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My Birthday's special!! 🥳 Enjoy!

It is early in the morning before Maeve's roosters crow that he is woken up by the sensation to disgorge.

And after he has bend down to expel, his head feels light and the vision is undetermined because it's already still very dark.

Maeve recalls when he was pregnant with Nisara and he didn't have all these craziness so early on.

He fears that Nisara might cry if he wakes up and doesn't see him, so Maeve takes the baby with him to see the only two people who know about the pregnancy.

Caria and Aguano follows behind Maeve meanwhile Kay and Borscht stays to guard Nillin who is still sleeping in their room.

"What's wrong?" Caria asks.

"I have a few words to ask Mother about," Maeve replies ambiguously, hoping to keep the secret as quiet as he can else someone might try to hurt him again.

After a few knocks, Alosrin opens his doors with a sleepy and confused look. He lets Maeve and Nisara in but shuts the doors on Caria and Aguano.

Maeve hands Nisara to Alosrin as soon as they're alone to hurl away his morning sickness once more.

"It will be hard to hide this," Alosrin lays Nisara next to Niowei and then goes to help Maeve sit down.

"I don't remember it being this bad so early on," Maeve says after whipping away his forehead sweats. "What should I do to hide this? I don't want last time to repeat itself."

A few moments past and Alosrin answers, "It is best if you tell your brothers and sisters-in-law. Then someone can stay and help you in ways I can't."

Maeve nods his head, "I'll tell Joan later today... I don't want another miscarriage."

"It's okay. I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen," Alosrin pulls Maeve into his arms and pats his head. "I'll stay until I see that you can take care of the child well along with Nisara."

"Thank you."

"Now, allow me to massage your head and shoulders."

"Thank you, Mother."

And as Alosrin massages Maeve's head and shoulders, he says, "Pour yourself some water and eat those snacks on the table before you. You should drink as often as you can and eat snacks so you wouldn't feel so tired."

"Thank you," Maeve answers happily and takes a bite of the treats. "This one smell like you."

Alosrin chuckles and nods his head, "They're Yllathanise's favorite."

"Would you mind teaching me how to make these?"

"Only if you're willing to learn."

After Alosrin's fingers and arms got tired, he says, "Come back again later if you want another massage. We should get some sleep before the sun rises from the East."

Maeve abides and takes Nisara back to their room.

Kay and Borscht opens the door for them, and when Maeve steps a foot into the room, he freezes on the spot.

Nillin sleeps quietly as Gao-Jer tries to sneak into the bed beside him.

"Caria, please take care of this for me," Maeve steps back out and turns the other way.

The attendants peek their head through the door frame and each shakes their head.

Maeve wanders further from the scene until he is approached by Yasana, "Good morning."

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