When He Relates To A Tiktoc Video

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(I miss vine. I really do. Big ass mood of missing vine 24/7. And me on a daily basis, but instead of rainbows it's heavy drool.)
When feeling a hand be placed on your thigh as you marked maps, you immediately looked over at Pein. "This is me teasing of trying to seduce you," he whispered. Unlike you, Pein was still sitting in his chair at the desk. You have been distracted by getting this assignment done that you didn't even realize he wasn't wearing his cloak. When Pein's hand rubbed up and his fingertips went into the waistband of your ninja pants, you faintly gasped. "This is me getting more serious of trying to seduce you." When Pein tugged you closer to him by the hem of your pants, you blushed deeply. He was now staring up at you and giving you a smirk when sliding both hands onto your sides. "This is me before doing more that trying to seduce you." Shortly after that was said, Pein stood up and pressed you back against the desk while kissing at your lips deeply.
Kakuzu deeply sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. You were lying in bed and facing him as you swayed your legs back and forth while staring at him. "Then what's the guy code?" you asked. Something was wrong with Kakuzu, well that's what you thought earlier. Now you were just making him aggravated by repeatedly asking him if he was okay. "When a guy said he's fine, it really means that he's fine," Kakuzu sighed. He then crushed up a wanted sign, which he didn't need anymore, and gave you a glare. "When a guy said don't worry about it. He really means. Don't worry about it." After that was said, you parted your lips when a paper ball bounced off your forehead. "That's some rude guy code," you mumbled.
As you laid in bed, Deidara began to write on his hand with some ink. You weren't feeling like yourself today. You just woke up in a bad mood, and instead of expressing it you just tried to sleep it off. Deidara, however, noticed that and decided to try a new way of making you smile the slightest bit you could. "Beautiful, un," he mumbled. When you glanced at him, he was holding his fist to you. You gave him a confused look, then sat up and did what the message on his hand read. After pressing his hand, he poked out his index finger, which said 'Turn.' "Just do it, un," he smiled when looking at you. You did so, you turned his finger and that turned his hand. You then sighed heavily and pulled his index finger, and you ended up smiling when his palm opened. Above his mouth hand read, 'I love you' and his mouth made kissing sounds to you. "I love you too Dei-Dei," you whispered. Instead of kissing his mouth hand, you scooted closer to him and kissed his lips deeply.
"I'm going to blow you up, un!" Deidara shouted. Tobi laughed and ran towards the base as Deidara rubbed the back of his head. "(Y/n)-Chan's turn!" he yelled. While Tobi and Deidara were on a mission, you decided to use your alone time to sleep. As you were bundled up in the blankets, which covered you for you were sleeping bare, Tobi slowly peeked into his bedroom. He faintly laughed, then slowly snuck inside. After Tobi called your name a few times, he uncovered his hand from his cloak and raised it up. "That's why I love nestle crunch," he whispered in song. Soon after he did, he popped your rear as hard as he could. "Ow! What the hell?!" you shouted. Tobi only laughed, then ran out of the room only to bumped into Deidara. "Oops. Um." he whispered while rubbing the back of his neck. "Deidara. You blow him up while I get dressed. Then I'm going to pop your ass next Tobi!" you yelled.
"Love. Get up. And stand here for a second," Sasori mumbled. You looked up at Sasori with a confused and unsure look, but did as he asked. It was just another day at the base, but for some reason Sasori seemed a bit off and more curious than he usually is. "Um, okay? Do I just stand here?" you mumbled. After crawling off the bed, you stood straight and had your back facing him. "Arms up." Again, you did as Sasori asked and extended your arms towards the side. "Sasori? Why am I. Ah!" Before you could finish your sentence, Sasori squatted down and used both of his fist to punch behind your knee caps. You ended up falling backwards and bending your knees forward. "Hm. Interesting," Sasori whispered. As you sat on your knees and remained to be lying backwards with your arms still stretched out, you couldn't help but to start laughing. Although that came to an end when Sasori sat back in his chair at his desk. "Hey! Sasori! Help me!" you yelled while whining and laughing.
A slight smile appeared on Zetsu's fact as he walked beside you. The two of you were on the way to a near by village under the order of Pein-sama. As you walked while staring down into the map, Zetsu leaned over and picked a flower. You were mumbling to yourself at the time, but stopped after feeling a tap on your shoulder. "Wha-?" When you looked back, no one was behind you. "Zetsu?" After you did a full spin, you looked down to see Zetsu was now in front of you and on both knees as he presented a flower to you. "Awe, Zetsu," you whined as you blushed. After taking the flower, you pecked his lips softly before he stood up and held your hand. "That went better than expected actually." "We thought you'd keep walking and trip over us."
Hidan deeply sighed as you continued to lean against the doorway of the bedroom of his room. You were in no mood to deal with anything right now, and Hidan pissed you off as soon as you stepped into the base. You just wanted to get back and go to bed since it was late, but now you couldn't do that. Blood was all over the blankets and it was fresh too. It was disgusting and it smelled horrible. "Geez I'm sorry. I'll change them out. Fuck," Hidan mumbled. He then crawled out of bed and start to rip off the sheets, but you continued to glare. "Love me. Love me," he whispered. He then looked at you and made a heart sharp with his fingers over his chest. "Say that you love me." When you smirked and rolled your eyes, Hidan faintly laughed and threw a fresh pillow at you. "Can't be mad any more bitchy-ass."
"You're such a jerk Kisame!" you shouted. You wiped your face and began to faintly cough as you stood up out of the water. While taking a breather out of the annoying base, you and Kisame decided to sit at the lake. However, just when you squatted down to sit down, Kisame pushed you in with his door. "Do me a favor, call me a jerk one more time," Kisame mumbled. You rolled your eyes when taking his hand, which he extended towards you. "You're a jerk." "I know," he grinned. "You're a jerk," you mumbled again. When Kisame pulled you into his chest, he began to rub his hands down to your rear. "I know. Aye, aye," he whispered in your ear. Soon after he leaned in for a kiss, you moved to the side and shoved him aggressively. Although, Kisame took you down into the lake with him. "Who's the jerk now?" he grinned.
"What the hell?" you whispered. After arriving back from a mission so late, you didn't expect Itachi still being awake. It was burning up inside and outside of the base, so you could see why Itachi was lying there shirtless and with a fan swaying side to side and blowing on him. However that wasn't what made you so unsure and confused about what you just walked in on. "Hm?" Itachi mumbled. Both hands were behind him back as his lied there, and when the fan turned to him he took a bite of a dango that had the stick part tapped on top of the fan's brim. "You can't use your hands?" you laughed. Itachi shook his head and closed his eyes when relaxing again. He then sighed and smirked when giving you a peek. "Used to having you feed me," he said in a mumbled. You rolled your eyes, then unplugged the fan when heading towards the bathroom. "Go to sleep Itachi," you sighed.
It was another one of those days were you and Kabuto had no idea what the hell you just witnessed Orochimaru do. "Do that again?" "Agreed," Kabuto whispered. Since you were talking about multiple challenges you seen some village ninjas doing, Orochimaru was getting tired of you rambling on about something so easy. With that being said, he did one that you have never seen before. He opened a folded out chair, placed on his robe, then slid between the bars of the chair. It was not only disturbing to watch, but his robe flipped inside out and into a darker shade of white and had different patterns too. Orochimaru sighed, but he didn't it again and this time you and Kabuto were both mumbling to one another on how off Orochimaru was today.

(Ughhhhh. This message is at the very bottom, because I might delete it later. Night shifts are literally the worst. Especially when you have nothing to do. I'm a maid at a hotel. Yay me. Anyways!!!!! I'm always on no matter what. Notifications are always on. I know it's probably late for some of you. RIP. Buuuut..un related note. Would anyone like to CP RP in DM? I have nothing to do and I really need a break from writing scenarios for a bit)

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