The Ones Left Behind Part II

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The fairy shakes his head, "No. Artemis is yours to keep since he isn't mine in the first place. But for Jaufasi, I ask that you can grow to love him as if he is yours, and I'll forever be grateful for your kindness and pray for your happiness."

Although Artemis is hurt by Juda's words, he keeps his silent for not wanting to hurt Omega too.

"What if I say I can't ever love him since he'll remind Artemis and I of you?" Omega leans on Artemis's shoulder with a little cockiness.

Juda couldn't care less about them, but looks up to reply, "I would take him with me if I could, but I can't so I beg that you two will forgive him. Don't blame him because of me. He'll forget me soon and call you his mother."

"Why can't you take him? Is it because you're a failed assassin since you couldn't kill his boy," Omega chuckles as she gestures to boy she's holding.

"Yes. So I can't take him. My client is looking for my head as we speak."

"No matter the client, he wouldn't dare hurt the wife or child of the Northwestern Dragon King."

Juda glances at Artemis before looking away with a chuckle, "You're exactly right, and that's why I beg that you two will take in my son."

Omega's smile fades, feeling as though she is stomped by her own words.

The little dragon's hands begin searching until they touch and grab Juda's hand. He sniffs it and shots his eyes open, "Mommy? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me," Juda kisses his already wet cheeks with a big smile.

"So I found mommy?" Jaufasi clings onto Juda's neck and tries to stop his own crying.

"Good job for finding me," Juda takes his son and moves away from the fire.

He waits until Jaufasi stops crying before telling him, "Don't try to find me anymore because I'm already with you."

"In here," Juda points to Jaufasi's heart after seeing his confused face.

"But that's not enough. I want to see mommy and be in mommy's arms like this. I want to smell mommy like this. I want to kiss mommy like this. Please take me with you," the boy pouts with big dazzling ruby eyes.

"Me too, Jau-Jau, my precious black pearl. I want to do all of those things with you too, but we must be content with what we can get," Juda smiles and kisses the boy again.

"Then promise that you'll be my mommy forever and ever," Jaufasi pulls out a pinky.

The fairy smiles helplessly and locks his pinky with the boy, "I will be your mommy no matter what. Even when we can't see each other, I'll continue to be your mommy. Nothing can ever change that."

"Be strong my son. Do your best to be the kind of person you can be proud of to tell me when we meet again," Juda masks his pain by hugging his son quietly.

"Okay. I promise," Jaufasi giggles, simply enjoying his mother's embrace.

Juda laughs not because of how adorable Jaufasi is but because his time is so short with the person he loves most in the world.

Tears fall by themselves as he is reminded that this is the last ephemeral affair before he must return to the soil below him.

Juda answers all of Jaufasi's questions and curiosities with sugar coated truths, and watches the boy slowly fall into a peaceful slumber as the mellow morning sunlight refracts through the trees.

He carries the boy back to exchange with Omega, but Artemis asks in a sored voice, "May I speak to you privately?"

"I don't think so. Your fiancée wouldn't—"

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