Special Scenario: When It's Your Birthday

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(Just because today..2/13, is my birthday. Hope you enjoy this.)
At first you woke up with a smile, you then looked to the side and that's when a frown went across your face seeing Pein not in the room, then a confused look after your hand pressed down on a piece of paper. You read it with a smile, it was Pein wishing you a happy birthday to his goddess and explaining on how he couldn't be there for he had a mission. It didn't surprise you as much for he was busy half of the time, but that means you would get to go see Nagato, which you only saw on special occasions. You left your cloak behind and went to his hideout, it took you a while to get there but when you did, you slowly creaked open to the door, just to see his eyes shut and him softly breathing. "Nagato?" You thought he was sleeping, but when you went inside, he saw you and gave you a big grin, more than he usually did. "Did I wake you?" "Not at all. Happy birthday." You smiled with light pink cheeks then went over to hug him, he leaned into it then gave you a deep kiss. "Thank you. I'm glad I get to spend it with you." He gave a small smile like usual once you stepped down. "You'll spend it with Pein as well. He's just setting up your next surprise." You gave a confused look as he gave a small chuckle. "You'll see later soon. It's just a walk through the village of rain."
"(Y/n). Get up." You gave a small groan and sat up in bed, you stretched with a smile realizing what day it was, but just as you were about to speak, your ninja clothes were dropped on you. "We're going to the village." Kakuzu placed on his mask but left his cloak, after you got dressed, you saw he was already heading out of the base, making you catch up to him. "Why are we going to the village?" Kakuzu gave you a side glance, he than handed you a stack of cash, you gave parted lips before he took it back and gave you half. "You do realize what day is it?" "Yeah. My birthday." "Exactly. An occasion to blow money on. And for us to try out that new eatery you've been blabbering about." You smiled with a small giggle, you then took Kakuzu's hand after pecking his shoulder. "Awe. Thank you Kuzu." Kakuzu gave a small grunt then kissed your hand after pulling down his mask with a small smirk.
You were on a mission at the time, it was a two day mission but it didn't really matter since you wouldn't be getting back late. You smiled once you entered the base, you gave parted lips when Tobi ran up to you saying 'Happy Birthday!' with his arms stretched, out, you blushed and gave him thanks, then you went to go see Deidara. When you opened up the door, you gave a small yelp after a small popping sound went off, you saw color strands of confetti float down in front of you, you then saw Deidara at his desk chuckling. "Happy birthday Beautiful, yeah." You blushed then went over to him, he stood up and hugged you tightly, you then took of your cloak and gave him a bigger hug after a peck on the lips from him. "Thank you Dei-Dei." You then gave a small giggle after feeling his hand mouths peck your sides when he held them, he gave a small laugh then pulled you to the bed, you laying in his arms while he laid on his sides and halfway on you. "Deidara?" "Let's cuddle first, yeah?" "You just take me into the village to blow up people hm?" Deidara gave a small smirk then pecked your lips. "No. It has to be dark for the fireworks show, yeah." "Awe."
"Happy birthday (Y/n)-chan!" When the base door open after you came back late from a day mission, Tobi was there at the door with his arms in the air. "Th-." You giggled after a small gasp when Tobi picked you up and spun you around, pressing his mask to you cheek before setting you down. "Thank you Tob-." He cut you off by taking your hand and pulled you to his room, making you give a small head shake with a laugh, he pulled you to his chest by your head and hugged you as he shut the door, taking off his mask, when you pulled back, Obito smiled down at you, pushing your (h/c) bangs to the side. "Happy birthday, my Angel." "Thank you Obito." After a small peck on the lips, he placed his mask on and led you out the room, towards the base door. "Where are we going?" "Tobi is taking (Y/n)-chan to the village for dangos!" Once the base door shut, you held onto Tobi's arm as he held your hand. "Then Obito is going to give you birthday pops." You gave parted lips after hearing Obito mumble, he chuckled after you giggled with a head shake.
Ever since you woke up, you had to go to Pein's office for him to discuss mission preparations with you. Sasori was up at the time but he just worked at his desk without saying anything to you. You gave a small frown but with him not caring about occasions, nor understanding them, it didn't bother you as much. You came into the room an hour later, you saw Sasori sitting at his desk still, his cloaked back still facing you. "Sasori I'm." You gave parted lips with a small smile after Sasori stood up and held a 3D, wooden heart that had the same markings of his heart canteen. "Happy birthday, love." You blushed when he placed it around your neck, you rubbed your thumb over the heart then hugged him with your arms around his neck, making him tense then hug you softly back. "Thank you so much." When you pulled back, he pecked your lips softly, then held your chin with his fingertips. "I never seen the reason on why people celebrated their birth. But." His dark brown eyes glanced to the side, he then took both of your hands when looking at the gift. "Now I know." After one more hug from him, he pulled you into his lap and worked on his puppets as you sat in his lap flustered.
After you woke up, you smiled seeing a card wrapped around a bike that came from the ground, it was a flowered card telling you to go to the garden and no more. You did so, you had a small smile but thinking that you were going to spend your whole birth date in his garden like you did everyday made you give a small frown into it. When you stepped into his garden, you gave parted lips after looking up to see pink and white cherry blossoms floating down and acrosd the air. Zetsu came up to you and took your hands, leading your flustered expression through the garden. "Happy birthday my dear." "Sorry we couldn't get anything better for you." "Now that's messed up." You gave a small giggle then leaned back against him, trying to catch one of the flowers. "It's perfect. Thank you so much." The light side of Zetsu smiled and stroked your your hair as he pulled you closer, the two still arguing with one another in silence.
You went on a mission two days before today, your birthday. It was late when you came back to the base, it didn't surprise that everyone was on their rooms, and it really wouldn't surprise you if Hidan was asleep. He was bad with dates, meaning occasions like now. When you cracked open the door to his room, you turned on the light to see him in bed, shirtless of course, and laying on his back. You gave a frown, but when you shut the door, looking at it, you looked back and gave a small gasp seeing Hidan sitting on the edge of the bed. "Hey birthday sexy." You blushed with a small eye roll and went over to him, he then pulled you into his lap unexpectedly and kissed your cheek. "Here." Your (e/c) eyes widened seeing a sliver kunai with your name going down the blade, and on the handle, the Jashin symbol engraved into it with the words, "Savor the utmost suffering." You smiled then hugged him tightly. "Hidan thank you so much." "Heh, that means since it's your birthday it's mine too." You gave a confused look and pulled back, staring at him with a small smile. "The hell?" Hidan then gave a small smirk and pecked your forehead, placing his hands underneath the cloak and onto your skin. "Cause I'll be in my birthday suit for another present of yours." He gave you a small wink then kissed at your neck, making you give a small laugh and poking his chest with the tip of the blade. "You're cute." "Fuck you. Hah! Oh yeah."
You tried to feel for Kisame in bed after you woke up, you gave a confused look seeing that he wasn't there. "Kisame." You got up to check the bathroom, you were starting to give a small frown seeing if he went on the mission, which he told you he might be going on the day of your birthday. "Look who's finally awake." You turned with a small smile seeing Kisame taking off his cloak, tossing it on the bed then giving over to you. "Thought you left." "Don't you mind that. I managed to get Itachi to take my place. So I can take you to the Hot Springs." You gave parted lips then a big smile after he mumbled the last part, you knew he made an excuse not to go, but decided not to say anything. "You gonna stand there? Come on let's go." You smiled and went to go change, Kisame did the same, after doing so, the two of you placed on your cloaks and went to the springs. "Happy birthday, Shark bait." You blushed on the walk then, he then kissed your cheek and carried you bridal style the rest of the way as you giggled.
Itachi was in Pein's office at the time you woke up, smiling since today was your birthday and you knew Itachi was going to be at the base the whole day. After you came out of the bathroom, Itachi entered the room, shutting the door then turning to see your small smile. "What did he have to say?" "Just things associating with the Hidden Leaf." You gave a nod, when you went over to hug him, Itachi handed you a black box. "Take it." You gave parted lips and did so, when you opened it, you gave light pink cheeks seeing a red ring with a black feather on it, and inside the ring had your and Itachi's initials with a plus in the middle of it You then smiled at the ring once you placed it on your thumb where it fit, Itachi lifted up your chin with a small head tilt as you made eye contact with him. "Did you expect more?" You gave a head shake then hugged him tightly, making him tense then hug you with one arm. "I love it Itachi. Thank you." You pulled back, he poked your forehead then placed his to your, his eyes shut as he held both of your hands as you gave light pink cheeks. "Happy birthday."
Orochimaru was on a mission the day of your birthday, you knew he was going to be so you didn't fret over it, you said in his room most of the day, everyone would tell you happy birthday every now and then, well a few did. It was around dinner time when you heard the base door open, you rushed to it to see Orochimaru smirking slightly. "Good you're awake. Come, we're going to the village's trade center." You gave a confused look once the base door shut, a summoning snake then popped up behind him. "Why?" "To celebrate your birth of course. You'd think I'd pay no attention to that." You looked down with a small smile, he lifted up your chin and brought you to his lips, pecking them before connecting his arm with yours. "Shall we go now?" You gave a small nod, he then took your hand and helped you onto the snake, him giving a smirk as you smile.

(Hoped you enjoyed this! Sorry if some are iffy and it's a bit late. More to come soon.)

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