Not Good Enough

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It's as if the world has been waiting for the birth of a new miracle, and after a sudden strike of thunder in the distance, the gentle sprinkles become a hailstorm.

Nilyan returns to the fortress with a shield over his head and not fully dressed.

Kay stands at the grand entrance to the fortress with his brows knitted together intensely.

"I've been waiting—No. we've been waiting for you," Kay unfolds his arms and places a hand on the weapon at his waist.

Nilyan stands with a confused expression before the stairs leading to Kay. The attendants who dragged him back quickly walked past Kay and into the grand fortress.

"I'm sorry. If I knew you and others were waiting for me, I would've stayed today," Nilyan bows to greet Kay.

Kay draws his sword and points it at the young prince, "You needn't know we're waiting for you, you should've stayed by Lord Borscht's side all the time."

Nilyan shields himself from the tip of the sword and recalls about the marriage arranged against his will.

"That's my bad. I'll be more careful from now on," Nilyan pushes the sword aside in an attempt to get out of nature's way.

"You don't deserve a good man like Borscht. He was like a brother to me," Kay kicks the shield out of Nilyan's hands into the air.

A few ice blocks hit Nilyan who is still out in the open, and is bruised and has a strand of blood running from the left crown of his head down to his chin.

"Everyone keeps saying that I don't deserve him, and honestly I'm annoyed that you of all people didn't even try to learn about me before deciding that I'm not good enough. Well, obviously I'm no one, nevertheless... Whatever. If you want to fight me, just say it. Don't bring up stupid stuff—"

"Stupid stuff?" Kay holds in his anger and rapidly returns his sword back to its sheath. "Just go. Your daughter is born."

Nilyan heaves an amused chuckle, "So he was pregnant. I wonder who's the father."

"I guess it's your attitude that he never told you or perhaps admitted it in front of you, but you're the father. It angers me that you of all people is the person he settles for when he could have just about anyone in this world."

"Go and be angry at him, not me. I didn't choose him," Nilyan goes to pick up the shield and walks in the same direction he was coming from.

Kay clenches his fists, eager to take Nilyan by the collar to meet the new princess. Yet, he let his pride get the better of the situation.

Nilyan goes to the stable and hides from the hailstorm next to the horses.

Jassin comes into the stable with the intention of grooming the horses in this weather, but put aside his initial plans to consult a friend.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't you be with Lord Borscht and the little Princess, Prince Nilyan?" Jassin presses a clean towel on the left crown of Nilyan's head.

"Prince Nilyan? Is that what everyone's going to call me now?" Nilyan throws the towel away and yawns.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Stop. I don't deserve such acknowledgement. I don't feel anything about that name, or Borscht or his daughter."

Jassin sits on the hay with Nilyan, "I guess we're similar in that respect."

"How so? You get to do whatever you want. Everyone respects you and listens to everything you say. Tell me, how are we similar?" Nilyan sarcastically smirks effortlessly.

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