The Man With Mornign Blond Hair

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"Am I the only one who doesn't know this grandness of yours?" I ask Lexin with an awkward smile.

Lexin laughs, "I think so, but I'm pretty sure they don't know your grandness either. Your grandness is much more than mine."

"I don't know about that, you were as dumbfounded as they were when you heard Nillin married me and still forced your sister onto my husband," I shrug my shoulders.

He slides his palm down his face jokingly, "You're making me look bad, Maeve."

"Am I?"

"Mama!" Asahi tugs at my sleeves with his mouth swimming like a fish.

"Please excuse me, my baby is hungry," I smile and takes Asahi upstairs.

While we sit in our room (since Nien and Fiona insisted on sleeping in the living space),my mood improve significantly better.

Maybe it's because I learn that Lexin doesn't hate me.

But when I pounder about it, Lexin knew about Nien and Nillin being at least half siblings and about the curse but he didn't tell me.

I mean of course he knew, especially with the way his authority reigns over Nien and Grandmama.

Grandmama said that she worries because Master Lexin is as young as Nillin and yet she also respects him tremendously.

There are so many things I don't know.

Asahi looks at me with his big blue eyes, so I say to him, "I really want to know what fate has in store for us."

His eyelids soften but he switches from my right nipple to my left one.

"Is this one out of milk?" I squeeze it, but milk is still coming out.

"What's wrong with this one?" I ask him but he only looks sleepier.

I run my hand through his soft silky hair and somehow I'm getting sleepy too.

But I persist and return downstairs as Asahi sleeps in our room.

"So that's the plan?" I hear Lexin's husky voice.

Then Nien answers him, "Did we miscalculate somewhere?"

Lexin takes a deep sigh, "Yes. Who will deliver your knowledge? The Queen is most certainly not the one since the King is alive and ruling. Princess Nien cannot either because you were the one that kidnapped the Queen and Crown Prince. Queen Nanya's standing will not be loud enough."

"I see where you're going with this, Master," Nien lowers her head in a humbling manner. "Will Master Lexin do the honor?"

"Thank you but I must refuse. There is someone else sitting on my throne."

"Then who can?" I reveal myself from behind the staircase.

They look surprised and they sure do want to know how much I have heard.

I step closer to them and sit on the floor beside Grandmama, "Is it Young Master Wylton?"

Fiona wants to refute me but stops herself. With a mighty grip, she builds the courage to perhaps sacrifice herself.

"I'll go apologize and beg them tomorrow," Nien answers calmly without acknowledging Fiona's courage.

"Then allow me to accompany—"

"I will do it," Lexin interrupts me with a snarky smirk like this is going exactly how he had planned all along.

Grandmama grabs my hand and looks into my eyes, "How can you even suggest that? Please value my dignity if not your own."

"Queen Maeve," Lexin begins with a comfortable tone, "Please do see our worth. We are all carrying this burden that we are given."

"Sorry," I wince. "I was too self centered. I—I only wanted to help."

"We know; but they explained to me you have a habit of doing everything by yourself," Lexin narrows his attention toward me.

I couldn't reply and only avert my eyes to show my guilt.

"The letter you sent to the King didn't reach him," Lexin changes the subject.

My heart drops.

"How did I know?" Then he explains, "I saw the hands that made sure the King doesn't see it and it's also how I found you."

Somehow I got the feeling he won't tell me 'who' did it, so instead I ask, "Is he looking for the child and I?"

Lexin makes a face like he doesn't know where to begin, but he also hints that he doesn't want to hurt my feelings. To save him from the pain, I ask him if he'll go to the Elven Ruins with us.

"No. I have something else I must do in the meanwhile," he stares at me fiercely.

I shut my mouth after his reply because his tone completely shift. It feels like he is unpleased with me.

Does he hate me?

"Master, can we trust Wyl—Young Master Wylton?" Fiona gears the conversation back.

Lexin nods as his answer.

"But he is MIA. Will the other Lords and Masters listen?" Fiona further argues diligently.

"They may not, but Master Leire, Master Donita, Master Sinowii, and Master Leonida will. I am certain of that."

"How can Master Hienzworth be certain?"

"Because we rule the Five Corners of Aarth," Lexin says confidently.

Then he turns to me, "Trust them when you can't trust anyone else in the court, but be fearful of them if you don't plan on fulfilling your duties."

His words send chill down my spine because I am already fearful of them.

"Don't worry Maeve," Nien gives me a bright smile. "I'll take the blame when they start pointing fingers at you."

"No. I can't possibly allow you to," I breathe with worries.

Lexin stands up with authority and asks, "May I bless the Crown Prince before I must go?"

"You're leaving? So soon," I gesture for him to sit back down.

"I have said all I wanted to. If you won't allow me to bless the Crown Prince, then I'll be on my way—"

"I'll bring him downstairs," I again gesture for Lexin to sit back down as I get up and go upstairs to get Asahi.

Once I carry the sleepy child downstairs and before Lexin, he bows before the child.

"I have lost my throne and yet am still treated with respect in your house, Your Highness. I am grateful to be in your presence."

Lexin lifts his head and asks to hold Asahi for a while.

While Asahi sleeps in his arms, a tear drops from his morning blue eyes.

"May the gods bless you and be with you.

May you reverse the things your predecessors had done.

May you be humble and intelligent like your mother, and take after only your father's looks.

May you bring peace to my country and love my people.

May you bring honor back to my family name.

May the gods bless you and be with you."

Lexin's blessings transition into a favor. He asks Asahi of the things he believes Nillin probably won't do.

The dreadlocked morning blond hair man returns the child to me and says his farewell while reminding us to keep the things he said to us in our minds.

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