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"As of this moment forward," Jotan stands and projects his voice throughout the echoing hall. "Lord and Master Leire and Thempolis is in alliance with Prince Nillin and Princess Maeve!"

"I won't allow you!" The middle brother charges at Jotan along with his followers.

The Masters and Lords each sends a soldier to protect Jotan for he is now one of us.

"Are you all dumb? How can you respect someone like that to be a Master from the Leire family?" He stands before the soldiers and demands the Masters and Lords to retrieve their proxies.

He points to Jotan with his spear, "He is born of incest when my grandmother raped my father! I'm the real heir for the Master Liere's title!"

"Then join Prince Nillin's!" Griflet yawns in annoyance, "I'm speaking honestly here. I also don't want this sort of scandal smearing Prince Nillin's good name and will."

"You know I won't do that! As you are following his will, I'm following my father's will." He turns to face Griflet and spends only a second to glance at me.

I know he wants to say that I am already a bad scandal for Nillin.

He feels as though speaking to Griflet and the rest of us is like talking to a wall. The only one who truly can do anything about Jotan is Borscht in his opinion.

"Don't you feel disgusted to be related to 'him'? Do you call him uncle or brother?"

"You're wrong Aguano," Borscht shakes his head with tears of love and anger, "Father is not as great or right as you think he is, and that was why I left."

Borscht turns to Jotan, "I leave Aguano in your care as long as you do as you promised me."

Jotan nods, raises his arm slightly, and guards restrain Aguano and his followers.

We then enjoy the feast Jotan has prepared for us.

It is a little hard to swallow the food.

I return to my room as Griflet and Lexin and others arrange our next travel to meet Master Sihipe of Boursic.

My heart is still racing from what I did earlier. I didn't know I have it in me.

I begin to reimagine the situation again and trying to relive it while asking myself, 'Was that really the best outcome? What can be improved if there is a next time?'

Let me remember it reverse. Um... That's too hard. I'm hungry.

But I don't want to eat.

Aguano. I think he was too straightforward. I especially dislike the part where he revealed the scandal in front of everyone.

I mean it's something I would personally never do-or pray that I never would.

It's a family secret where everyone takes it to their graves.

If I recall, there is a saying for this. 'When you poop, have the guilt to cover it up with dirt.'

Maybe it's something else, I don't quite recall it.

Nonetheless, I think Aguano is a 'good' guy. Right? He cares for the old and their will, he just don't know 'his' way yet.

He might be useful for my goals since he is strong, and just not very likable to the average person.

Then I decide to get up from my bed and exit my room to find Aguano-but consulting Lexin first might be better.

"Lord Maeve," Caria follows me as I walk down the hall. "Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I want to speak with Master Lexin concerning something."

"And that is? Master Lexin is quite busy at the moment," she catches up and stops me.

My eyes stare into hers, "I don't want to lose this chance. We need a loyal person like 'him' on our side, but I just want to know if Master Lexin would agree with me."

"Agree with you about what?" Master Lexin walks toward Caria and I from a distance along with Kay and Borscht.

All four of them are all the people I trust.

"I want to try and convince Lord Aguano to our side."

"How might he be a good asset?" Kay's thick brows rise, "Sir Borscht is his blood brother and yet he is unable to. I'm not questioning Lord Maeve's abilities, but..."

Kay doesn't need to finish his sentence for I already know what my status portray myself as.

And that is a cute 'wife', someone who bears children and takes care of the children, and keep themself faithful and beautiful for their husband.

That is how I'm seen as.

"Go for it." Lexin's eyes smile at me with encouragement. It lifts my heavy heart just now.

"Thank you, Master Lexin," I can't help but reveal a tiny curl of my lips upon my cheek. "Where might I find Lord Aguano?"

"Allow me to show you the way, 'Princess'," Borscht does a little bow with a held in laughter.

He's probably mimicking his older brother. Borscht is still such a child.

Caria, Borchst, and I go up a tower near the North Gate where there isn't much activities happening since it is the South Gate that faces the city of Thempolis.

"Well, well. I feel so honored. The 'Princess' has come to visit me," Aguano slouches on a comfortable bed behind iron bars.

I can't believe it!

I want to correct him and everyone else once and for all that I'm not a fucking princess, but I bite my tongue and endure the harassment.

"Do you want to know why people would rather have Lord Jotan as the new Master Leire instead of you?"

Aguano seems surprised as if I'm not what he initially expected.


"What is?"

"That you of all people know how to ask me a question like that, and you're not a curve ball either," Aguano's eyes are wide and I feel as if he is mocking me.

But I must endure. This man may smell and be irritating, but he will be a great asset to 'us'.

I put on a fake smile, "Of course. I am the man who is able to charm a Prince to become a Princess."

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