A Little Beast

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"Aren't you a scholar? And here you expect me to believe blindly?" Niltiocles leaned his face in onto Alosrin's.

"I never told you I was a scholar," the elf answered meekly.

"You didn't but Bemere did," Niltiocles lifted Alosrin's chin again. "I really will go if you don't tell me why it's dangerous."

Alosrin stared back at the luminous blue soul, "Then go. It's easier for me anyway."

"Why are you angry at me? Do you really don't want me to go there? I only want to know."

"Can't you tell he loves you?" Jin blurted it out at last.

"So you love me?" The prince smirked and pulled the elf in for a gentle kiss.

Alosrin pushed Niltiocles away, "No. I don't love you. I want you to leave and forget."

Niltiocles put both Alosrin's and his breakfast bowls aside.

"Then you're coming with me," Niltiocles took his sword, bow and arrows, and coat, and they went eastward.

Hueng heaved and asked Jin, "Did you tell the elf about what we discussed the past few nights?"

"Yes, but he's too fucking modest to open his legs for Nil," Jin stared into the distance lazily. "It might take a while for them to start fucking."

"You're so fucking pessimistic, Jin. Did you not see them? They're more and more like a married couple every fucking day," Hueng also stared into the distance.

"How can I not be pessimistic? If we don't get that elf on our plan and they fell in love first, it's going to be the same thing all over again like with Bemere."

Hueng shrugged his shoulders, "We won't know until it happens. Maybe that elf will abandon our Nil once he learned Nil is the Crowned Prince of Aarth."

"How will that change anything?"

"Tell me, do you see him wearing fancy clothes or jewelries? Even the way he speaks is so unnecessarily modest. There's no way he'll marry a Crowned Prince."

"Does that kind of people even exist?" Jin turned to face his colleague with uncertainty. "Who doesn't want to climb the ladder of society?"

"But what if staying with Nil is descending the ladder of society for that elf?" Hueng shrugged his shoulders again, being optimistic.

Jin pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't care anymore. I want to go home!"

Meanwhile Niltiocles and Alosrin reaches the edge of the exploding moss.

Niltiocles let go of Alosrin's wrist and descended closer to the moss, waiting for Alosrin to stop him.

Despite being less handsome than his twin brother, Niltiocles was much more charming and easily attract admirers.

"Stop," Alosrin felt the eyes of his kind watching him from the tops of the tall, straight trees.

The elf got on his knees and begged, "Please leave and forget, and never return."

The prince climb back up to Alosrin, "Don't kneel and beg me."

"Sure. If it means so much to you that I don't go there, then fine! I'll take you life instead!"

Niltiocles drew his sword to test Alosrin's patheticalness; and to his surprise, Alosrin grabbed the blade like it was a normal tree branch.

"I can lower my head and beg, but I won't die without a fight," Alosrin bend the blade and broke the sword in two.

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