Returning to Diaster

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"Who do you love? Ithronel or Alosrin?" I catch myself asking.

Artemis chuckles, "That's unexpected. I love both and neither. I think of them as my friends rather than anything else. Like how Trieu always said, my dragon heart is made of rocks and stones. I don't know what love is."

"Now go back out and tell them it's okay. I'll also leave Niowei in your care until Alosrin gets better," he pushes my shoulder so I'll get out.

At the desks that we made them into our dinner table, stands two groups disputing civilly about whether or not to resurrect Prince Niltiocles.

I can't believe Nien and Fiona would reveal that Alosrin could bring Prince Niltiocles back from the dead.

I ignore them all together and take Niowei and Asahi up to my room.

They seem really tired so I just swipe their bodies rather than giving them baths, and sleep quietly for that night—not!

Niowei wakes up in the middle of the night asking about her mother which also wakes Asahi up.

All night long, I was unable to convince her that her mother is fine and is sleeping in the next room.

She and I stay up with her telling me about how she wanted her mother to be okay even if without her father in their lives.

In honesty, listening to her complex thoughts really help me understand why she wanted her father so badly in the first place.

Niowei doesn't just want a full family for herself, she wants Alosrin to also experience a full family where there is a father, a mother, and a child.

"I hate them all because they said I don't have a daddy because my mommy didn't have one to stop him from having me," Niowei wipes her snot with her hands.

I take a nearby towel and wipe her face and hands, "I'm glad you want that for your mommy, but the people who said that about your mommy is gone now; so maybe your mommy is all you need."

"No. I know my mommy needs my daddy too because when he sleeps he calls out my daddy's name."

It must be tough for Alosrin to have such a bright yet stubborn child.

"I miss my grandma too," she sniffs and her throat got tighter again. "I feel like everybody is just leaving me. Am I a curse, Asahi's mom?"

"No. You're not a curse. If anything you're a blessing to your parents and grandma and to all of us," I pat her soft silky hair.

"Can I go see my mommy tomorrow? If I can, I'll sleep right now," her voice is squeaking but she's still bargaining.

"Yes. You can go see your mommy tomorrow," I bite my bottom lip hoping I won't regret this tomorrow.

Then she finally sleeps but my body tells me it's like four in the morning.

I think it's a little later that Asahi wakes up and demands a bath (because we've been doing that every morning).

We bathe and I feed Asahi to his full, but Niowei is still sleeping soundly on the bed.

I check her temperature, but she seems fine. She must be tired.

Fiona knocks on the door, "Is My Queen awake?"

"Yes. Please come in."

She walks into the room with Niowei's change of clothes and a tray of food, "I brought My Queen and Princess Niowei breakfast."

"Thank you. You're my hero, Fiona," Asahi and I dig in immediately.

Of course we're not animals and saved Niowei her portion.

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