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In the meantime, Maeve and Nillin sent off all their guests, and finally return to their room to rest.

And since Nisara is already asleep, Maeve only wipes him down.

"Are you not going to pay attention to me?" Nillin pulls his waist against Maeve's behind.

"No," Maeve chuckles.

Nillin kisses along his wife's nape and mumbles, "Don't tease me anymore."

"Am I really teasing you?" Maeve turns around and pins his husband down on the bed. "Or am I really teasing you?"

"I'm fine with this," Nillin places his hand behind his head and lustfully stares at the beauty hovering on top of him.

Then the doors to the closet fall down with two women we've met before, they are Gao-Jer and Omega.

Maeve quickly jumps off Nillin and talks to them with a throbbing heart, "Why are you two here?"

"No reason. Just wanted to see the face of the man who has been walking around with you as if you belong to him," Gao-Jer quickly stands up and says without much shame.

"No matter your reason, please leave now or else I'll have to escort you two home," Maeve answers in a stern voice after covering Nillin's face with the bed cover.

Gao-Jer shakes her head, "You surprised me and I didn't get to see his face well. I would like to see his face."

"I will ask you to please leave again," Maeve points to the door.

Omega nods her head for Maeve and tugs at her lady's sleeve.

"Quit it!" Gao-Jer slaps Omega's hand away and rushes past Maeve to flip the bed covering.

Maeve returns to Nillin's side and hides Nillin's face with his own body.

"Caria! Aguano! Borscht! Kay! May one of you escort this mad lady out?" Nillin shouts when he heard Maeve's fast beating heart.

All four of them enter the room to see a scene they hadn't seen between their King and Queen, and drags Gao-Jer and Omega out of the room and residence.

Maeve finally lets go of Nillin after he has calmed down.

"What happened?" Nillin asks Maeve is a gentle and loving manner.

"Nothing," Maeve lies, and Nillin knows but chooses not to push the matter.

The King stands up in front of his Queen to slowly undress them.

Maeve constantly hugs his spouse in a nervous and embarrassed state.

Nillin carefully rediscovers his wife's body, "You smell like flowers."

"Nien said that too," Maeve smiles with less stress.

"Don't say another man's name while I'm preparing the atmosphere," Nillin grunts like a petty child.

He moves them to the bed as he lingers about the much different body than before.

"Nien is not a man, she's your sister," Maeve comments to hide his embarrassment.

"Is that so?" Nillin is uninterested, so he changes the subject, "Do you miss me?"

"Um, I think about you everyday?" Maeve answers with an obscure laughter.

Nillin pushes Maeve's bottoms up and licks the part where he's planning to enter later.

"Stop!" Maeve withdraws quickly because Nillin had never done this kind of foreplay before.

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