Arabret of Kalor

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Far West in the Kingdom of Kalor, Arabret sits in his study room with the Dawerilium nails that were taken out of Juda's limbs.

Someone comes in and throws a cover on the nails with a condescending smile, "You didn't even have this sunken attitude when your mother, father, uncle, and grandparents die, but you're carrying it quite a long time for this man you called 'mom'."

"Shut up," Arabret opens a book and pretends to study.

"See what I mean?" The person sits on a chair on the other side of Arabret's desk. "You should be happy I didn't kill you."

"Isn't that because you need me to prove your legitimacy on the throne?" Arabret sighs and blocks the person's face with his book.

The person chuckles, uncovers the Dawerilium nails, and inspects them in a nervy manner.

Arabret snatches them out of the person's hands, "Don't touch them without my permission."

"Must you be greedy? Soon what is yours will also be mine."

The young prince makes a disgorging motion to show his disgust of the person's evil intention.

The person forces a kiss on the little boy's cheek, "So cheeky, but I like it. Sleep well for the ball tomorrow, I don't want the people to think I'm not taking care of their precious last Prince."

Arabret furiously wipes his cheek with a sickened face while he also walk to his sleeping chamber with the Dawerilium nails in his arms.

After a wash, Arabret dismisses his maids and lays on his bed with his eyes wide open.

"Jaufasi is must hate me forever. I let our mom died," Arabret grips at a nail tightly at his chest.

When morning comes, the maids wake the boy up, getting him ready to greet the guests that are coming from out of the country.

"We've ready the plan," a maid whispers into his ears as she styles his bouncy brown hair.

"Thank you all. I won't forget you when I return to be King," Arabret gently pats each of the maids on their head.

"Must Prince Arabret go alone? At least one of us should go with you."

The boy shakes his head, "I don't want the ones who stay behind to be in trouble, so I rather go alone. I promise that I'll return."

"It matters not what the Regent will do to us as long as you are safe, my Prince."

"Thank you," Arabret wipes the tears on their faces and exits his room with the Regent approaching him.

"Go in and restraint all of them," the Regent yawns at the guards following him and drags Arabret with him.

Arabret slightly narrows his brows, hiding away his anger.

"I don't mind if you make all of these attempts, but if you really care for your people, you'll submit yourself to me," the Regent's voice is dry like what he said is thought of on the fly.

"Aren't they your people too? Why are you hurting them to get to me?"

The Regent chuckles and says nothing of it.

They go down to the throne room, Arabret sits on the throne and the Regent stands beside him.

A line of gifts trails behind each guests that came through the giant gates to the throne room.

"His Majesty, Queen Maeve of Aarth, couldn't come so I, Jin the Tenth, son of Lord Jin of Aarth, come as his proxy. Please accept these gifts."

Arabret smiles when he heard Maeve's name, but then frowns when he learns that Maeve couldn't come.

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