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In the early morning when Alosrin wakes from his long slumber, Niowei is there beside him all curled up.

He couldn't believe his eyes because they're seeing his precious daughter again.

Tears fall from his emerald eyes as he leans down to kiss the sweet little girl.

Then he feels the warmth from her cheek, and he falls in love with the being before him again.

"Mommy, that tickles," Niowei chuckles and gently pushes her mother's face away.

"I love you," Alosrin whispers when he heard her voice and understood it.

"I miss mommy lots and lots!" The little girl wraps her arms around Alosrin's neck and cries tears of relief and joy.

Alosrin takes Niowei into his arms and embraces her with all his might.

He wipes her tears while weeps his own, "How's my little darling? Are you eating well?"

"Don't cry mommy. I'm doing well and I'm eating my strawberries too. I've been a really good girl, mommy."

Little hands pat down the wet compressed dark cheeks.

The little girl leans forward and gives her mother a soft kiss on the lips, "I miss you, mommy."

"Mommy misses Yllathanise more," Alosrin smiles beautifully, showing a mind at peace.

Meanwhile, Juda, Artemis, and Yasana have their backs against the doors to Alosrin and Niowei.

Juda's heart sinks like water on sand because he knows that his father's plan is coming.

Artemis takes Juda's hand and recalls his dream from a few nights prior. His dreams haven't done him wrong, so he fears this time might be true as well.

The young and handsome dragon hears the betrayal of his potential lover creeping up far behind him.

Yasana pretends she doesn't see anything and concludes that the interruption of the warmth inside is better than the discomfort she's feeling now.

She pushes the doors open, and walks into the room with a soft smile.

Niowei rushes to hide behind her mother, feeling rejected by Yasana as her teacher.

"What's wrong, darling?" Alosrin turns to pick Niowei back onto his lap.

"How are you feeling, Alosrin?" Yasana reaches for Alosrin wrist for a check.

"I'm doing much better. Thank you for saving me."

"I'm just glad you're doing better," Yasana slides to the back of Alosrin's neck to check his temperature.

"What was wrong with me?"

Yasana changes her gaze toward her uncle, "I think it's better if you ask Uncle Artemis."

The dragon is still holding Juda's hand and answers, "Let's talk after breakfast, Alosrin. You should eat and bathe first."

"Are you suggesting that I stink?" Alosrin pulls a laughing smirk.

"Maybe," Artemis teases back.

While Alosrin and Niowei enjoy their breakfast with Yasana, Artemis hides Juda and himself in the grove of darkfever trees.

"What can I do to make you happy?" Artemis places Juda's hands against his throbbing heart.

The fairy winces away, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You are safe with me," Artemis smells Juda's scent.

"But I am most frightened when I'm with you," Juda's replies with a dry voice and every word is as he is gasping for air.

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