A Grace of Good

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During a stop for lunch, Alosrin took Nisara and Niowei with him to eat while Yasana stays with Maeve.

"I'll be fine. You should go eat," Maeve tried to put on a strong impression.

"Are you sure?" Yasana hesitates to leave but her stomach grumbles and couldn't compromise with the hunger.

Then as Yasana steps in line for the food, Alosrin pulls her aside, "You told me to be responsible and here you are. This is also your share, so watch and feed these two."

Yasana sucks in her lips shamefully with Niowei and Nisara in her care now.

Alosrin rushes back to see a man with a crown on the other side of the carriage, staring at Maeve's sleeping face.

Already guessed who it could be, Alosrin closes the doors and draws the windows.

"As the rumors said, the Aarthian Queen is truly a beauty to behold," Ajax reopens the door on his side. "But I after seeing you, I'm not sure who is the Aarthian Queen?"

"Your Highness shall learn soon enough since this is not a good time or place to make this conversation," Alosrin reveals his face to further confuse Ajax.

"Your voice is that of a man but a face of a woman. The other one has a woman's body. Surely you are the Queen of Aarth and she is your double."

"Then you should know that I am married to the King of Aarth. Please leave."

Ajax turns his head to the right and greets a person walking toward them.

"It's an honor to meet you, Crown Prince Ajax of Huca, yet I cannot permit your position here next to the Queen's carriage," Griflet bows before the royalty.

When he lifts he head and sees Alosrin's face, his body freezes as if he has seen a ghost.

And when he comes to, he flinches at Alosrin's image again and falls onto his bottom.

"You lied to me," Ajax clicks his tongue at Alosrin flirtatiously. "You're not the Queen of Aarth, who are you?"

"It matters not who I am, but that you ought not to be here," Alosrin lowers his lashes, closes the door, and hold on to it, making sure Ajax can't open it again.

Maeve slowly wakes and asks, "Mother, what's going on?"

"A pervert trying to peek at you."

"Is it William?"

"No. It was the Crown Prince of Huca," Alosrin tries to ease Maeve's worries. "Where are your guards?"

Maeve averts his eyes shamefully, "I encouraged them to grab a bite to eat. I didn't think anyone would care to peek since this isn't where I said I was going to be."

"Since it has come to this, I'll stay by your side until I see that you're no longer in immediate danger. Don't make me worry about you so much," Alosrin says with an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry, but thank you for doing this," Maeve shyly smile at tough love.

Alosrin sighs and asks, "Do you see me as your Mother?"

Maeve narrows his brows and nervously answers, "Please don't be angered, but Mother sincerely reminds myself of my Mother—I mean Artemis's mother. But if it is uncomfortable for you, please tell me and I'll treat you the way you want me to."

"It's not that serious since you are my nephew and my son-in-law. I'm glad you consider me as a mother of yours."

"Even if I'm not your nephew and simply your son-in-law through Nillin, I will still love and respect you as if you're my mother," Maeve replies with a soft and tender voice. "I'm glad I'm married into your family."

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