Lady Lesly Hienzworth

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The next morning when the early winds still linger, I hear chattering outside my tent which is quite unusual.

Beside me is a beautiful person sleeping with no care in the world. With the little light, I realize how clear his skin is, how thick his silver brows are, and the beauty that he is.

Being this close to Nillin really makes me feel inferior not in masculinity but beauty.

If only I am beautiful too, maybe he might look my way. Even if it's just when I am youthful.

No. I shouldn't being thinking about these things so early in the morning. And so I get up to only realize Carcyne, Caria, Borscht, and Kay are not on the other side of the screen dividers.

"Maeve is not 'our' people and 'that' is not a possibility," I think it is Fagolan. He has this dry and sharp voice that is quite distinctive. I have only heard him a few times but I recognize him right away.

"But I still don't see what's wrong with the representatives of the Masters and Lords wanting to speak with Maeve before we set off today," Trieu is arguing back. "Furthermore, in this kind of circumstances, practicality is a necessity; whereas tradition should be an afterthought until the Revolution is over and done with."

"Then why must they speak with Maeve when Prince Nillin is present and so are 'we', his highness's left and right hands?"

Should I even go out to stop this dispute? From the direction of this conversation, will my present be futile?

However, if this is about me, then isn't it best if I do? Then again, the points Fagolan indicated are quite noteworthy. Not at all are they neglectable.

On the other hand, Trieu is also correct. Practicality is and ought to be the mindset of the war at hand.

I wonder why the representatives want to speak with me? What can I do or know that Prince Nillin, Fagolan, and Trieu don't?

After much contemplation, I give in and exit my tent.

On the Left are Trieu, the representatives of Masters, Borscht, Caria, and also Cassiopeya?

Next on the Right stand Fagolan, the representatives of Lords, Carcyne, Kay, and also Lesly?

So it wasn't my pregnant hallucination.

"What is going on here?" I make sure to project my voice carefully and watch out for grammar.

"Lord Aguano of Thempolis and other Masters' Representatives would like to speak with you, Brother Maeve," Trieu bows his head. "Representative Lord Aguano, please inform us all 'why'.

"Ugh-Yes. Princess Maeve," Aguano begins. "I hope you remember why Master Leire partakes in the Revolution. I want to remind you why and see if we should continue to be part of the Revolution."

"What's this!" Fagolan's temper explodes. "Why haven't I heard of this? Are all the Masters like this?"

"Only most Masters and also most of the Lords," Lord Jin's Representative answers Fagolan. "Although I believe it is improper, I would still like an answer from Lord Maeve about our support."

"Then speak now that Maeve is here!" Fagolan moves to the side and crosses his arms like a child in tantrum.

Fagolan's actions allow the representatives more ease of mind. Master Donita's Representative steps forward, "I believe I speak for all when I say I would like to hear your answer privately."

Answer for what! Ops. Never mind. I know.

Although I am not sure if Lexin is here in hiding or not, they want reassurance as to whether or not Master Hienzworth is still with the Revolution.

I glance at Fagolan's attitude and then to the many Masters and Lords' Representatives. If I am going to answer each and everyone of their insecurity, we will be here all afternoon before traveling to the headquarter.

We are already really low on supplies (I am guessing this due to I am eating with the assumption that the heir is top priority).

Lesly and I happen to make eyes contact. She appears frightened while sucking in her lips.

Her presence gives me an idea.

"Lady Lesly." She jolts nervously. I continue to ask her, "Are you here representing Master Hienzworth of Asandria?"

"Yes." Lesly nods after a deep breath almost uncatchable by the eyes.

I lock my hands together in front of me, "I hope that answers many things. We all should focus on getting to the headquarter. If you are in need of anymore inquiries, please hold your concerns until we've reached our destination."

"However, if there is an urgent case, I would like for you all to consult Lady Lesly Hienzworth, who is 'like' Master Hienzworth himself, or Major General Fagolan and Commander General Trieu, who are like Prince Nillin and I."

Hopefully with this, the side of practicality and the side of traditions can stand firm together without contradiction.

However, I know what's on 'your' mind. How can I trust Lesly, the brat and spoiled noble?

Easy. I choose to believe that she can do it if she is representing her brother and her entire clan. Who in their right mind soil their loving brother's good name?

Aguano and Trieu begin clapping their hands follow by everyone with the exception of Cassiopeya and Fagolan. Afterall, Lesly isn't just representing herself anymore.

Furthermore, her presence here now make sense. Although, I do recall Lexin mentioning him 'and' Lesly departing to Asandria.

I do a little smile and bow before entering my tent with a heart that wants to break through the very rib cages that are protecting it.

Man. That was scaring. But good thinking Maeve.

My stomach growls. I rub my belly, "I know honey. Me too."

Then it hits me. How is it that 'they' don't know Lexin left? Shouldn't he had assured his assistance to the Revolution to the representatives before his departure?

Furthermore, if Lesly is to be in his place, why no one knew of it?

I should've never take my eyes off the chessboard. How many moves did 'they' made? And how many moves did we made?

Who's winning?

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