll miss you too Tobi. And you Obito. The readers loved you all well."

Sasori: *gives a light sigh through nose when placing down carving tools on the seat next to him as he stood up* "Giving me such emotions for a reader. It was..Interesting. But of course..I have been impatient for waiting for more scenarios." *looks down with a blank expression* "But..Author." *places a hand on my shoulder* "This may be the end for you're writing on this app. But. To new readers it's just the beginning. Good luck." *turns me with his strings towards Zetsu*

Zetsu: "It's so sad seeing you leave. We did enjoy your work and the readers affection." "Even if you made me look like a fool." *gives a small laugh before they both take my write hand* "Sorry. But hey! Many loved you!" "True. Did make the readers laugh." "We made the readers laugh." *gives and eye roll before hugging Zetsu* "Keep loving the readers like you love your plants." "Promise."

Hidan: *blushes deeply when seeing him step up in front of me with crossed arms over his bare chest* "Sucks this is the end." *gives a nod, looking down with a small laugh* "I'm sorry.." *looks back up when he grabs by Jashin necklace* "Tch. Don't be. You came this fucking far right? Didn't give up and tried to publish every fucking day without stopping." *smiles, then blushes deeply when he pecks my forehead* "Hurry before we force you to stay here." *whispers* "Love you Hidan."

Kisame: "Looks like you're done being a big fish in a small pond." *gives a blank expression* "Wow Kisame." *laughs a bit before he ruffles my hair* "That was meant to be a good thing. Thanks for giving my sharkbaits the love they deserved. And for giving me what I deserved. Even though, you didn't add me until last minute."

Itachi: *gives a light swallow when looking up at him, then smiles* "I'm sorry for that too Itachi.." "Don't be. I didn't see any of this coming." *smirks when he placed a hand on my shoulder* "Goodbye. And I also give my thanks and respect to you."

Orochimaru: *smirks when stepping in front of him* "Goodbye Orochimaru!" *chuckles when he pats my head* "Seems this is the end. Good luck in the real world. And thank you. I may have been a bad character but I deserved love too." *gives a nod and a quick hug before backing away and out of base*

Anyways!!! My name is Kirsten Stehling. I'm seventeen years old and I want to thank all of you for helping me through things. Bryanna_Shae thanks to you especially for helping through everything. Love you girl! I stopped writing on here because I'm starting to write actual books like I mentioned earlier. Thank you for all you're support once more. Never give up. Never stop being you. And never stop watching Anime!!!! XD love you all. And by helping I mentioned in an author note I had terrible experiences from the paranormal and fell into a depression..but seeing all of your comments and votes made me stronger not only in my writing. When I thought I was going to lose readers where there for me. Thank you all. Just..thank you.

Anyways. Goodbye. Keep loving zombies. Hope you enjoyed by book. There's not more to come soon. I'm taking a bigger step into my writing career and perusing my dreams of writing. This is where it started and..I'm so happy I found this app. Goodbye once more. I love you all.

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