"Nillin's Not Coming."

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Upon arriving, Nien, Fiona, three female warriors, and the majority of the young mothers and young maids appear ready to leave to somewhere.

Nien spots us, "I'll be taking that boy back to his mother."

"Arabret?" I ask.

"Is that what his name is?"

Fiona takes Arabret from my arms and returns to stand beside Nien.

"Prince Nien!" Claire shouts from behind us.

Her figure is still quite a distance away, so I warn Nien, "Don't 'use' Arabret. He's still just a child."

Nien only smiles and focuses her attention toward Claire with the same bag of money from earlier.

"Your Highness," Claire says with short breaths, "I have reasons to believe the Queen is pregnant."

It's only now do I feel the dryness of my mouth and looseness of Fiona's coat.

"Is that so," Nien glares into my soul and then toward Grandmama. "Make sure the Queen is actually pregnant, and I'll think of something when I return."

"Yes, Your Highness." Claire bows her head.

The other women appear shocked, and some would ask each other if they think I'm pregnant.

Some good and bad arguments are passed back and forth, but no one is conclusive about anything.

However, one thing does come up: Am I pregnant with Nien's or Nillin's child.

Like how is that even possible? When do Nien and I have the time if she could impregnated me?

Nien gives me a stern look, pats my shoulder, and leaves for Cassiopeya, wherever that is. Her group follows closely behind her and no child other than Arabret is taken.

The mothers are surely concubines of the high ranking officers during King Nir's reign, and so I'm pretty sure they have no clue what war is.

It also lead me to the conclusion that they will be treated as comfort women for Fagolan's soldiers.

I change back into my usual apparel; and for the rest of the day, we continue to build the wooden fortress.

When evening rolls around, it is clear that there aren't enough nipples for every child and some of the mothers just refuse to breastfeed their children believing that it'll ruin their breasts.

I try to help out as many children as I can, but there are still just so many.

Claire and the remaining female warriors pass out lunch, she personally hands me green molded bread and dried persimmons.

"Young lady, what are you thinking? Why did you give my grandson-in-law molded bread?" Grandmama defends me.

I pull at her old arm and shake my head.

Claire smirks before leaving.

She definitely has feelings for Nien and learning that I am carrying "Nien's" child must've put a envious sour taste in her mouth.

"Here, have half of my bread and all of my dried persimmon and soup," Grandmama looks at me sternly.

I shake my head again, "I'll be fine."

Then I look at the dried persimmons and I have the sudden urge to vomit.

I give Grandmama Asahi, run out from under the shelter, and throw up sour water from my stomach under the shade of a tree.

My mind still can't digest persimmons, I guess.

After a while, I'm able to lift my head to see the blue sky, but there are eyes giving me death's glares.

Claire strides toward with full confidence, "So are you finally going to admit you're pregnant?"

"How would I know?" I manage a chuckle, "I didn't self-diagnose."

I walk past her and back under the shelter. I couldn't eat anything else as I wait for others to finish.

Half of us return to construction (the maids and I) while the other half look after the children (the other mothers).

And as soon as we start working, the sky darkens and rain falls like rustling leaves so we all return to hide under the shelter.

They all stare at me with more abhorrent expressions and speaks of me purposefully so I can hear them.

"What a whore! Fucked and had a child with the older brother and now successfully seduced the younger brother."

"Maybe that's why her skin is so dark, she has no morals. What a savagous whore."

"The King knew so he didn't bother chasing after her."

"I'll bet she'll open her legs for anyone who wants to become King of Aarth."

"Damn, maybe she opens her leg for just anyone and that's why the King didn't bother looking for her."

At first, nothing they were saying bothers me, but the more Nillin is brought up, the more I doubt myself.

I know that Nillin knows I am faithful to our marriage bed, then what is preventing him from finding us?

Nien and Fiona didn't even try to hide our tracks, it should be easy to find us.

I get Asahi from Grandmama and run out under the rain.

The tears of Heavens beat against my back and the flesh of the Earth dirty my feet.

I find an unfinished patio to shield Asahi and I from the rain.

Tears fall out of my eyes, "Should we just run away? Your father doesn't seem to know how to find us anymore."

Asahi's two little eyebrows squish together and upward. His mouth forms an adorable frown.

"I miss the days I spent with your grandma and grandpa, and your uncles and aunts. I miss the days when I only vaguely remember and wonder about your father's existence as a faint wishful memory from the past."

My son blurts with a loud cry and plundering tears.

"I'm sorry," I try to calm him while crying myself. "How about we go find your father instead?"

"Yeah, how about that?" I hug the infant tightly and kiss his cheek, "Let's find your father together before your sibling is born."

"So you are admitting that you're pregnant?" I feel a quite tap on my shoulder along with Claire's present.

The cold rain finally dig deep into my bone and my soul sucked out of me.

"Seize the Queen!" Claire orders the female warriors.

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