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"Now that you got the confession you want, anyone else want to know more about me?" Alosrin drops the bowl and spoon onto the table.

"Mommy," Niowei whimpers with tearful blue eyes because she is unable to understand the situation nor express the emotions she is feeling.

Alosrin turns to his toddler, "If you want your daddy, you can stay with his family—"

"Alosrin!" Artemis stands abruptly from his seat. "Don't you pour your anger onto your daughter. If you want a punching bag, I'm here."

"So you're here to be my punching bag?" Alosrin gets over to Artemis and punches him to the floor.

"Mommy," Niowei runs over and begs at her mother's feet. "Please be my nice mommy. I don't want a mean mommy. I'll eat my strawberries and do my studies properly. I just want my nice mommy back."

Alosrin drops to the floor and pulls Niowei into his embrace, "I'm sorry, Yllathanise. Please forgive mommy. Were you scared?"

The little girl couldn't speak with snot all over her face so she nods and grabs onto her mother tightly.

Artemis gets up holding a handful of blood under his face.

"Mae, throw me a handkerchief."

I take the one covering Asahi and throw it to Artemis, who then runs out of the library.

Alosrin finally lifts his head and the redness around his eyes make the green irises pop out even more, "I'm sorry about my poor behavior just now. Please excuse us."

They get up and leave in the same direction as Artemis. I think Alosrin would like to apologize and thank Artemis.

Nien, Fiona, and I just stare at one another with our plates before us still full of food.

"Maeve," Nien pulls Fiona closer to her, "We would like you to name our child."

I can feel the honor rushing up to my cheeks and burning my whole.

"I think you two should name your first child together," I look down at Asahi's sleepy eyes. "I'm not great at naming children as you both can already tell."

The young couple exchange looks. Fiona smiles and says, "Then we'll take your advice, but do you have any suggestions?"

"You're really putting me on the spot," I laugh and they do as well. "Give me some times to think about a good name."

We stay quiet and eat our dinner.

I try to keep Asahi awake so he'll eat more since we haven't really eat all day. I'm such a terrible parent.

"Maeve," Nien coughs a little. "What did you mean by Mistress Alosrin fear a rejecting confrontation from Uncle Niltiocles?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't be the one to tell you," I offer a weak smile.

"Artemis told us Mistress Alosrin is incredibly smart, so may I guess that he can somehow resurrect Uncle from the dead?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"Is that also why Niowei stubbornly rejects Artemis? Because she knows it's a matter of mindset that her father will be alive again?"

I shrug my shoulders again.

"If so then do you think Mistress is in the wrong? I mean he could've let Grandmama meet her favorite son before she goes, but he selfishly didn't make it happen."

"Why would you blame Mother so easily?" Fiona grabs Nien's elbow, "Like Mother said, Prince Niltiocles is a coward so why couldn't he also be a coward in this aspect?"

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