Disappointed In Love

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Alosrin stares through his daughter, pretending he could still sees her cute smile.

"Mommy!" Niowei wraps her whole body around her mother.

"Watch them while I go get Yasana," Artemis pats the wingless fairy on the back before rushing out with a straighter back.

Alosrin smiles, points to himself, forms a heart with his fingers, and then points to Niowei's heart.

"I love you too mommy," the little girl pouts and sobbing but Alosrin just smiles because he couldn't see her.

Well, not until he feels the wetness of his daughter's cheeks.

He pushes her fringes aside and kisses her soft forehead, trying to hold in his sadness and anger.

It is here and now that he realize remembering Niowei is not enough. He wants to see her, to hear her, and to speak to her in the moment.

Juda takes Alosrin's hand and signs, 'She misses you a lot.'

'Tell her that I'm okay. Thank you for being here.'

"Mommy, I'm going to be really strong so I can protect you," Niowei sits on Alosrin's lap with her hands next to his face.

'Mommy is happy to hear that Yllathanise is going to be protecting him... Have my darling eaten anything?'

Niowei turns to Juda with a finger over her lips, "Tell mommy I already ate."

'Yllathanise,' Alosrin makes a firm expression, but drops it and pinches her rosy nose. 'Were you waiting to eat with me?'

Artemis reenters the room with Yasana behind him.

"Please check on him," Artemis hides his joy behind his hands and sits on the living area.

Juda joins him while Yasana does her thing, and Niowei clinging onto her mother's side.

'How are you feeling?' Yasana writes on Alosrin's hand.

'I still don't feel the best, but that aside, can you help me so I can see, hear, or talk with my daughter again? Please, I'm begging you, Princess Yasana of Vilii.'

'I shall do my best, but it will take time to locate where before I can heal it.'

'Yes. I understand.'

"You miss your mommy a lot, huh?" Yasana listens to Alosrin's pulse which is still very fast.

Niowei just nods and smiles at her mother ignoring everything else.

Yasana checks Alosrin's eyes which both dilate normally, tongue is also normal, and his eardrums are not broken or fused in any way.

The young dragon glances at her uncle while thinking to herself, 'He shouldn't be blind, deaf, or mute. It must be the nerve or psychological.'

'What do you think is going on with your sight, hearing, and speech?'

Alosrin smiles at Niowei, hoping to not give away through facial expressions, he writes on Yasana's hand, 'I have a few guesses.'

'That's great to know. Could you tell me?'

'I fell and bumped my head. I also wasn't in the best state of mind when that happened. It could also be that my treatment is losing its effect after so many years.'

Yasana taps her fingers on her side, thinking about what Alosrin has said, 'It could be all three for heavens' sake.'

"Is my mommy okay?" Niowei stares at Yasana with her big blue eyes.

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