A King's Tears

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Jassin quickly gets up and reaches to check Maeve's pulse.

"Don't touch my wife!"

"Idiot! I'm just checking his pulse. Quit being so fucking possessive," Jassin rolls his eyes and listens for the pulse. "It's weak and getting weaker. He needs medical attention."

"What's going on? We heard—" Borscht gasps when he sees Maeve in Nillin's arms in a pool of blood. "Nilyan, help them get the Queen back indoors. I'll personally go get our best physicians."

Because Yasana sleeps like a log, she does not realize what has happened until she goes to sooth her cousins.

"Where's the Queen? She's usually here before I am," Yasana asks Sudra and Bianca.

They look at each other and answer, "We weren't allowed to dress their Highnesses this morning. We think another prince is along the way."

"They need a princess," Yasana smiles annoyingly. "I want a girl to play with. I'm tired of all my male cousins."

Yasana gives them Niran to wash and breastfeed while she takes care of Nisara who is more hyper and crazy.

Then they eat breakfast together like any other morning that Maeve and Nillin were too busy for the children.

"You would think they are done by now," Yasana rubs her chin after the children take a nap.

She leaves the children for Sudra and Bianca as she waits patiently outside the King and Queen's sleeping chamber.

Oddly enough, Jassin comes out of their room with widened eyes and quickly goes back inside.

Yasana tilts her head to the side, wondering if her uncle and his husband are a little kinky.

After a few loud shouts from inside the room, Nillin comes out with dried tears on his cheeks and sits beside Yasana. He whispers softly, "Will you tell your father and uncles if I tell you that Maeve is dying?"

Words do not come out of Yasana's mouth and she simply flutters her lashes a few times.

"I'm sorry—"

"May I see Uncle Maeve?" Yasana gets up and turns the knot but has not pushed the door to open yet.

Nillin gives a painful nod.

As soon as the door opens, Yasana can smell the overwhelming dead blood and a little bit of a forest floor.

The physicians move aside for Yasana to come see.

Her eyes water and her cheeks burn with sadness. She kneels beside the bed and takes Maeve's hand in hers, "Why didn't you tell me? Was I not trustworthy? Was I too childish to understand your pain? Was I... Did I not show enough of my love?"

"It's not your fault," Nillin places a hand on her shoulder.

Without saying another word, Yasana wipes her tears and quiets her voice. She uncovers Maeve's body and sees all the internal bleeding.

The stench in the room increases ten folds and the mortal physicians all turn their head to gag a little.

"Please take them out," Yasana sounds effortless as she checks every corner of her uncle's body.

After it is only her and the dying body, she opens her paws and whispers enchanting spells.

She heals the torn and fragile skins, but is fruitless. The more she heals, the more damaged Maeve looks.

Yasana spends a day there with only small advancement. She opens a window and throws out three balls of flames. One to the South. And Two to the West.

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