The Tree of Death

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Nillin tells a little about himself to me.

When he was a small child, his father died and shortly afterwards, so did his mother.

After fulfilling his father's work, his paternal uncle took his throne and his maternal uncle sent him to live in the streets, also taking 'all' of Nillin's possessions.

Although he said Lord Griflet will deny doing such a thing to him now.

Fortunately for Nillin, he didn't have to live in the streets long since the Hienzworths recognized him and took him in.

This was how he grew up with Lexin and they became like brothers, yet best friends and formidable rivals.

And as soon as lunch is over, Nillin leaves us. He also didn't inform us whether he can make it for dinner or not.

Since Nillin technically won our quarrel in my opinion, I don't know if I have the right to leave him anymore.

Especially after learning a little more about his struggles as a child.

We were both parentless and we're lucky enough to be taken in by wonderful and powerful families.

However, why is it that I want to build a family and he simply wants to be with the person he loves?

No. I think the better comparison is: Why do I sacrifice myself for the people I love and he sacrifices the people who love him for himself?

We are so similar and yet so foiled.

Why did the Heavens and Earth bring us together just so we can suffer?

We are not meant to long for someone we can never truly grasp. We are not meant to be a pair.

I crawl into a ball next to Asahi on our bed and take the religious afternoon nap.

In a dream, father and mother sit alone with their leg crossed before this dragon clan's banner facing me.

Also, they sit at the top of a tiered pyramid and I am looking up to see them glaring to someone next to me.

To my left stands Nillin in black-the same black during our wedding. Oh this must be my wedding day.

Father's mouth moves. Griflet and Fagolan walks from behind Nillin and I to kneel before my parents three times.

This satisfy father and he smiles, "My son will now also be your son, and your son will so be my son."

"We shall love and cherish your son as he is our own," Griflet says. "I, Griflet, kin of Crown Prince Nillin of Aarth, vow to see this through for as long as this marriage be."

Nillin grabs hold of my neck trying to choke me, "How do you like being married to me?"

I gasp for air and try to rip his chokehold.

Beside him materializes Lexin, but I know it's Xielle, for she says, "I'll never give Nillin to you. He is mine."

"Papa," Asahi cries for Nillin as he also materializes beside Nillin tugging at the father's leg. "Stop! You're hurting my... What are you to me?"

"My love," I manage to say to Asahi while still in Nillin's chokehold. "A name is simply a name if it doesn't carry the meaning and emotions behind it. I am your-"

Nillin's hands loose and I drop right through the floor.

Above me, Xielle becomes a beautiful tan woman with lush brown hair that has a slight wavy texture.

Her brown eyes sparkle when Nillin kisses her.

"Mama, you're back!" Asahi calls out to Xielle who kicks my son away.

She says, "Nillin, do something about your bastard's son. I don't want him anywhere near you or I."

Asahi runs back to them and this time Nillin slams Asahi down into the ground falling to me.

I swim to my child with my heart in disarray.

His skin is paler than usual and he cries in pain as he tries to push me away from him.

"See what happened to the fruit you carelessly clawed from my branch?" A familiar feminine voice says to me.

I search around to see a persimmon tree up on the surface.

Its roots extend down to us and pull us back to the surface.

"Get away from me!" Asahi still pushes me away, "I need to get back to my Papa and Mama."

"But I'm your parent," I place his head against my chest, "I don't know how to convince you, but you just have to believe me, okay?"

"No! Let me go!" Asahi continues to push me away. "My Papa will never hurt my Mama, so you're not my Mama!"

I turn to the persimmon tree, "I beg you. Please don't do this to a parent and his child."

"And what shall I get in return?"

"I don't see how you can turn this into a trade!" I shout at the tree.

"Alright then. You can deal with your son's misunderstanding."

"I'm sorry," I apologize immediately. "Help us and I'll see what I can do for you in return."

"Mommy!" Asahi begins sobbing in my arms and hugging me back.

I kiss him and check his stomach where Xielle kicked him, "Thank God you're fine. Mommy loves you so much."

"I want your next fruit," the persimmon tree says to me and then dies.

My eyes shot open and I immediately reach for my belly.

I can't possibly be pregnant. Nillin and I haven't done it since Asahi was born.

It's not like Nillin will be sleeping with me either since he got Xielle.

"Milord," Carcyne calls. "It'll be dinner time soon."

I search for Asahi on my bed but once I turn over to see Carcyne, Asahi is in her arms.

"May I hold him?" She hands me Asahi and once he's in my embrace again, the tightness is my chest finally relaxes.

"Is there something wrong?" She asks me.

"I have another persimmon dream. This time the tree demands my next fruit before dying."

Her face dies the moment she hears my dream.

I don't even know how many persimmon dreams I have since I'm married to Nillin, but the thought of persimmon now bring me anxiety.

"Tell me the entirety of the dream," Carcyne asks me nervously, and I then told her.

She breaks down before me and kisses my feet, "Prince Nillin has already taken Master Lexin from me, and now he'll be the source of Master Lexin's death before losing your second child!"

"What's going on here?" Nillin does not knock this time as well.

Carcyne quickly wipes her tears and asks to leave.

I feed Asahi while maids set the food for dinner, and since Asahi doesn't eat a lot yet, we finish the task quickly.

Remembering what Nillin did to Asahi and I in my dream, I couldn't help but avoid his intense glare.

"Is there a connection between Lady Carcyne breaking down and you looking so blue?" Nillin starts a conversation in this quiet dinner.

I shake my head and smile gently for him.

Although he doesn't believe me and takes Asahi in his arms, "Let me hold him so you can eat more."

"Oh, it's fine. I'm not that hungry. You're the one who should eat more since you're getting ready to be King," I reach for Asahi, but Nillin pushes my hands away.

Nillin calls See to get Carcyne to care for Asahi while he wants to talk to me.

When Carcyne pretends to be strong and takes Asahi out of my room for the first time, my whole body tenses up.

My husband picks me up and takes us to the bed where his stuff pokes me.

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