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Ragathiel has a staring contest with the children who sit nervously in a line before him. His golden eyes watch them carefully.

Jaufasi yawns and throws his head on Niowei's lap and legs on Arabret's lap while cuddling his fish.

"You're so spoiled," Ragathiel comments.

The little dragon turns his back on the spiteful fairy, "And you smell bad."

Niowei and Arabret hold in their laughter while the vengeful fairy flushes with anger from a childish tease.

"You smell even badder now," Jaufasi pinches his nostrils with a fowl expression.

Arabret couldn't help a chuckle and pretends he could smell the fairy stench as well.

Ragathiel narrows his eyes and glares at the young children, "Brats!"

Artemis knocks on the door that is fully opened, "Do my children need your supervision? Why are you watching them, Ragathiel?"

"Vretiel asked me to," the fairy stands up to the dragon and notices the ring on the elf's finger. "When did Enzumins wear accessories?"

"It's good to see you too, Ragathiel. It has been a while," Alosrin moves pass Artemis and toward the children.

"Daddy!" Jaufasi gets off the older children and runs to embrace his father once more. "Where's mommy?"

The fairy chuckles viciously, "Are you going to tell your son that you killed his mother? Oh wait. Did I just now... Sorry."

"Daddy?" Jaufasi looks up at his father, waiting for a denial. Then as Artemis continues to stay mute, the little dragon begins to quiver with tears flowing out of his big ruby eyes.

He griefs loudly, refusing comfort from his father and the other children.

Alosrin kneels before the little boy with open arms, "Come here buddy. It's going to be okay."

"My mommy. I want my mommy," Juafasi cries in the bosom he has been sleeping with.

Niowei and Arabret squeeze in and help Jaufasi grief his mother's final death.

Artemis stares at his son, feeling utterly helpless. He wishes things were different because he too wants Juda to be alive. Juda was practically dead when he met him in the time chamber.

Ragathiel stands on the side, very pleased with the atmosphere he had effortlessly conjured. And he says, "Vretiel would like to see all of you in the throne room."

"Tell him we're grieving. We will not present ourselves," Alosrin retorts.

"I don't think so," Ragathiel scoffs and snaps his finger.

Their surroundings in an instant become the throne room. The mortal throne is occupied by Vretiel who sits with heavy importance; and at his feet on the stairs up to the throne lies Da'an Ryul in the pool of his own blood barely conscious.

Alosrin quickly turns his body so that the wailing children couldn't see the violence presented.

"What is your purpose, Vretiel?" Artemis takes a step forward. "Is this how you treat your own brother?"

The golden fairy laughs hysterically at the question Artemis asked.

"My dear mortal brother," Vretiel sighs softly with his foot brushing blood soaked hair. "If only you know your place and didn't try to outwit me... Alosrin, did you know I almost killed him but he exchange a little secret for his life?"

Artemis and Alosrin glance at one another.

"Oh. It seems you are aware," Vretiel clicks his tongue. "And yet you carried my son still. It must mean that you do see the reasons for a superior lineage."

"Mommy?" Niowei raises an eyebrow at her mother.

"He's lying, Yllathanise. The baby is your father's child just like you are," Artemis quickly answers for his best friend.

Niowei smiles at her mother, believing that her wish has come true. She's getting a baby sister.

"I could care less about how you'll explain it to your daughter, Alosrin. I only want the child made between you and me." Vretiel stands up and glares down at Da'an Ryul, "My mortal brother was stupid, but at least he's smart enough to know the importance of superior children like I do."

Artemis takes it upon himself to stand in Vretiel's way to Alosrin.

"Dragons are so loyal. That's what makes you people so disgusting to be around," Vretiel rolls his eyes with a sinister grin.

Vretiel twitches a finger at Ragathiel who then jumps to pin Artemis down.

Alosrin peeks over his shoulder and sees Vretiel slowly approaching him, "As long as Artemis and I are alive, the Fairies will never have sovereignty over the Northern Continent!"

"And how are you two going to ensure such a claim? You're going to run back to a mortal who is morally obligated to his libido and Artemis already killed his partner. I'll say that Elves and Dragons no longer have any claim over the Northern Continent."

Vretiel laughs like no one else is in the same room as him. He is the master of his will, and he had already conquered destiny.

Artemis roars with fire to encase the vengeful fairy's face and escapes to attack Vretiel from behind.

"Is this why you were willing to put a permanent end to your lover?" Vretiel turns to block the dragon's rage.

Alosrin uses this opportunity to arrest Vretiel from the rear and pins the powerful Fairy Crown Prince with simple physical force.

Vretiel screeches in pain, "You whore! Let go of me!"

Artemis struggles to keep Ragathiel under his wits as he spent a lot of energy fighting the two fairies the day before.

"Let go of me, you whore! How many men are you going to conceive with? You don't deserve to be a fucking mother, bitch!" Vretiel continues to throw insults at Alosrin rather than begging for his life.

"If I've known it was your child, I would've killed it," Alosrin whispers softly next to Vretiel's ear before knocking him out all together.

"Your Highness!"

In an instant as Ragathiel is distracted by Vretiel, Artemis flies to Alosrin and the children, and takes them away in great height.

It is only when the sun begins to set in the West as they fly toward what is left of the Northwestern Mountains that Artemis realizes what he has done.

"Alosrin, we took Arabret by mistake," the mighty dragon says quietly as the children sleep on Alosrin's lap.

"It's okay," Alosrin pats the bouncy brown hair. "He is our son now."

"Our son?"

"Will you marry me, Artemis?"

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