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It's not long until the princess is untied. Not long, about three hours and the sun is gone, the Aarthians begins to give us food and medical care.

I can only assume my man, Nillin, is henceforth taken and betrothed to the princess. My heart aches a little. It was a dream while it lasted.

After standing in line for food, I return to my spot under the forsaken heavens and eat. The people I was sitting around with before, return to eat with me-I meant 'around' me.

"Hey, you really shouldn't had been so bold," someone who slurps really loudly places his hand on my shoulder. "I'm Rowan."

"Urh, you nice to meet Rowan, I'm M-" I gasp once those words slip out. My abnormal way of speaking came out.

The soldiers around me laugh while food are still in their mouths. It looks nasty.

I forgot to mention, I'm prejudice against everyone. Even myself. There, so don't be laughing at me when I say weird stuff.

"Come on, talk to us," some of them punch my shoulders and knees in a friendly manner in which I don't particularly am okay with.

"What y'all want? I'm fucking eating here," I glare at each and every one of them. Some turn around, but others only seem to be more amused.

Father, just come get me. I'll marry my sister. At least you guys don't laugh whenever I misspeak.

"What's your name bro," a guy with off blinking eyes snatches my food from me.

The loud slurpy guy takes the food from off blinking and returns my food to me, "Stop bothering him. We have to protect each other on enemy's ground."

"Princess Cassiopeya is marrying the most deserving Aarthian prince. Their land is also our land," Off blinking snatches my food away again.

Having nine older brothers really help with getting your patience virtue down, but nine older brothers who are also bandits really teach you the sin of gluttony.

I grab my plate of food with my left hand and punch off blinking with my right-like how one would punch the surface of water.

The sound echoes as I turn away and try to eat my food hoping no one tries to take my food away.

Off blinking snatches the collar at the back of my neck and swings me across the courtyard where we sit.

The saddest part is that I saw my plate flip over while I still haven't touch my mashed potatoes.

I am literally crying on the inside as my body stops moving after the throw.

From my perspective, I now have two choices. One, run away and cry over my mashed potatoes. Or two, go berserk on off blinking dude.

I don't like the latter because that means I might get more injuries and who the fuck like pain. So it depends on off blinking dude.

If he comes towards me readily for whatever reason, number two; but if he just ignores me because I'm no longer fun, then number one.

He stands up straight.

Man, I really don't want to fight. It hurts, but if father comes to save me and learns that I didn't fight back, I'll never hear the end of it.

Fortunately, my luck isn't over just yet and Aarthian soldiers restrain us. Wow, I have never been so happy being restrained before.

I really need to explore the world more, and without father and my brothers babysitting me of course. I am a man too!

To think they would put me behind bars for being kicked. Where is justice when you need her?

I'm exhausted. In just one day, I have escaped a marriage, joined an army, fought in a war, lost a battle, became a prisoner of war, fell in love, became heartbroken, kicked in the stomach with no food, thrown with little food, and now behind bars.

What's left on my bucket list?

Father just come already, damn it! I'll marry my sister.

Maybe I should stop calling out to father, because every time I do, things get a little harder to deal with.

A guy in green cloaking walks then stops in front of my cell and stares the heck out of me. He doesn't even blink.

"Hi?" I manage to whisper because I couldn't stand him staring at me anymore. It's creepy.

He pulls out a chain of keys that glitter under the moonlight. A key goes inside the lock and before turning it, he says to me, "Who are you?"

"A soldier," I reply firmly.

The man cracks a grin like a devil and drags me out of the cell to elsewhere. I don't question the devil since I am probably possessed earlier due to my reply.

Mother said don't answer the devil, but I already did. I'm going to hell.

After trying really hard not call out to father or my brothers, I prepare myself for hell.

My life was short, but at least I didn't marry the person I didn't want to. I think I'm ready to open my eyes and meet hell.

I stand before Lord Nillin and Princess Cassiopeya who are enjoying a pleasant dinner in this majestic fortress.

The green cloak guy kicks me at the back of my knees and I kneel forward.

"What are you doing? He was just surprised, I'm sure he wasn't trying to be rude," Cassiopeya drops her utensils and runs to me with a worried expression.

I push her hands away and while my head is still down, "I'm quite alright, Your Highness. Thank you for your concerns of little old me."

"Don't say such things," she smiles and pulls me to the dinning table where Nillin is. "Please eat with us."

"Um," I rethink what I'm going to say and pronounce my words slowly. "I'm most certainly can't, Your Highness is much too kind. Please allow me to return to the courtyard with the rest."

Nillin chuckles, "And suffer some more? You are quite important, Maeve, the tenth son of the Western Mountains Bandit King."

I don't know what to say or do, but I got a feeling these two little prince and princess are planning something that involves father-no the entire family.

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