Whispering Words

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"I don't like it. Please don't bring it up anymore," Alosrin gives Ajax a serious face before turning to Borscht. "I'll also write a letter to my son because I think it is only right that I help fix what I've started."

Jassin nods in satisfaction, "Then it will be good to wed this person to young master Borscht."

"No. That I disagree," Borscht shakes his head.

"I can't approve of that either," Aguano snares at Niltiocles, twitching from sincere disapproval.

Niltiocles turns his head away to avoid the Leire's glares, "It's a mutual disapproval. I don't find playboys appealing."

"Oh you take that back. My baby brother is cute and adorable and will make a perfect spouse if a shithead like you ever get the chance to marry," Aguano grabs Niltiocles by the collars.

Borscht tries to peel his brother off of Niltiocles unsuccessfully.

Jotan roars and the room goes silent before returning to be civilized again.

"If Borscht marries him, we can decrease, if not stop, Nuisin's motivations on interfering with Aarthian politics." Then Jassin curls a corner of his mouth, "And why don't you adopt a child while all of these things are happening?"

Borscht sneaks in a deep breath and keeps his lips sealed.

"Who should we adopt? Being a descendant of the Royal Family, the child must have peachy pale skin, silky silver hair, and deep blue eyes. I dare say finding a child to raise with those criterias is impossible," Aguano states his concerns.

Niltiocles quickly turns to Jassin, "You guys aren't planning to steal my child and kill my wife are you?"

"The things that come out of your mouth are so ridiculous," Aguano pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You're marrying my baby brother, why do you care—"

"It's fine," Borscht pulls Aguano aside.

Jassin clears his throat, "And as for Prince Ajax and Mistress Alosrin, it's best that you both continue the journey you're already on. My only request is that you bring back King Artemis and his wife, the son of Nuisin. Hopefully they'll know how to undo Jotan's situation."

Alosrin bites the corner of his bottom lip, and Jassin asserts, "Unless you already know how to undo—"

"No. That isn't what I'm hesitating about. I fear, according to Artemis, that Juda is already in the care of—Sorry, I can't say that. Anyway, it is uncertain whether Juda may still be alive so please don't pray too much."

"Then can I assume you know how to undo the spell?" Jassin lowers his brows with a cunning smile.

The elf shakes his head, "I don't practice magic."

Ajax flinches as soon as he hear Alosrin's words because he is certain he had seen Alosrin perform magic.

"I don't know any magic," Alosrin articulates his words well to Ajax and Jassin. "But, I'm sure Artemis may be able to help if he receives guidance from Lady Gao-Jer's maid."

"Isn't she just a lowly maid?" Ajax places a finger on his chin, trying to recall an image of Omega.

"She's actually a myth like I am," Alosrin answers. "She is Artemis's destined partner."

"Wait," Ajax pushes his arms out. "Didn't Jassin just say King Artemis has a wife? And you called the wife Juda. Now you're saying Gao-Jer's maid is not a human and also King Artemis's destined partner?"

"He's quite a special person." Alosrin then pulls at Jassin's arm to depart, "I would like to speak with you in private if possible. And Borscht, I'll write my letter after this. Let's send them together."

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