When He Makes You Have A Wet Dream

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(Bruh. Requested. Erm. Why the hell not?!XD I tried! Give me a break!!! And that's one way to make a comeback. Heh..heh...*stabs self* Jashin I have shamed you.)
"Mhm~. Pein, stop," you whispered. Pein glanced at you with a confused look. It was early in the morning, and he had to leave for a mission with Tobi soon. "Sorry," he mumbled when tucking you in. The last time Pein thought dirty minded of you moaning in your sleep, you called him a pervert for the rest of the day. When Pein kissed your cheek, you squirmed your hips again with another moan. "Mhm," you groaned. When Pein pulled up the blanket, he seen your thighs were pressing together. Pein's eyes widened for he knew that position you did when you were feeling satisfied. "As you wish," he smirked. Pein tossed his cloak off and crawled underneath the sheet. You were already bare and on your back. As soon as Pein licked his lips when pulling himself between your thighs more, you peeked open your eyes with a confused look. "Mhm~. Pein? What are yo-. Ah~!" you moaned when clenching the sheets and arching your back. "Making your dreams become a reality, My Goddess," Pein mumbled with a smirk.
"You can't make someone have a wet dream." "(Y/n), is that a bet you are making with me?" "Yep!" After that conversation was made three weeks ago, Kakuzu kept glancing up at your sleeping form. "She did bet me on this," he sighed. Kakuzu stepped out of the shower just in time to see you already bare in bed without him, asleep too. "Better live up to it," he smirked. Once the lights went off, Kakuzu crawled over you with his tongue traveling up from your hip bone and to your neck crease. This caused you to faintly moan and squirm in your sleep. Again, Kakuzu smirked and continued to kiss at your sweet spot when prying your thighs around him. "Mhm, Kakuzu," you groaned in your sleep. Kakuzu then kissed your forehead when crawling off of you. "I won that one." A few minutes later, Kakuzu watched you sit up in bed with flustered cheeks. As he sat in his chair while scanning through bounties, you tried your best not to make something he knew obvious. "Something wrong?" You shook your head with a blushing smile. "No, I. Just." "Pay up. I won that bet." Your jaw dropped as he smirked at you. "Kakuzu! You greedy, cheating, jerk! I was kidding!" "Doesn't seem that way now."
When adjusting himself slowly in bed after returning late from a mission, Deidara smiled at your sleeping form. Once he lied on his side while facing you, he gently pushed a strand of your hair to the side while trying to not wake you up. "So gorgeous, yeah," Deidara whispered. He pecked your softly with a grin, but hesitated to place his arm around you when hearing you softly groan. "Did I wake you, hm?" Deidara then smiled knowing that he didn't, but again he hesitated after hearing a softer  version of the same noise. When he lifted up the bed sheet, his eyes went straight for the underwear, which you were only wearing. Deidara blushed, but he looked back at your sleeping face when slowly rubbing his hand down your side, stomach, and into the hem of your underwear. Again, you softly moaned in your sleep, making Deidara's hand's mouth open when palming you. Deidara smirked as you squirmed your hips in his hand, then loudly moan yourself awake. "Deidara~?!" you yelled in a moan. Deidara removed his hand quickly with blushing cheeks and a weary grin as you stared at him with a lustful, embarrassed, and confused expression. "Hey beautiful, un. Dream pleasantly, hm?" You narrowed your eyes, then you grabbed your pillow and held it to his face. "You saw and did nothing!"
Tobi cracked open the door of his room, peeking inside before sneaking himself in. "(Y/n)-chan up?" It was past noon, and you returned back from a mission with Deidara around four this morning. Tobi slowly crawled onto the bed and tugged at the blanket. "Tobi lonely (Y/n)-chan." When he tugged the blanket, he flustered when seeing your laced underwear. "Mhm, Obito," you whispered. Tobi slowly placed a hand on your thigh, then rubbed it up to the waistband of your underwear. "No (Y/n)-chan. It's Tobi. Say my name," Tobi mumbled. Tobi continued to rub his hand up and down, then slipped it between your thigh crease. You continued to sleep when squirming your thighs together, causing Tobi to faintly laugh. "(Y/n)-chan ticklish." After squeezing your thigh, you sat up with a faint moan-like yelp. "Tobi~?!" "Yay! (Y/n)-chan said my name!" You pulled the blanket to your chest and covered your body as you softly panted. Tobi, on the other hand, only laugh and skipped out of the bedroom. "Tobi made (Y/n)-chan say my name in her sleep!" "Tobi?!" you yelled again.
Surprisingly Sasori was lying beside you, rubbing your back with his lips pressed to your forehead as you slept. The room was pitch dark too, making Sasori hold your close and keep you near him. When you soft moaned in your sleep, Sasori's eyes slightly widened when your hand went to his lower torso. You nuzzled into his neck when he faintly grunted to the feeling of your soft hand brushing lower, even though you were trying to roll in your sleep. After hearing a groan, Sasori rolled you onto your back and hovered above you. "Love, if you want to be intimate, then I wish to please you as well." After Sasori said that, he pinned your wrist behind your head and slid his hips between your thighs and started kissing at your neck. You moaned and squirmed, making Sasori kiss rougher. His name slipped from your lips when his lips went to your breast crease, roughly kissing there and back up when you started to arch your back downward. "Ah~! Sasori~. What are you doing~?! you moaned in a loud whisper. Sasori said nothing as he continued to hold your wrist down. "Sasori?" Sasori double blinked then softly swallowed. "Love. You were still asleep, were you?" When feeling you nod your head, Sasori kissed the crease of your neck. "My apologies love. I thought you were awake when making you orgasm." "W-what?"
"Great. She's still asleep. Let's just go." "No. I'm not doing that. She told us to wake her." The dark side of Zetsu groaned while they stared at your sleeping form in his bedroom. Today Zetsu had to leave for a three day mission with the leader, but you wanted him to wake you before he left. As you remained bundled in the sheets, Zetsu came out of the ground and sat on the edge of the bed. "My dear." "Get up or." Zetsu stopped speaking when seeing your bare back, making his dark side chuckle. "No. We are not going to." "She wakes up angry. We don't want that, do we?" Zetsu's light side blushed while his dark side's hand rubbed towards your breast. "No." Zetsu's light side then scooted closer and started to kiss at your cheek and down your neck as his dark side squeezed your breast. When you moaned, Zetsu smirked and started to become rougher. He softly bit your neck and he faintly grunted, causing you to squirm and moan his name. You then opened your eyes when feeling your thighs tighten, making you blush deeply and push Zetsu off. "Zetsu! What the hell?!" Zetsu got off the bed as you gave him a flustered expression. "We didn't know how else to wake you, My Dear." "That's one way to start the day."
Hidan remained awake as you softly panted in your sleep. It's been an hour after the two of finished love making. While you had your bare back to him, Hidan stared up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. "Damn it," he huffed. Hidan then rolled onto his side and pulled you close and into a tight spooning position. You faintly moaned after he kissed your bare shoulder, making him smirk with a confused look. "Can't sleep too? I could go for round two," Hidan mumbled. When you didn't reply, Hidan gave an eye roll and slipped on hand underneath your breast when the other softly scratched at your back. Again, you softly moaned, making Hidan grin. "Hell no, Jashin. I'm the only one who makes her sound like that." Hidan used one hand to squeeze your breast while the other rubbed to the upper part of your thigh. Hidan then softly bit your neck and dragged his tongue to your jawline. "Mhm~. Keep dreaming about me going so rough on you." You moaned louder in your sleep when he bit your neck again and squeezed rougher. "Hidan~!" You rolled out of Hidan's grip with a flustered expression and a moan in your voice. Hidan only grinned and rolled on top of you. "Good, now that your up and ready. Round two."
"You violated me in my sleep!" you yelled. Kisame rolled his eyes while you continued to hit his back with a pillow. "It wasn't violation if you liked it," he mumbled. Before this happened, you and Kisame were already asleep when night fell. After feeling your constant moving, Kisame rolled on top of you to hold you down. Instead of getting an attitude from you and towards him, Kisame received a pleasurable response. He knew you were having a sexual dream, so he took advantage of that and bit at your neck while softly grinding his hips against yours. That happened for seven minutes until you awoke in a moan. You groaned, then yelped when Kisame tackled you. "Violation!" you yelled while pulling his hair. "Your underwear says different. Or did you just pee yourself!" "I peed myself!" "A pleasuring piss release?" "Stop talking!"
A smirk appeared across Itachi's face when he thought sexual things that involved the two of you. You were also blushing and slightly squirming to that same thought. Unlike Itachi, you fell asleep the second you laid down after returning back from a mission with him and Deidara. As he pondered out of boredom, he decided to use some new ways to activate his sharingan. You softly moaned in your sleep, making Itachi softly chew as his bottom lip when thinking of pinning you against the wall roughly. He kept his eyes shut and watched the same scene you were dreaming about happen. When you awoke with a faintly gasp and a numb lower half feeling, you glared towards Itachi, who was still lost in thought. Shortly after seeing nothing but darkness, Itachi opened is his eyes only to have a pillow smushed in he face. "Itachi?! What is wrong with you?! You sneaky little!" Itachi silenced you when pulling you into his lap and kissing your lips roughly. "Nothing is wrong with me now."
"Naughty girl," Orochimaru grinned when pinning you to the bed. Shortly after you feel asleep beside him, you couldn't stop softly moaning in his ear. At first, Orochimaru thought you were only teasing and being playful towards him, so he went along with it. That was until he pinned you against the bed to find you still asleep. "Having dirty dreams?" he grinned. Orochimaru flicked his tongue up your neck, then softly kissed at your sweet spot he immediately knew. "Mhm," you moaned while squirming in his grip. Orochimaru only smirked and kept your wrist pinned. "You have to wake up for more," Orochimaru mumbled. You continued to sleep, making Orochimaru continue to kiss at your neck while scooting himself between your hips. "Orochimaru~?" Orochimaru didn't stop until you kneed his area. "Orochimaru!" you yelled when pushing him off. "I was dreaming!" Orochimaru chuckled while sitting up in bed and holding his area. "So was I."

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